
(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Invoice to be edited cannot have any pament allocated to it, otherwise it cannot be edited. First unallocate pall payments against the selected invoice.

Well, related to encoding or not - surely it is script problem. But my problem is that I cannot reproduce this bug, so I'm dependant on tests made by reporters. Have you tried to install FA using only ASCII characters in user/password input?


(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

You can disable any option in Sales changing Access Setup for user's role. To make read only location selector in order you will have to customize sales_order_entry.php and maybe other files.


(6 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Ajax solution in FA is for historical reasons somewhat different from those used in other frameworks. In fact Ajax call on server side is treated nearly identical to normal synchronous POST request. Most normally displayed elements are rendered, and their content is collected in $Ajax singleton variable.  In contrast to synchronous call, during ajax request those elements are not sent  back to browser unless they are activated by some trigger using Activate method.

There is a couple of Ajax class methods to save various items rendered during the request, addUpdate method is one of such collecting methods, other examples are addScript (for javascript fragments) or addFocus for current focus.

If you only use standard ui helper functions found in files ui_input.php, ui_lists.php etc, and you does not create new helpers you can mostly ignore the collecting methods (eg addUpdate).  The only thing you have to do to make some ui element update is to activate it with $Ajax->activate() call. The only parameter of the call is trigger name of the element you want to update. This name is nearly always just the name of underlying input element, or id of label. So, if you have following code:

  text_row('Very important parameter:', 'param')
 submit('update', 'Update page', true, true);

all you have to do to have 'param' input updated after submit button is pressed in ajax mode is adding following in any place of the page code:

if (get_post('update')) {


I can't reproduce the problem, which is reported sometimes. Maybe it is related to character encoding? What encoding do you use in your box, do you use some accented characters in password? It should not matter, but who knows..


(1 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Not yet, but you can simply install any extension module from our repository, and then look into files downloaded into modules/xxx directory. They can serve as module implementation example. Also in file includes/hooks.inc you will find list of all hooks methods available to integrate your module with core FA.

Try upgrading step by step in non-javascript mode (logout, switch js in your browser off, then login and run Software Upgrade individually for every step).


(4 replies, posted in Translations)

When you have gettext tools installed on your box you can add strings from any additional file to *.po using xgettext command with -j option. But I see no reason why additional string couldn't be added also by hand using msgid/msgstr lines - all references added in po file after '#' are just comments for human use.


All amounts in voided transactions in FA are set to zero, so they are not very useful for auditing purposes. Due to specifics of computer aided accounting (with its easiness of transparent data changes) the old requirement to keep voided transactions in place is outdated. Most modern applications use some kind of transaction buffering, which allow modifications/deleting of any transaction until the related accounting period is closed.  This idea of transaction buffering/closing will also be implemented in next (2.4)  FA release. For now FA treats all entered transactions as buffered until fiscal year is closed.


This is roughly how FA upgrade procedure works, however there is more config files than mentioned config_db.php, so better way is to just unpack the new tarball content over an  old application sources overwritting old files. This way you are sure all configuration files are in place after the upgrade.



(5 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I'm not sure where the problem arise on your installation, but extension tabs mechanism works properly without patch suggested. When you look into renderer.php code found in any theme folder you will see that tabs are retrieved from $_SESSION['App'] object  created during main index.php request.



(14 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

You can reset password via phpmyadmin using known md5 hash e.g. standard admin password found in sql/en_US-new.sql file.

Thank you for pointing this out. Will be fixed in 2.3.2

This fix probably will not work on IE8 (I have read expression is not supported in css anymore), but you can try to set this.style.width=200px and this.style.width=''  in select onfocus/onblur handlers repectively (see insert.js).
Unfortunately I have no access to Win nor IE, so I can't check this solution myself.


I still cannot reproduce the problem.
Which one Direct Invoice option you use: on sales or purchasing side?
Do you encounter the problem also when testing this scenario on our demo server (demo.frontaccounting.eu)?


Really don't know. Seems you have Input tax posted on wrong GL side. The Inputs/Input Tax values should be displayed negative.


(8 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Sue. Clean and easy way.


(8 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Sure. Clean and easy way.


(8 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

You have to include() your claim_app file into hooks.php - it will not be included automatically even when placed in application folder.

The blank page is because all the extension files are included before error reporting is switched on in config.php. We will fix this issue in next minor release to make developers live easier. In mean time you can just put

ini_set("display_errors", "On"); 

at the top of session.inc file to see php errors during development.

I have tried a couple of autosuggest solutions some time ago, but none was working smoothly enough to decide to integrate it in FA. Smoothness is necessary in autosuggest - unpredictible delays on every key press is much more distracting  than single delay on searchable list.

Yes, using autosuggest in FA installed on your box should be usable, but when taking into account server random response delays which are normal on shared servers, using it became a pain. I guess FA is used in most cases via internet, so IMO adding it was not worth the time needed for implement it.

But of course if anybody would find acceptable autosuggest solution I see no reason to not include it in FA at least as an option.


You have to customize related reports : rep107.php for invoices, rep109.php for quotes/sales orders.


(18 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I don't know. Mail php function highly relies on server system settings. Unfortunately mail parameters diagnostics is not very good in current version, we will improve it a little in 2.3.2


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

Was the database jjoyner_front created during install process?

While our application is named FrontAccounting, larger part of its functionality should be classified as ERP related rather than strictly accounting. Most of the features does not need any accounting knowledge to be successfully used in everyday activity, but it is naive assumption that any business application could used without any specialized accounting knowledge at all. 

Main FrontAccounting advantage (at least how I see it) is that the real skilled accountant is necessary only at first stage, when all the application is configured, tax system is set and GL parameters for various operation are settled for later use. In properly configured application  all sensitive configuration settings are not accessible for non-skilled persons doing everyday registration job. The same rule applies to generic Journal Entry interface which should be accessible only to guys who know what they are doing (there are always situations, when some more advanced business operation have to be registered manually using knowledge at higher level than common ability to distinguish costs and income).

I can agree with some of your remarks regarding bank payments. Having separate entry points for deposits, payments and transfers is a little unhandy. In fact bank transaction registration is in most cases done using real bank statement in hand, where deposits interlaces with payments and charges, so it would be more convenient to have ability to register batch of various bank transactions in single run.

Regarding 'self learning'  algorithm which would suggest previous postings to be reused, this seems to be in contradiction to the program philosophy described above (accountant configures/everybody uses). (Another problem is effective implementation of such autosuggest  feature, which works well on Google superservers, but average ISP hosting is quite another story. Tried wink).

Finally keep in mind we have  to provide backward compatibility with previous FA versions - this is why some suboptimal  design solutions still exists in FA database scheme (gl_trans structure is one example of this).

Anyway thank you very much for your kind interest in making FrontAccounting even better business solution for SME. While we are all the time short with programming resources, we really appreciate all new ideas and code contributions smile.



(18 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

To send invoices by email  contact mailbox address have to be  set on  contact record related to invoicing for given customer branch.