
(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Will have a look at this, Mark.

If I understand you, it is only the print out of the work order having this issuw, right?



(17 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Yes, it is Mark.

Set the variable in config.php to 1:
$save_report_selections = 0;


Release 2.3.23 has been revoked due to a problem in editing Security (Access) roles.

A fixed release 2.3.24 will be released tomorrow.


I guess you see a lot of information in the customer balances, aging report. And I guess there is a report about the status of orders.



(0 replies, posted in Announcements)


This is a 2.3.23 bugfix release.


  • Restoring compressed sql files sometimes failed due to nasty bug in php gzfile function.

  • Fixed 'C' english language display on Install/Update Languages page, to allow its selection on first page.

  • Fixed deprecated preg_replace in php >= 5.3.0 with the /e flag in utf8 reports.

  • Fixed ECB URLs 'Moved permanently' problem.

  • Better CSS for combobox select.

  • Fixed warning about non-existing HTTP_USER_AGENT session variable on some Plesk configurations.

  • Fixed warning during database restore.

  • Further fixes to javascript multiple class handling.

  • Fixed problems with latin2 encoding due to changes in htmlspecialchars() behaviour in newer php versions.

  • Extended length of email entries in company and locations settings.

  • Moved page number on reports, when more than 1 page, on documents down 2 lines.

  • Currency filter not working in documents.

  • Fixed many issues in output HTML code according to HTML 4.01 Transitional format.

  • Additional cleanups in standard themes.


  • Improved layout Reports Customer Balances.

  • Fixed contact record creation when new customer is added (reference/name were superseded).

  • Fixed false quantity on hand errors on sales delivery.

  • Fixed Quote Valid Days in System and GL Setup, Setup section.

  • Missing update of shipping tax when crediting an invoice.

  • Fixed Delivery note bug : Parent constraints not working if sales order line deleted after delivery

  • The aging reports / inquiries had a 1 day error in presentation. Fixed.


  • Wrong domestic opening balance in Report Supplier Balance for currency suppliers.

  • Improved layout Reports Supplier Balances.

  • Purchase order reference was not restored after last PO cancelation.

  • The aging reports / inquiries had a 1 day error in presentation. Fixed.


  • Improved calculation of standard cost in advanced manufacturing even if qoh = 0.

  • Allow search by Id in search work orders.


(5 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

It will be in a while, maybe a month.



(5 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

This is implemented in release 2.4.


Use grouping for this. This is much more intuitive.


janusz is planning to have this work in release 2.4. This is already implementid in a local Polish project.



(7 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

This is the label for the first column.

Sorry for not answering so quickly. I am on a cruise from Buenos Aires.



(5 replies, posted in Dimensions)

The corresponding purchase lines are done when the delivery is done. The same dimension as the one belonging to the sales invoice is used.


I don't know Apmuthu. We have had this all the time. Maybe you can find somewhere suitable in the Wiki to put this. Isn't it mostly used in the balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statements?

I my opinion, I Think we can continue with this.


This is not an error, but a constant for out of range value.



(7 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

Just press the '#' label.



(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Yes, there were a 1 day failure in the aging routines. These errors have been here for 8 years wink.

Well, not a serious bug perhaps, but as you say Mark, quite annoying.

The HG repo for 2.3.23 will be updated asap. If you can't wait you can download:

/reporting/rep.102.php1 and /reporting/rep202.php1. Rename the files to .php.

/sales/includes/db/customers_db.inc and /purchasing/includes/db/suppliers_db.inc.

And replace the files.


This issue has now been implemented in 2.3.23 release.

If you can't wait you can download the files /manufacturing/search_work_orders.php1 (rename to .php) and /manufacturing/includes/db/work_orders_db.inc. Please replace the files in your setup.


Hold your horses wink. I didn't realize this as that important.

I will have a look again.



I now see the problem.

When you void a supplier invoice, the underlying Delivery is NOT voided. This has to do with when using the supplier invoice in the right panel, you can select which deliveries is going to be included in the supp invoice.

Therefore voiding a complete direct supp invoice ( and a built up supp invoice from the right panel) will not be done and it will Always require a 2 step operation.

1. First void the supplier invoice.
2. And now void the PO delivery.

Although most of the time it could be done to void both the supp invoice and the receive, it would be dangerous to do this and in several cases it qould not be desirable.

So I will leave the operation as is.

The wiki has been update here.


Ok, I will give it another go, but be prepared to help testing.


Oh, I see. Sorry we do not consider this as needed. As you say you can search by reference.


Just press the # label.



This is not necessary, because the value in the sixth parameter is 0 (for default orientation). This parameter should have been used for Customers and setting this value as 0 doesn't do any harm. The seventh parameter is used for default orientation and is per default set to 0.

So all in all it is not necessary to back port this issue.



Mark, this is an extremely complicated routine: function void_supp_invoice in file /purchasing/includes/db/invoice_db.inc.
The function starts on line 487 and the handling of the received items is done from line 505 and forward.
As you can see several users have been editing these routines and some lines have been commented out.

I am not sure what we should do here to fix your issues.

Will you have a look, and maybe give me som hints. Thanks in advance.


I will have a look into this, Mark.


Please go into Banking and General Ledger -> Exchange Rates and select the USD and press the button 'Get'.

If this works, then you should get an automatic update when saving foreign documents.

If it doens't work, you could try to change Exchange Rate Provider in the file config.php.
