Topic: new company non en_US chart non en_lang

Hello every body!

Please help me installing a new company !
What is the problem ?
1 I am a brand new newby
2 I am not keen in SQL/PHP and linux too.

What I have done?
1 OS: Ubuntu Lucid
2 Lamp+phpmyadmin
3 unzip FA v 2.2.8 in /home/compta/
4 ln -s in /var/www
5 chmod -R 777 everywhere in /compta
6 unzip fr_FR-general.sql in /sql (chmod again)
7 unzip + fr_FR.po in /lang/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/ (chmod again)
8 http://localhost/frontaccount/install
9 login in Training Co
10 phpmyadmin: frontaccount(75)
11 FA: admin>setup>create/update companies
result: Societe Sarl; localhost; root; frontaccount; 1_
with datascript fr_FR-general.sql
12 phpmyadmin: frontaccount(145) (seemed OK: 75+70)
13 logout
14 login with new company: Societe Sarl

and... PROBLEM !

"Before software upgrade (but no upgrade for me) you have to include $security_groups
and $security_headings arrays (??) from old config.php file (??) to new one (??).

15 All what I can read about that (topic 940 4118 4088 5105 ... and wiki)
cannot resolve my problem because I understand nothing (except there is may be a bug??).

16 Thank you for your assistance (step by step please) + for installing fr_FR language ( a step which I could'nt reach).

Re: new company non en_US chart non en_lang

Seems you have downloaded and installed improper version of fr_FR-general COA. If you are using latest stable FA version (2.2.8), the right COAs are those from 'Download Chart of Accounts 2.2' section. I have just tested fr_FR-general - it installs and seems to work without problems.

Re: new company non en_US chart non en_lang

Thank you itronics for your quick answer.
It works! smile