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Look into the class FrontReporting in file /reporting/includes/ About line 216, lineHeight = 12.
You can temporarely increase this value to a greater value. Ex.
$rep->lineHeight += 10;
Yoyr code inside the new rowspan...
$rep->lineHeight -= 10;
Maybe you can be inspired to do other things by studying this class.
Use the function rep->NewLine to add extra lines.
Unmark the Search Supplier Lists in Company Setup, Setup tab.
No, but you can create as many payment types as you wish. Just follow the rules when creasting them. Look into the wiki about how to create them.
Yes it is. Check that you do not have the search supplier list in company setup set.
Normally credit notes are used for allocation of invoices. This is the fact when crediting invoices from the customer/supplier transactions.
Using credit notes from the menu choice, Customer/Supplier Credit Notes is also used for allocations. this can be done from the Allocate Payments/Credit notes.
In my opinion a menu link after creating the Credit Notes will raise confusions about how and when to allocate the payments.
In the rare cases where you pay your customer a bank payment, you can use the credit note for allocation of this bank payment.
On the supplier side you create a bank deposit and use a credit note for allocation of the bank deposit.
So I will suggest we just leave it as is.
I guess you mean a Bank Payment, right? To payback to the customer.
Will look into this.
Maybe also a link after the supplier credit note to Bank Deposit or maybe not?
Please clear the browser cache and delete temporary internet pages as well as cookies.
Maybe somebody can help us further here.
It should be written on the screen.
Also have a look into the file
This will also log severe errors.
Please set the global flag, $go_debug in config.php to 1 or 2 to trap any errors.
This is a 2.3.21 security & bugfix release.
Important Note for release 2.3.21.
This version consists crucial security patches, so all FA users running
any earlier 2.3.x application version are encouraged to update their
installations to version 2.3.21 as soon as possible. This applies
especially to all publicly available servers, f.i. installations which
are run in not fully trusted environment like public demos, shared
accounts or SAAS installations.
Added option to allow user password reset (by Mithy).
Changed decimal places in preferences to be number lists instead of input boxes.
Selecting the cancel button in confirming the voiding of document did not work properly.
Fixed sql mode setting for MySql databases greater than release 5.5.
Redirect all database errors to error log unless $go_debug is switched on.
Several security issues fixed.
Allow changing currency on supplier as long as no transactions exist.
Fixed email option labels in Supplier Reports.
Fixed unexpected additional GL postings when tax was used in Supplier Invoice/Credit additional GL lines.
Items and Inventory
Glad that you managed.
Ok, you can send me the url and admin login details to my email. Please use: joe dot hunt dot consulting at gmail dot com.
Replace the dot with a . And at with the @ caharacter. Also trim the spaces.
If you have any table prefix it is in fromt of the table names in the .sql file.
If you need to change this into Another number, then use a texteditor.
This has now been fixed. There was a similar bug in the supplier Credit note.
You can download the files, /purchasing/includes/ and /purchasing/supplier_credit.php1.
Rename the file supplier_credit.php1 to supplier_credit.php.
Then replace these files in respective folder.
The issue is fixed with these two files.
You can also wait until later tonight. A new minor release 2.3.21 is released then and you can just download from, and update your existing installation.
You can also copy the file from your /sql folder to the /company/0/backup folder. If you have file access to the folders, this should be no problem.
After that the en_US-new.sql file will show up in the backup window when you goto Setup tab in FA and select Backup and Restore.
You should then select this file and press Restore Backup.
You are totally free to build the chart of accounts the way you like. Use account groups with parent of another group to fully build it even more detailed if needed.
As long as there are no accounts in a group, this group will not be shown in Balance Sheet and PL Statements.
Please laborate with this on the Training Co.
In the right pane select the option Browse for the en_US-new.sql in the /sql folder. Then upload this file by selecting Upload.
Use an editor to look at this uploaded file. Check that the table prefix (0_)is the same that the table prefix for your company. You can probably see that by looking at one of your backups.
If not the same, then fix the en_US-new.sql file by replacing the 0_ prefix by your own prefix.
Finally restore the file en_US-new by selecting the file and press Restore.
That's it.
This file is situated in the /sql folder of your installation.
You upload it via Setup tab, Backup and Restore. You select this file, and finally you restore this file into your Company.
If this is the en_US-demo.sql data, then you can goto Setup tab, Backup and Bestore and upload the en_US-new.sql data from the /sql folder.
After that you can restore the Company from this file.
Now you have a pretty empty chart of accounts. At least without transactions.
You always enter journal entris into GL accounts. How the accounts are organized is how they are connected to an Account Group. The same is related to which Account Class an Aaccount Group belongs.
If you run a report in Banking and General Ledger, Chart Account List, you will get an overview over the classes and groups as well as the chart of acounts.
You have discovered a bug. We have fixed it now, but are testing for eventually side-effects. Will be fixed asap.
We will put a file here for download when ready.
Thanks for detecting this.
Haven't heard about this before. Will have a look ay this.
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