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This will have no effect, just because only _the_first_ company installed has access to those sensitive areas. So you have now two options: operate on this menu options when you are logged to the first company admin account, or delete the first company at all. Then your current company will became the really first one, and you can use the superadmin options. Changes made in those options are global i.e. visible in all companies.
PS Of course the first company can be removed only manually. If you have 2 companies you can delete the first company by removing it from installed_companies.php file, removing /company/0 folder and renaming company/1 to company/0.
This module was developed at the time when the construct mentioned was not depreciated. I think you can safely ignore the message,or contact the module author.
Jesus, you are really hardcore developer - five hundred lines of bash (working!) code. Its definitely out of my skills scope, but fortunately php scripts can be run from command line
You have to install CLI version of PHP, and you can start. Cron can run any command line program, also php interpreter.
Installing external modules can be dangerous for whole system security, so the only person who can do this is the site administrator i.e. admin of the first installed company. To have those options accessible you have to login as admin to this company.
No, just because Sales Kits are exploded to items and does not exists on the invoice as a set. Sales kit is virtual entity, which exists only at the time of selection. Invoice database in FA cannot store multiply items in sets, just only single items.
You have to adjust Access Setup for your role, then logout and login again.
If you have created database, and still installer try to create it (giving error again), probably the credentials you have entered for access to the database were invalid.
I have deleted the last post, just to save you from spam robots. I hope you have received email from me.
Two scripts for US are included in distribution package (those are /sql/en_US-*.sql files). If you need another localized COA look at our 'Download Chart of Accounts 2.2' page.
Seems you have downloaded and installed improper version of fr_FR-general COA. If you are using latest stable FA version (2.2.8), the right COAs are those from 'Download Chart of Accounts 2.2' section. I have just tested fr_FR-general - it installs and seems to work without problems.
I will contact you directly via email soon.
Answer is no.There is no way for such an operation in FA.
System has to know calculated sales prices for every item, as every item can have different sales account set, and having only single price for whole kit it is not possible to post to right GL accounts.This is why when you use sales kit for this operation, entered price is distributed proportionally over all kit's components.
Ok, no problem. We are anyway busy with other matters currently.
No, you can define items containing a couple of other items as a manufactured product, and this way you can have single price for sale of whole set.
One of such a way is using cart class methods as Joe explained. Depending on target system you can include/call cart class directly using some thin php wrapper or implement external API (soap/xplrpc/hessian) to FA internal model functions.
Regarding custom fields/workflows you know my point of view, but seems that for some reason you are not really determined to turn this idea into reality as before
Yes, of course FA accepts multiply fiscal years data, therefore more than data sets for more than 365 days are obviously supported.
Maybe somebody else on the forum can share their experience using FA for multiply companies ?
Thanks for pointing the naming problem out. I will fix the name in sources.
I guess after setting the right tax to be applied to freight all works right?
Hi guys,
It's a pity to say your code dealing directly with FA database content will not work with next FA major release (within month or so). This is _really_ not right way of integration unless you want to do the same work every couple of months on new releases, or you prefer using current FA version forever.
I'm not sure what you mean, but seems that you should set up 'PST exempt' group instead of 'Both taxes' for freight charge. When you set 'Tax Shipping' option to Yes for the second group you will have tax for 'Shipping charge' input right calculated.
There is no internal limit on size of database other than limits of MySQL itself. We had no reported problems related to database size, so the application should work right, however there are no special tests done. Make test runs and use on your own risk.
Generally during direct invoice 3 transactions are generated: sales order, sales delivery and an invoice.Unfortunately there is no detailed documentation about this, but you can find all the changes in db by investigating all the calls done in write method of class cart (file sales/includes/
All the diagnostic tests are ok, but anyway the message 'Permission denied' means the server cannot write to the files (seems the test made on system diagnostics page is not complete ). If you have any files in company/o/js_cache remove them and try again.
Serial numbers/lot control is very useful, but also a big task. We have considered some time ago the implementation, but there is a lot of smaller, less time consuming features to be done, which still are missing in FA. As we have limited resources the implementation of such bigger tasks have to wait until any third party will be determined enough to implement it and contribute the code FrontAccounting project, or will pay FA dev team for it to be done sooner.
Directory company/0/j_cache have to be writable, but it is not the case on your server. Please check System Diagnostics page under Setup tab. In most cases any installation or server configuration faults are reported here.
Please read also Worrab's posts above. He was kind enough to explain you the problem, and gave advice twice.
No.You have to define two stock items one for 12ps pack and another for single items.
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