(9 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Demo will be provided.  Kindly knock us through our website for demo .



(4 replies, posted in Wish List)

There is no limit settings for the users to limit them making entries.

Only possibility is to grant a page permission or not.

Great to see the new release from FA. We have to fix one more issue  from the gettext.inc add_domain function generates a big list of not found domain file error for /lang/C/LC_MESSAGES/C.po.  So we need to add one if condition there

  function add_domain($domain, $path = false, $version ='')
        if ($path === false) 

With this

  function add_domain($domain, $path = false, $version ='')
       if($domain == 'C')
        if ($path === false) 

The if condition prevents adding log lines of missing entries.

While activating an extension from php 8.1 onwards, we have an issue with

mysqli_set_charset second parameter cant be null,  This happens from db_import function from maintenance_db.inc

$encoding = null; // UI encoding for default site language is the default


$encoding ='utf8'; // UI encoding for default site language is the default

Or a valid $encoding needs to be passed here.


(3 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

if you input one kg price in the sales prices tab of that item. that will calculate the price of 5.140kg and give you the price automatically.

Location is very important point when you have multiple locations, 

1. You need to connect the locations with purchase while getting stocks
2. May be use inventory transfers for location to move stock from one to another.
3. Create Sales Points with locations
4. connect with salesman
5. Choose the salesman to customers

And this way sales can also connect right inventory location.


(12 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

The dates become red, when your transaction date is older than today,  Even if you input yesterday it will be in red, which will be for differentiate you to understand that the date is something older,

Sometimes if the current fiscal year or the fiscal years in your system is not current date may be another issue

Sometimes if you select any closed fiscal year or the date which is not in our fiscal year will also give you trouble


(2 replies, posted in Fixed Assets)

I think no.

But it requires to create a module to perform it.

May be with  cron


(3 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

May be this will help you.

Weights we call in grams, kg and tonnes

Create separate unit for each of them.

For kg and ton , we can allow 3 decimals.. Because sometimes you can sell 500grams as 0.500kg.   You can input the decimal in kg to bill the less weight than  full..

Sometimes 1.275 kg. Which get connected in one unit.

If this happens to you, you can work around the problem by first deleting your message. Then go find the message in your trash and move the message back to your in-box. You should now be able to read the message properly.

Apparently this was an issue with iOS 3. Are you still facing the same issue still. Apple had fixes before.

Joe may be a little header like the logo address, email, phone instead of just a logo.

Perfect.  I thought to say the user qty dec. But used price dec there by mistake.

The situation you need to reproduce.

You should have one item with only one digit stock balance and which is also only one entry. 

And try the valuation report again.   That specific item won't be in the list.

And ofcourse logically  we said -1 means user decimal quantity.   Is that not right to put that in the query to get properly decimal valued stock. ?

Looks the quantity already invoiced a part anf which is giving trouble for you.

Check the direct delivery quantity and invoiced in it.  May be something wrong with that


(21 replies, posted in Reporting)

So the old rep709 is working for you.

Which version of FA file is it?

Yes, while making the inventory valuation report and if the stock is in single digit and the decimal for that item unit set -1. then the item won't appear in the report.

Line no 120 

HAVING ROUND(SUM(move.qty), units.decimals) != 0";

has to be like this.

$dec= user_price_dec();
HAVING ROUND(SUM(move.qty), IF(units.decimals=-1, ".$dec.", units.decimals) != 0";

Joe check this


(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

Seems like something wrong

Either program failure or browser doesnt receive attachments from the site.

Just enable debugging mode and check it again. If you found php errors put here. If there is no problem.  Than Google some browser settings level changes to get it working


(20 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Just check this way.

Customerpayment fall through the invoice,  there we are passing only the trans_no. Not type. So what happens that tries to check the same customer payment trans_no on invoice.  If the invoice exist. It voids the invoice instead of payment.

I am sure that fall through idea is not good here. So you need to have separate post_void_customer_trans.  Hope you got me explanation. If not let me explain with an example


(20 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

@joe did you check the break missing on voiding_db.inc


(20 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)


Break is missing for  payment and invoice  cases.  Can we try this. ?

open /inventory/includes/db/items_trans_db.inc and  find this

$cart->memo_ = sprintf(_("Cost was %s changed to %s x quantity on hand of %s"),
                    number_format2($last_cost, 2), number_format2($new_cost), $qoh);

and replace with user_price_dec and update it as well like below one

$cart->memo_ = sprintf(_("Cost was %s changed to %s x quantity on hand of %s"),
                    number_format2($last_cost, user_price_dec()), number_format2($new_cost, user_price_dec()), $qoh);


(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Your company currency is not.   Goto  Setup and followed by company setup and set currency there and update it. Than again print invoice..it will work for you

Printing a receipt on therminal printer requires a small size receipt like A7, A8 or A6. As of FA.  We have A4 and Letter size. Which we are not giving other sizes by default.

But you  can update the size in pdf_reports.inc switch case.

And then create  a form file and place it inside  reporting/forms/headerA7.php and copy the doctext and header2.php code to there..

And you need to try something to make the receipt looks fit in respective size.

And also make some changes and change  SetHeader(HeaderA7)

With that your FA is ready to print receipts in other sizes. Its an example  like that you  can adapt or sizes and other reports.

We have done similar one like this for a friend.


(20 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Not yet traced this problem again.
But my above solution worked.


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

By default it will be 24mins from php session max life.

But i have tried with different way. But nothing worked to keep the session more than 30mins. 

So now i am using zebra session to store the session data on database.

I would suggest you to try zebra session. 
https://github.com/stefangabos/Zebra_Session.  This helps me to keep the session active for more than 24 hours now.


(10 replies, posted in Installation)

Godaddy has not directly provide the applications.. may be within cpanel or within softaculus. It has to be updated with it..