You can simply try to unpack the dump script and try to restore it via phpmyadmin Import function. If this would fail fortunatelly you see more error messages.


(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I'm not sure what is your problem here. Regarding customer selection you can of course entry fragment of customer name instead of '*', and only customers having this fragment in the name will be displayed.

The list of transactions displayed depends on two selectors: customer and currency of account selected for payment. So, if you have selected Junk Beer customer using DKK for payments, and you have 'Petty cash' account selected nominated in $ you will see NO transactions to be allocated to.


(2 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

You will find generic debugging advices in FA FAQ


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

You can try to change max_execution_time in php.ini to some bigger value. But I guess better solution for very big databases is to use external mysql backup, and not rely on  solutions  provided by web tools like phpmyadmin or FA builtin backup service.

Strange issue. I see no logic reason for different behaviour for various companies.
Deleting js_cache content is safe anyway.


(6 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Under Purchasing/ Allocate Supplier Payments or Credit Notes.


(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

Ops, seems our answers have overlapped smile


(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

Joe is original designer of dimensions feature, but I think I can roughly explain the reason. Even with 2 dimensions active it is difficult to keep entry forms layouts properly formatted. More dimension selectors would brake the screen view in many places. Also even when dimensions are used, still not all documents needs this data, but once switched on, they suffer user input performance all the time. The more not used ui controls, the worse data entry performance.
Last but not least tags are more universal, but still not very often used, so if anybody has spare resources and need for more sophisticated costs/sales categorization, development in tags area is much more promissing than extensing dimensions count to infinity.


(6 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

In most jurisdictions this flow is just forbidden. Sales invoice cannot be issued before the real sales transaction is done (which in turn is registered as delivery).  This is why this flow is not implemented in FA. For prepayment purposes quotations or pro-forma invoices are used. There is no legal requirement for entry  those documents into GL though.
If you receive invoice first, you can make payment according to it, but the invoice should be registered after the goods are delivered and entered in FA. The prepayment can be later allocated to the invoice . So, in short words: the only contraint here is: delivery before invoice.


(13 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Files looks roughly right. You have to install and activate the extension for every company you want via Install/Activate Extensions.


(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Unfortunatelly the sql processing in paging class is not bulletproof, and fails in this case. You will have to experiment with the class code to find solution. If you will find something better, please send the code to be integrated in FA.


(6 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Right order (or at least presumed in FA) for purchase transaction is: purchase order, delivery receive, supplier invoice and then supplier payment. Direct Invoice will save your time, allowing all this to be done in single step.


(9 replies, posted in Installation)

Which files/directories you consider to have wrong permissions after upgrade?


(3 replies, posted in Wish List)

I guess the best implementation would be just to create new theme for this purpose. Having it you can either switch current theme when needed, or use two different accounts (users) with different themes for desktop and mobile usage.

Next major version will support closing transactions up to selected date. After the date is cloed no changes nor new transactions can be entered. Having this feature you can treat all non-closed transactions just as prepared but not accepte.


(2 replies, posted in Wish List)

This cannot be done (in current FA framework). Files with .php extension are executed, which would open real security hole in application.
If you will turn htaccess support on with AllowOverride option in your apache server configuration files, all the *.inc files will not be available via http.
BTW FA is open sourced, so the files are publicly viewable anyway wink.


(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Look into files in application folder. Here you will find how items are added to menu. Just compare the code with the menu view and all should be clear for you.

Seems this is is some application issue. Please read FAQ to find how to enable bugtracking featuires in FA.
BTW There is 2.3.3 version available. You should upgrade your FA installation asap, to avoid a couple of  problems fixed by this release.


(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

What is your problem exactly? Any error messages? Have you read FA FAQ?


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Unfortunatelly there is typo in install.html file. Please look into include/ file about line 200 and all should be clear.


(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

Hi Barney,
Sorry for misunderstanding, the mantis Next project is open for developer team only, and there are mainly internal technical discussions here. We have no official roadmap and, as Joe said, new release is made when we have enough new features ready for deployment. For now there is no deadline established for 2.4 release, but you can track development progress on FA Mercurial repo. New code for 2.4 release is placed in unstable branch. Currently there is not much more than transaction period closing and purchase invoice edition. Still too little to be released as 2.4

PHP has built in garbage collector which deletes session files randomly. More you will find e.g. here.
NB I'm not sure what you consider large, but single session file has average size about 50 or 100kb, so it should not be a problem unless you run FA on rooted phone wink.


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

You can edit description of items in Direct Invoice (sales and purchasing). Just after the item line is added, edit it again and you can change the line item description.


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

What you mean by reminder module?

This has been fixed in Hg repo, will be available with next release.