Topic: Sales Kits

I have added a saleskit with different components.
When I raise a invoice for the sales kit, all the items in the sales kit are displayed with individual pricing. Is there a way out to hide the individual pricing of the sales kit items in the invoice report?

Re: Sales Kits

If you want to do this, then consider using assembly instead.


Re: Sales Kits

u mean to say under manufacturing module? will it allow to generate invoice from there?

Re: Sales Kits

No, you can define items containing a couple of other items as a manufactured product, and this way you can have single price for sale of whole set.

Re: Sales Kits

thank you for pointing out that. :-)

Re: Sales Kits

actually I have items in the inventory. I club them together and sell it as one product. And in the invoice it should display the price for the whole set. But the items should be listed. And at the same time the inventory should get updated by reducing the sold items qty from the inventory. Because these items are purchased from different vendors and are lying in our inventory.

Re: Sales Kits

Answer is no.There is no way for such an operation in FA.
System has to know calculated sales prices for every item, as every item can have different sales account set, and having only single price for whole kit it is not possible to post to right GL accounts.This is why when you use sales kit for this operation, entered price is distributed proportionally over all kit's components.


Re: Sales Kits

I understand that internally the operation has to be the way it is. But can we atleast hide the itemwise price in the invoice for Sales Kits only?

Re: Sales Kits

No, just because Sales Kits are exploded to items and does not exists on the invoice as a set. Sales kit is virtual entity, which exists only at the time of selection. Invoice database in FA cannot store multiply items in sets, just only single items.
