Topic: fiscal year

how to add fiscal year start from 1 july..

Re: fiscal year

There is a section of the wiki explaining how to manage fiscals years:

The fiscal year setup is done in the Setup menu (main menu).


Re: fiscal year

it didnt work for me

Re: fiscal year

What do you mean by "it didn't work" ? Not any error message at all ?

Could you describe step by step what you did ?

There are some rules, one of them being that there should be no "hole" between fiscal years. Do you have in your config a few fiscal years already defined ?

Re: fiscal year

these three Fiscal Year are pre defined

01/01/2008     12/31/2008             
01/01/2009     12/31/2009        
01/01/2010     12/31/2010

i setup a company with Fiscal Year 01/01/2008     12/31/2008

then in  Fiscal Year menu, i try to delete these two years

01/01/2009     12/31/2009        
01/01/2010     12/31/2010

the error message appear is "Cannot delete this fiscal year because thera are fiscal years before."

Re: fiscal year

...and why would you delete the 2 fiscal years. These will be there when you will need it in the future?

Just trying to understand.


Re: fiscal year

i want to start the year from 1 july 2010

Re: fiscal year

I see now.

First, set the company to fiscal year 01/01/2009 - 12/31/2009

Then delete the fiscal year 01/01/2010 - 12/31/2010 (hoping there is no transactions in it)

Then create a new fiscal year 01/01/2010 - 06/30/2010 (to fill the hole)

Then create 07/01/2010 to 06/30/2011

Then assign the company to fiscal year 07/01/2010 to 06/30/2011

Tell me if it doesn't work.


Re: fiscal year

when i try to delete the fiscal year 01/01/2010 - 12/31/2010

the error message appear "Cannot delete this fiscal year because thera are fiscal years before."

Re: fiscal year

You are right.
Quite special !

Do you have real transactions in your DB.

If there is nothing important, and if Janusz or Joe have nothing else to say, I will explain to you a trick that make use of the backup file to remove the undesired fiscal years.

Tell me about already registered transactions on theses fiscal years.


Re: fiscal year

We will wait an answer on thread 1433 before going on.

I have the same problem when trying to delete a newly created fiscal year.


Re: fiscal year

there is no transaction recorded as it is newly installed....

Re: fiscal year

Newly installed without demo data ?

Anyway I think we will wait for the answer from the administrators to the thread 1433:

As said, I noticed the same problem


Re: fiscal year

installed with the demo data....

Re: fiscal year

Demo Data means having data.

You must have a fresh start without any data already included.
Only the fresh Chart of Account.
Install the Company without any data or using the backup restore to
restore any backup without any data on it.

You could edit the backup file to make it without data (This is indeed the trick!!!).

Re: fiscal year are right about demo data but a part of the questioning is regarding the error message:

"Cannot delete this fiscal year because thera are fiscal years before."

As said I tried myself to create a new fiscal year, and immediately deleted it (no transactions) and I got the same message as Mudassir. I was expecting Joe ou Janusz to explain why we have this message (may be the message is wrong ?).

Any clue about it ?


Re: fiscal year

If you have data in any fiscal year before, you cannot delete any fiscal years after
in spiite of having no data in that fiscal year.

So, in order you can delete any fiscal year, you must have no data before it and
no fiscal year before it.

Re: fiscal year

ok thanks... now i have set the accounts from july 2010 - june 2011...

cant delete july 2011 - june 2012 but its ok for me...

Re: fiscal year

thhui wrote:

If you have data in any fiscal year before, you cannot delete any fiscal years after
in spiite of having no data in that fiscal year.

So, in order you can delete any fiscal year, you must have no data before it and
no fiscal year before it.

What would be the logic ?

mudassir wrote:

cant delete july 2011 - june 2012 but its ok for me....

Why would you delete it ?


Re: fiscal year

I have not found any real issue here. The only constraint is that before deleting some fiscal year all preceding year should be deleted. And before deleting you always have to close the year.


Re: fiscal year

Thanks Janusz

But, in the case of a fiscal year with no transaction, why is FA preventing the deletion of that fiscal year ? (trying to better understand).


Re: fiscal year

Maybe we should change this, but this require checking not only GL postings table but also a couple of other tables which store other 'transactions' like orders which do not generate any GL postings. Current way of maintenance of fiscal years is simplest one, other one would be more prone to errors after eventual future db structure changes.
