Topic: Disable JavaScript to edit or make changes


I am new to FrontAccounting.

I have installed it / added it to my website, but I have to disable javascript to make any changes.

What have I done wrong?  Can anybody help me, I don't know what I have to do to make sure I don't have to disable JavaScript every time I have to add a customer or make other changes?

Thanks a lot.


Re: Disable JavaScript to edit or make changes

Platform: Windows/Linux ?
PHP, Apache, MySQL versions?
JS should not be disabled to use FA.
Check your browser type and version and see if it has been infected. Remove all cache from the browser.

Re: Disable JavaScript to edit or make changes


What has astricted you switching off javascript ?
Shouldn't you just switch off customers/suppliers/items search filter on Company Setup page?

Re: Disable JavaScript to edit or make changes

The reasen I switched of JS is because of item 0.2 in the FAQ, strange behaviour without error messages ... Just what I encountered ....

The platform I am using is Windows
Browser Google Chrome (version 33.0.1750.146 m)
I use PHPmyadmin (version
MYSQL version 5.1.73

But also my iPad isn't it working properly ...

Thanks a lot for your help so far.

Re: Disable JavaScript to edit or make changes

If you are looking for help here you need to describe the issue a little more precisely than just as  'strange behaviour'.
AFAIK there is no clairvoyant here on the forum.

Re: Disable JavaScript to edit or make changes

If it is windows XP, there there should not be user permissions issue. If it is Win7/8/8.1 then there could be user permissions issues for the folders having the FA code. Are you running it on XAMPP (if so please see the wiki for OpenSSL extension inclusion in php.ini). Check your php.ini settings to see if it satisfies FA's requirements. Also see that some of the .htaccess files are not causing you problems by renaming them temporarily.