1 (edited by apmuthu 10/07/2014 02:53:18 pm)

Topic: Field crm_contacts.entity_id should be INT

The field crm_contacts.entity_id is used to look up the cust_branch.branch_code in reporting/rep103.php and hence both must be of the same field type. The former is VARCHAR(11) whilst the latter is INT(11). Any reason why the former remains VARCHAR?

The file sales/includes/db/branches_db.inc too uses the entity_id field to lookup the branch_code in a similar way.

Re: Field crm_contacts.entity_id should be INT

Yes, seems this good candidate for change in 2.4.

Re: Field crm_contacts.entity_id should be INT

It should not cause any problems if we change it in v2.3 itself isn't it?