Topic: Upgrading database - the mechanics for reference.

Hi Fellas, thanks for the latest version.

Can I just confirm this (in my own mind, and may help others too)? I've found the db upgrade instructions a bit unclear and had to 'relearn it' each version so wanted to clarify it. Is this right?

Upgrading Database
- Done when shifting major/submajor version eg. 2.2.x to 2.3.x

1. Copy your current config_db.php to the new upgraded source directory. This tells FA which db to use. This of course is the old version at the moment, and will require modifications to the structure of the database eg. keys, indexes and new/modified tables.

2. Go into Setup/Software Upgrade.
The system works out what you're old database version is, then lets you upgrade by clicking. The script knows what you're old database is called, and what it's prefix is eg. 0_ or 1_. It then applies the right .sql file via a php script from the ../sql directory eg. alter2.3.php.

If things go to plan, the upgrade occurs and you're back in!

Re: Upgrading database - the mechanics for reference.

This is roughly how FA upgrade procedure works, however there is more config files than mentioned config_db.php, so better way is to just unpack the new tarball content over an  old application sources overwritting old files. This way you are sure all configuration files are in place after the upgrade.
