Topic: Line items in Invoice

When entering invoices I need the ability to not only choose the item, but add a description of the item. For instance, the item is Labour, the description is the date of the labour, and the work done, and the site it was done on.

Is there an option to do this, or do I need to have a look at  hacking it?

Cheers guys

Re: Line items in Invoice

Yes, editable descriptions are implemented in FA 2.3 (not as separate field, but whole item description).

Re: Line items in Invoice

Thanks for the quick reply Janusz! I am using 2.3 Beta, and don't see this ability in the direct invoice screen. All I have is a drop-down select.
If this PunBB would allow it, I'd put up a screen shot big_smile

Re: Line items in Invoice

Ahah! Once an item has been added it can be edited, THEN the Description field appears. Bug or by design?

Re: Line items in Invoice

This is by design. These editings are also available in 2.2. The description will wrap on the printed invoice if the text is long.


Re: Line items in Invoice

Thanks Joe. Can you tell me where in the code this gets set to a select field...because I couldn't find it in the quick hunt I had. I would really like to alter this to a textarea, and I know enough php to do so; but still getting my head around your code. (I've worked with weberp+ phreebooks before, but their coding and progression left much to be desired. I really like what I see with FA, and particularly the small footprint Ajax implementation. When I have got up to speed with what is going on you'l see a few themes come from me.)

Re: Line items in Invoice

The code is inside in /sales/includes/ui . And the select is presented in /includes/ui/ .
This select field is really complex because you can also use it as a search field (if you have many items). This can be set in company setup. You can search by as many characters you want in stock id, category or description. The select is then filled only with relevant records.
This is the reason for doing the editing the way we have done it.


Re: Line items in Invoice

Thanks Joe