Topic: Release Updates

Why is it so difficult to upgrade to new releases?  Every time we perform an upgrade, it resets permissions on files and folders, which is frustrating.  We have never worked with a program that functions like this.  Is there a reason why the updates don’t just include files that have changed?  This makes more sense and most programs work this way with updates. 

Is this supposed to happen or is there something I'm doing wrong when upgrading?

Re: Release Updates

Which files/directories you consider to have wrong permissions after upgrade?

Re: Release Updates

Listed below are the problem files and folders. The error reads "Application cannot be installed.  Please fix problems listed below in red, and press Refresh button."


Re: Release Updates


  This look like you are having the permission issue. Are you running Front Accounting in Windows or Linux Server? In Linux Server, If you have the authorization to access to the console mode via ssh. You may perform this:

su -
chown -R userid:userid /var/www/html/fa
cd /var/www/html/fa
chmod 777 modules
chmod 777 company
chmod 777 lang
chmod 777 tmp

After completed installation, you may perform this:

chmod 755 modules
chmod 755 company
chmod 755 lang
chmod 755 tmp
chmod 755 themes
chmod 755 sql
chmod 444 config.php
chmod 444 config_db.php
rm -rf install


1) Setting the config.php and config_db.php to 444 is to prevent any one changing your configuration files.  If you want to modify or add another subsidiary company, you need to change it back again.

2) rm -rf install mean you remove the install folder from linux server. This is a best practise for security concern.

Re: Release Updates

We are runnning FA under Linux (Ubuntu).

We did manually change the permissions on the files.

Will doing what you suggested prevent the future program updates from resetting the permissions?

Is there a reason the releases don't just include changed files?

Re: Release Updates

Any thoughts or suggestions on how to avoid the problem we are having before we install Release 2.3.5? 

We would really like to avoid more permission problems.

Re: Release Updates

Jannie,  if you have any problems with FA installation on hosting server you probably should contact your hosting provider helpdesk. I have checked the FA 2.3.5 tarball installation on remote server running Debian linux - all works from the box without need for manual permission fixes. Maybe your problems are related just to specific hosting server setup.


Re: Release Updates

There is no hosting provider, this is on our local standalone ubuntu box.
We simply run "sudo tar xfv /var/www/frontaccount-2.3.5.tgz"

Re: Release Updates

I don't know Ubuntu restrictions logic (why the hell there is no root user ???). Maybe you should try something like 'sudo -u www-data tar xfv /var/www/frontaccount-2.3.5.tgz' ?

Re: Release Updates

If your intention is to run a serious production system, I wouldn't think that would be particularly well served by using the ubuntu distribution.

You should probably look at Slackware, Debian, or CentOS, if you're looking for a stable server platform upon which to base your business operations. FreeBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD, and Solaris 10 are also good (and free) enterprise platforms to choose from too.

We have installed bases of FA on all of the server platforms I mention above, and it runs flawlessly on them, but I wouldn't even consider using an ubuntu for serious mission critical operations.

Setting and flopping such permissions is actually very commonplace with database driven, secure, web-based applications.