
(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Related files are: sales/includes/ui/sales_order_ui.inc (user interface) and sales/includes/db/sales_orders_db.inc (database). Also look into sales/includes/cart_class.inc

Yes, you are right. This will be fixed in unstable CVS asap, to be released with 2.3 RC1.

PS Please report next found bugs on our Mantis bugtracking system. This ensure the bug will be not overlooked, and patches are available instantly from Mantis report page.


(7 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Yes, editable descriptions are implemented in FA 2.3 (not as separate field, but whole item description).

I can't reproduce the issue. Could you point me e.g. to related record on FA 2.3 demo?


(14 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

I think this problem with being able to handle batched deposits is going to be the reason we cannot use FrontAccounting.

Well, probably I do not understand the problem stated here. When your customers pay in cash the money is registered on cash account, then you can make single transfer form cash to bank account for all the deposits. So, where is the problem?

The only real problem I see  in sales payments is that for Direct Invoice you can only use single target money account (cash or bank account). Therefore if your customer want to pay e.g. with cash and cheque in parts, you have to register the two partial deposits using Customer Payment page twice. This is performance lost on data entry, but anyway this can be done,  and such multipart payments are rather rare.


Those are 2 different things. The credit displayed in the inquiry is GL Credit side amount for displayed transaction, while the credit displayed during invoice entry  is current available credit for selected customer.

You have found a bug in 2.3beta version. The problem was fixed in unstable CVS, also on the demo site.
Thank you for pointing this out.


(9 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

No. I have deep aversion to webERP's style of coding, and have not enough time to
rewrite the code to be somewhat maintainable.
We have also some report generator available as an extension module, but this one is not secure enough to  be used in not fully trusted environment. If you trust all your FA users you can use it.



(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

In most repXXX.php files columns start points are defined in $cols array. You can experiment with changing the values in array related to column you want to change. If you make the value lower respective column will be expanded to the left side, but previous column will be shrinked.


(2 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

References are stored in transaction tables with a couple of exceptions. When transaction table  does not have any reference field, this is stored in refs table.
Look in get_systype_db_info() function in references.inc file for more information. The uniqueness of reference is checked with is_new_reference() method (see references.inc).
NB the db scheme in this aspect is rather effect of long application history, than some sophisticated design.


(5 replies, posted in Reporting)

Every issues with php 5.3.x found and reported by FA users are instantly fixed in the code, however development process is not done under PHP 5.3, therefore we cannot guarantee FA will work on this version after any future code change. On the other hand our goal is to support PHP/MySQL versions which are most widely used, and not necesssary those promoted or supported by PHP team. This is why FA still works both on PHP 5.2.x and 4.3.x as well.

Anyway if you will find any problems using FA on PHP 5.3 based hosting do not hesitate to send bug report on our Mantis, with or without related patch - it will be fixed asap. There is no fundamental reason for which FA will not work with 5.3.



(9 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Yes, you are right, not enough flexible reporting is weakness of FA. Unfortunately implementation of good, user friendly report generator is a big task, we still have no enough resources for.


(6 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I think Direct Invoice is what you are looking for. Keep in mind that in case of need for entering new customer during invoice entry you can access customers editor by F4 key, then you can return to continue invoice editing.
The curl usage  idea looks interesting, but this seems to be complex way to achieve the effects. To emulate invoice entry with curl you have to call the page a couple of times, once for every item entered (items are stored in session variable on server side and not send back and forth from browser). But yes, you can use nearly all FA without javascript in fall back ui mode. To switch to non-javascript mode: switch off javascript in browser, logout and login to FA again.



(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Thanks for making your work available for other people. This can be helpful for new FA Win users.


(5 replies, posted in Reporting)

PHP 5.3 is still experimental, and can be not fully supported on FA, however please read FAQ for advice about debugging steps in case of problems.


(9 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Unfortunately there is no documentation for report file structure, however the files are rather simple. Graphical layout for all documents is in header2.inc, doctext.inc contains strings for various document types and rep107.php fills the layout with invoice data. In 2.3 you can also use preprinted layouts stored in pdf fle.


(4 replies, posted in Translations)

Ok. Send the file to contributions address found on our contact page, than after checking I will send you the file back.


popsicles12 wrote:

There is this issue I have been battling with about Voiding a PO, Invoice, Purchase Order Delivery. When you want to void, you can only void Invoice. I posted on it on the forum and I want to told to do stock adjustment. To my greatest surprise, I discovered that after some days, there was an automatic adjustment by the system concerning the Purchase invoice I voided thereby making it a double negative adjustment since I manually adjusted the stock. have you come across this?

I'm not sure I understand you right. Could you list in points what you have done, and what you consider as fault in FA?

Secondly, I also discovered that it adjusted based on the date the stock arrived my store.

What you mean?

NOTE:Please which is FS 2.3?

This was a typo. I meant FrontAcccounitng (FA) version 2.3beta.

rep107.php The report usage is stated in file header.

Default is any report placed in /reporting folder. When you haven't customized report  with the same name in /company/xxx/reporting folder, the default one is used.


Not in default report set.  Those are non-fiscal informations, in most cases not needed, but you can customize the invoice report and put in in company/xxx/reporting folder. This way the  customized version will be used on every invoice printing, but will not be overwritten on system upgrade.


(7 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Hi docusave,

I think FAQ point 2.1 is written just FYI.



(3 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Yes, we plan to add currency to transaction (in both purchasing and sales modules), but this can be available not earlier than in next major (2.4) release, as database structure for 2.3 is already freezed. The only bigger feature which we plan to add in supplier module in mean time is per supplier selection of type of pricelist (tax included vs tax added; database is prepared for this change already).

I have just fixed the constraints in CVS for 2.3 (to be released in 2.3RC1), so now currency can be changed unless any transaction is entered for given customer/supplier. Thanks for pointing this out.



(3 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Because all supplier transactions stored in database use currency stored in supplier's record. Change of supplier currency would invalidate all existing transactions.


Bank and General Ledger tab,  Payments option and
Bank and General Ledger tab , Deposits option