(22 replies, posted in Setup)

You are right.
Quite special !

Do you have real transactions in your DB.

If there is nothing important, and if Janusz or Joe have nothing else to say, I will explain to you a trick that make use of the backup file to remove the undesired fiscal years.

Tell me about already registered transactions on theses fiscal years.



(22 replies, posted in Setup)

I see now.

First, set the company to fiscal year 01/01/2009 - 12/31/2009

Then delete the fiscal year 01/01/2010 - 12/31/2010 (hoping there is no transactions in it)

Then create a new fiscal year 01/01/2010 - 06/30/2010 (to fill the hole)

Then create 07/01/2010 to 06/30/2011

Then assign the company to fiscal year 07/01/2010 to 06/30/2011

Tell me if it doesn't work.



(22 replies, posted in Setup)

...and why would you delete the 2 fiscal years. These will be there when you will need it in the future?

Just trying to understand.



(22 replies, posted in Setup)

What do you mean by "it didn't work" ? Not any error message at all ?

Could you describe step by step what you did ?

There are some rules, one of them being that there should be no "hole" between fiscal years. Do you have in your config a few fiscal years already defined ?


(6 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)


What do you want to do exactly ?

-You place an order to a supplier
-You pay the whole order right front
-The supplier delivers the items "by phase"
-You want to "make a reception" for each delivery
-You want each delivery (by phase) to be deducted from the initial order (already paid)

Is it the process you want ?



(22 replies, posted in Setup)

There is a section of the wiki explaining how to manage fiscals years:

The fiscal year setup is done in the Setup menu (main menu).



(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Ok, I see. This is set for every branch when selecting the first option of Sales Account select list in Branch editing.

Thanks Junusz


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

If you have access to the DB, this thread will interest you:


Joe said:

You can reset the admin password for a company by using phpMyAdmin. Enter the company database and find the correct table prefix f.i. 0_users.
Edit the user Admin. Paste the following md5 password, 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 , for 'password' into the password field.
You can now login as username: admin and password: password .
Please change this password this asap.

I can confirm that it works with version 2.2.8



(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

There is a Sales Account for every inventory item.

There is a Sales Account for every client branch.

Which one prevail when doing a sale transaction ?



Hi Janusz

First of all, I never pointed out FA as being bugged. I like FA, and I am in a debug mode because I want to used it. That's why I'm devoting so much time to it. That being said, if you take the time to answer my question, I hope you do it with the spirit to help, and not the spirit to defend yourself, if you see the difference.

Second, your test is unrelated to the present situation. I never said (and the error message listed never mentioned) that the problem was caused by an nonstandard port. If you read again the previous messages, you will see that it is related to a frame in a URL using port 180 is trying to access a frame in the same domain but in port 80, the 2 ports being different.

Now that I understand the cause (not the process that made it happening), I just changed a parameter in DynDNS (.com), removing what they call "cloak". My URL 1080.xxxxx.com:180 was cloak with URL www.xxxxx.com

Now it works fine, and I hope you learned as much as I did in this process.


That`s ok Janusz.

As I said, this is not related to the browser nor the OS.

The message in the java console gave a good indication of the problem:

"Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with 
URL http://xxxxxxxxxx.com/rimqfa from frame with URL 
Domains, protocols and ports must match."

Therefore, as said: "...ports must match...", and at least in this specific situation, it was not the case.

To confirm this, I tried this morning in a situation where the same port was used (everything else being the same: OS, browser) and it works fine.

This situation happens because I'm testing FA in a house internet environment, using DynDNS and I have to use a port different of the usual "80", that one being blocked by my ISP.

I'm just surprise because it is the very first time this happens, and I did a lot of testing with a lot of softwares with this environment.

I will try to solve that temporary (and somewhere false) problem. You could still help by telling me if a part of the URL ("http://xxxxxxx.com/RIMQFA" as an example) is stored somewhere in the files or in the tables (WordPress does, that's why I'm asking).

Thanks for your help


itronics wrote:

Seems this is some IE issue, maybe related to the fact that your server make use of non standard port 180. Please try change 'top' to 'window' in line 743 of /js/JsHttpRequest.js to have following line:

   window.JsHttpRequestGlobal = JsHttpRequest;


doesn't seem to change something...

This is not related to IE, nor any others Browsers.
It happens with all my Browsers.

As you said, it is more related to the ports, but not the port itself, more the fact that "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://xxxxxxxxxx.com/rimqfa from frame with URL http://1080.xxxxxxxxxxx.com:180/rimqfa/inventory/manage/items.php?JsHttpRequest=12778985558330-form. Domains, protocols and ports must match."

"...ports must match..."

And in this case ports doesn't match and this simple fact is probably causing the situation. I have an idea of what I can do but I will have to wait tonight to test it.


I took a drastic approach.

I just reinstalled a new company with a fresh en_US-new.sql
I went directly to Items and Inventory, open the Item page (no item created yet), then just changed the selection in dropdown Category field, ... and got the dead triangle.

I was using Chrome. I then went to Internet Explorer, did the same, got the same result, but also the reason of the error:


Web agent user : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; Tablet PC 2.0; OfficeLivePatch.1.3; OfficeLiveConnector.1.4; MS-RTC LM 8; .NET4.0C)
Timestamp : Wed, 30 Jun 2010 10:42:33 UTC

Message : Not allowed
Ligne : 743
Code : 0
URI : http://1080.xxxxxxx.com/rimqfa/company/1/js_cache/JsHttpRequest.js

And in JsHttpRequest

740        // Run submit with delay - for old Opera: it needs some time to create IFRAME.
741        var closure = function() {
742            // Save JsHttpRequest object to new IFRAME.
743            top.JsHttpRequestGlobal = JsHttpRequest;

Also, back to Chrome, I opened the javascript console and here is the message:

Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://xxxxxxxxxx.com/rimqfa from frame with URL http://1080.xxxxxxxxxxx.com:180/rimqfa/inventory/manage/items.php?JsHttpRequest=12778985558330-form. Domains, protocols and ports must match.

Any idea ? Is it related to the port ?


I'm using Google Chrome. No I don't have the problem on the demo site.

Please tell me what process is involved when choosing a different value in the field  Category of the Items page. I will track it from there.



...also, I read back my previous messages on this thread and want to clarify a few points.

When using FA without javascript (fallback mode), I`m able to insert new items, retrieved them and edit them. But I have not more messages (errors) to help me to understand what is going on.

Also, when using Java, that may be simplify the problem if I say that when inserting a new item, without writing any field but just changing the drop down Category or the drop-down Item Type, without doing anything else, instantly the Java (or Ajax) turning wheel starts, ending with the triangle.


Here is the only important message in Diagnostic page:

Language configuration consistency    Required    en_GB
fr_CA    Missing system locale: fr_CA.ISO-8859-1

But, when running this page with the debug switch on, I got the following messages:

Use of undefined constant LC_MESSAGES - assumed 'LC_MESSAGES' dans fichier: C:\Data\SitesWeb\rimqfa\admin\system_diagnostics.php à la ligne218
setlocale() [function.setlocale]: Passing locale category name as string is deprecated. Use the LC_* -constants instead dans fichier: C:\Data\SitesWeb\rimqfa\admin\system_diagnostics.php à la ligne218
setlocale() [function.setlocale]: Invalid locale category name LC_MESSAGES, must be one of LC_ALL, LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE, LC_MONETARY, LC_NUMERIC, or LC_TIME dans fichier: C:\Data\SitesWeb\rimqfa\admin\system_diagnostics.php à la ligne218
Use of undefined constant LC_MESSAGES - assumed 'LC_MESSAGES' dans fichier: C:\Data\SitesWeb\rimqfa\admin\system_diagnostics.php à la ligne233
setlocale() [function.setlocale]: Passing locale category name as string is deprecated. Use the LC_* -constants instead dans fichier: C:\Data\SitesWeb\rimqfa\admin\system_diagnostics.php à la ligne233
setlocale() [function.setlocale]: Invalid locale category name LC_MESSAGES, must be one of LC_ALL, LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE, LC_MONETARY, LC_NUMERIC, or LC_TIME dans fichier: C:\Data\SitesWeb\rimqfa\admin\system_diagnostics.php à la ligne233
Use of undefined constant LC_MESSAGES - assumed 'LC_MESSAGES' dans fichier: C:\Data\SitesWeb\rimqfa\admin\system_diagnostics.php à la ligne240
setlocale() [function.setlocale]: Passing locale category name as string is deprecated. Use the LC_* -constants instead dans fichier: C:\Data\SitesWeb\rimqfa\admin\system_diagnostics.php à la ligne240
setlocale() [function.setlocale]: Invalid locale category name LC_MESSAGES, must be one of LC_ALL, LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE, LC_MONETARY, LC_NUMERIC, or LC_TIME dans fichier: C:\Data\SitesWeb\rimqfa\admin\system_diagnostics.php à la ligne240

More than the final diagnostic on my problem, I`m looking to the process to debug it. Can we trace the java code  to see the last executed statement ?


Page diagnostic (?) : no ?

Running without Java, yes, without more success.
I even started the sql tracing, got some catched, but I dont`t know if related.


Thanks. I`m on a halt because of this problem, and I don't know how to trace it.

When done, I will also port that information to the wiki.


I have some problem when creating or editing Items.

If I create one, the process will end with the "dead" Java triangle, but the item seems to exist.

When trying to edit one, the process also ends with the dead triangle, without filling the displayed Item fields.
It is the only process doing it, so I don't think the server is the explanation. Setting off Java doesn`t seem to help.

In config.php, $go_debug = 1. There is no message in the Error file.

How can I know precisely where it stucks ?


Thank you for the information.
I took the opportunity to add it to the Wiki.


When adding or editing "Item Categories", there is a field named "Item Type". Where does it come from ? Where is it maintained?


I think I need some information to better understand.

When I'm using Customer Transaction Inquiry, and I print the transactions, I have the taxes amount printed. That's fine.

When I use Sales Order Inquiry, and I print the orders, I don't have the taxes amount printed, just a line saying: TOTAL ORDER EX VAT

What did I missed (and sorry if it is obvious for you...) ?



For the time being, instead of applying the whole change, I used your modif to learn how to just remove the 'tax' part of the line.

Works well.

When the version 2.3 is available (by the way, when could we expect that new version?), I will turn the global flag On.

Thanks a lot,


Great !

Thanks Joe
