(1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I found a solution. Check this post:


I have had a look at the current info on the demo.

#21 and #23 as well as #22 in the Banking Gand General Ledger/Transactions/Reconcile Bank account. Bca Account.

All Bank Payments have empty information in the Person/Item Column. In item 23 and 21, The Transaction Memo (Which is available on all Bank Payments, Bank Deposits, Customer Payments and Supplier Payments) is showing, not the Line Memo. #23 Also have a Line memo. But it does not show.

I created #24 in Bank Payments in Bank Account (Bca). So on Reconcile Bank account (Bca) Nothing is shown in the Person Item, even though I selected The following:

1. (Pay To) Miscellaneous (which is normally used for paying bank fees for example)
2. In the  (To the Order of) field I entered "Miscellaneous Payment"
3. In the (Line memo) I entered "Line Memo" and
4. In the (Transaction Memo) I entered Transaction Memo.

Go to Banking and General Ledger/Transactions/Reconcile Bank Account/ Bank Payment #24, there is a credit for 10 000 in the Credit Column; Nothing in the Person/Item Column; and Transaction Memo in the Memo column.

Click on item #24 you find the following information:

There should be a Person/Item on Bank Payments and Bank Deposits instead of the line memo, since not all companies use customer invoicing and payments, for example, charity donations.

When you draw the Banking report for account Bca for December 2022, #21 has a blank space at Person/Item while #23 Has information.

1. Pay To: Empty
2. Items for this payment: In column Memo, Item Line Memo.

Select the line Ledger entry:

1. Transaction Memo shows on line 4 of the window and shows against the Bank Loans line, whilst the Original Line Memo shows in the Sales Account.

Select Banking and General Ledger/Inquiries and Reports/ Banking Reports/Bank Statement/Bank Account Bca:

1. #24 Now shows the Person/Item that was entered with the entry as indicated above with Bank Payments/ Miscellaneous
2. I have found that when I create a shortcut for the same transaction, you also get empty fields like #21 on the Bank statement.
3. Line memo nor Transaction memo is to be found.

Select Banking and General Ledger/Inquiries and Reports/ Banking Reports/Bank Statement w/Reconcile/Bank Account Bca:

It now adds the Reco Date and Narration (Which is the same as the transaction Memo) Line memo is nowhere to be found.

Select Reports and analysis/ General Ledger/

1. In the ledger reports none of the Memos is showing at all within the two ledger accounts.

If Sales tax was included, then these banking transactions that is using Quick entries, also do not have anything displaying one of the Memos on the Tax report. I have not included Sales tax for ease of illustration. 

Trust this will help to make sense.

@braath it is the same issue.  The two memo's in Bank Deposits or bank payments do not show up in the reports like bank recon or even recon reports. Even if you fill in the cheque number or event name that you paid for example bank cost, then the report and the recon field are empty. I agree that at some point it was not an issue, same with the VAT reports that do not include bank payments. But that is a different topic.

@rafat, I have no button to attach a file, and yes it is png, so you cannot drag and drop and you cannot browse and add a file. all I have is BBCode and Smilies smile.

I am getting confused between all the forks and things that work in one version to no longer working in a new version.

I cannot add a General ledger with blank fields in the description of the transaction to the auditors or the tax authorities.

This is a huge issue.


(17 replies, posted in Setup)

I found a solution for the reporting/includes/class.mail.inc

I have found the solutions by changing all the \n code in the file to \r\n and it works on both PHP7.4 and PHP8.0

Emails are now sending and displaying correctly when sent from FA.

\r\n is for a new line in windows as for \n in the new line in Linux.

Use \r\n instead of \n for your implode -- explicitly specifies CRLF as the line terminator.


(17 replies, posted in Setup)

Out of some more research, I found the following on PHP bug tracker that might help:

A comment on PHP bug tracker also seems to enforce the fact that PHP 8 would not be tricky-compliant : https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=81158

This PHP issue may also be related, as it is mentioned to work with PHP 7.4 but not on PHP 8.0, because of LF char in headers : https://github.com/php/php-src/issues/7902 .

If I understand correctly, the "mail" function is replacing CRLF characters by LF characters, because some MTA may misinterpret CRLF and convert CRLF into CRCRLF.

I am not a programmer so I am merely trying to find a solution that could work on FA.


(17 replies, posted in Setup)

I presume that FA is using the file class.mail.inc

This file has not been updated since 2004.

I am still searching to see if there is a difference between 7.4 PHP mail() function and that of PHP8.

Mail from my Joomla4 installation and plugins and Moodle 4.1 on PHP8 are all sending emails without a problem. It is only my FA that has an issue with the PHP change.

What I could trace is the following:

"In PHP 8.0 there was a change to only explode email headers only on CRLF where previously it was exploded on LF and CRLF:


(17 replies, posted in Setup)

I have now played around with the CPANEL PHP settings for the subaccount for FrountAccounting. There are no mail settings. I am now getting the invoice email when PHP is set to PHP8.0, but it is all in plain text, no pdf attached.

On my test client, I receive two emails, one to me as admin and one to me as the client. On PHP8 however, I either do not get anything or now just receive a client email in Text, not pdf.

I am now at the end of struggling and will have to move my FA installation to a sub-domain with PHP7.4 enabled until I have time to figure this out since for the rest of my site I need PHP8 for both Joomla and Moodle.

Thanks for the feedback.

Do not have the option to attach screenshots.

Go to Accounting and General Ledger/Deposit/ - The entry will open. You have the following three header columns from left to right:

Account Code / Account Description  /Amount / Memo(Fist Memo Entry Field) / Add Item

At the bottom, you have Memo (Second Memo Field).

The same happens on the Bank Payments entry screen.

Rafat, hope it helps.


(17 replies, posted in Setup)

Braath Waate wrote:

Sending invoices with PHP 8 works for me, so the problem is neither FA or PHP 8.

If FA shows the invoice was mailed in green, it means that your mailer returned success.

Because you are able to send with PHP 7 and not PHP 8, you may have some differing mailer setting in your php.ini file for each version.

If the php.ini files are identical, then you need to enable debug on your system mailer to see exactly what and where the email was sent.  You could compare the mailer debug output when running PHP 7 and PHP 8.

If there is no difference in mailer debug output, then you have run out of options to find the problem.

Sorry if this post is not of much help.

Thanks, Breath will try and figure it out then.


(17 replies, posted in Setup)

FA 2.4.14 is still not sending invoices on PHP8. It shows in green that the invoice was emailed, but nothing is received. All the websites that I run have now been updated to PHP8 since PHP7 has stopped any maintenance or security issues.

Since it is showing that the invoice was sent, but nothing is received it does not show any error.

When I revert back to PHP7 it emails the invoice without issues.

There are two places where you can email the invoice, on the sales tab after you created an invoice and then from the reports tab/ Invoices/email. None of the two is sending the invoices when PHP8 is activated.


On the Banking and General Ledger / Bank Payments screen, the inline item where you add the Account/ Dimension/ Amount/ Memo/ and add Item has a problem in the Bank recon tab.  I think this line item must be Person/Item and not memo. There is already a memo block at the bottom of the line transactions.

When you do the bank reconciliation and the banking reports, the inline memo item (Person/Item) is not displayed at all within the bank reconciliation. If you have entered something in the separate memo block, that will be displayed in the bank reconciliation.

The same is true in Bank Deposits. Also, two Memo items on the screen that I presume have an error when you do the reconciliation, VAT reports, and Bank Recon Report.

Unfortunately, I cannot upload screenshots here, which would have explained the situation better.

Would be appreciated if this can be fixed in future releases.


(18 replies, posted in Announcements)

I have now updated one of my FA installations on PHP8 and got the following errors:

1. On 2.4.12 it did not email the invoice when the server runs on PHP8, when reverting to 7.4 it sends correctly. On 2.4.13  with PHP8, the email is sent, but only in text. The invoice is then also in text and no copy to the bcc field. Also now pdf attachment.

"Subject: Invoice AWI0152 from Aquilla "
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Dear ,"

The client's name is not in the email,

The rest of the content sent to the client:

Content-Type: application/unknown; name="InvoiceAWI0152.pdf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="InvoiceAWI0152.pdf"

ZWRpYUJveCBbMCAwIDU5NS4yOCA4NDEuODldCi9SZXNvdXJjZXMgMiAwIFIKL0NvbnRlbnRz" This goes on for a bit.

This is just one error that I have picked up.

When reverting back to 7.4 it sends it correctly, to the client but does not send a bcc email to the company.

I have done a direct invoice. The client has 5 branches, and the top one was used. Now I am trying to fix that by wanting to change the selected branch, but that is not possible.

Can also not change the order or the delivery note since it was auto-generated.

I then changed the branch in the database in the Customer sales and then in orders. Despite that, it seems that the branch is pulled through from the Delivery note. That seems to have changed since in the past you could fix the issue by updating the branch on the order.

Is there a way to find the auto delivery note and change the back there to get the correct address?

I now have to void the invoice, which hopefully will void the Delivery and the Order.

Then recreate the invoice, but is a lot of work for multiple line items.

Any idea how to fix this issue?


(21 replies, posted in Reporting)

What is the final verdict on this?

Will it be fixed or not? Do I have to manually add the Rep709 every time?


(17 replies, posted in Setup)

PHP 8 on 2.4.12 Invoice printing and email issue. The invoice does not want to print or email.

It shows that it was emailed, but it is never received.

On print, it just hangs.

When I revert back to PHP7.4 it prints and email.

Please advise.

Why is the English Wiki now displaying different languages?


(21 replies, posted in Reporting)

Have this been fixed or will this only be implemented in 2.5?


(21 replies, posted in Reporting)

joe wrote:

This has been fixed and committed to stable repo.

A fixed file can be downloaded on Mantis.

Thanks for  reporting this smile


In the latest update in 2.4.11 the same bug appears again. I have now downloaded this from the old issue that was fixed from Mantis.

This does not resolve the issue. It was resolved once in one of the previous versions. Maybe it is in another post.


(11 replies, posted in Reporting)

Thank @advocate. This topic was started before the other one and there was no response. So I did not search for others.

Thanks, Joe. It seems that it is solving the problem.


(11 replies, posted in Reporting)

I have checked now on a new installation of 2.4.11 and the problem with the Invoicing is still the same.

The Quotation now problem, the order, no problem, the delivery note, no problem. The problem is only on the Invoice?

The Invoice number displays correctly in the browser when you have completed the transaction and the email confirmation that the email was sent.

In the email header received by the client and the copy to admin, it shows Invoice 0 (instead of the invoice number). This must b a problem with $subject since the problem does not occur with Quotation nor, delivery or orders only with Invoice.

Please advise what to check?


(11 replies, posted in Reporting)

No, I have upgraded from 2.4.09. 

What is the new format?

My format is what it normally was as indicated above IN0012354. What must change to resolve this?

Followed the process above. Now get this when you want to void the delivery after voiding the Purchase invoice.:

The void cannot be processed because there is an insufficient quantity for item.

Well done. You deserve that.


(11 replies, posted in Reporting)

Hi Apmuthu

I just upgraded to the new version from the previous version. In the previous version, it would add the Invoice number. After the upgrade, it no longer adds the Invoice number just puts a zero.

It is not just recurring but all invoices, even the new direct invoices that now have "Invoice 0" (this should be the invoice number for example IN0012354) )  from "My Company Name" (which is correct).

Why is it now not picking up the invoice number in the email heading and the email body?

The Invoice number on the PDF attachment is correct. The email also does not enter the client name it just states "Dear," (No client name). Previously it would read "Dear Wynand,"


(11 replies, posted in Reporting)

When you email a recurring invoice or new invoice created it shows in the email heading the following:

Invoice 0 from Mycompany

In the content it reads:


Attached you will find  Invoice 0 from MyCompany.

Before the upgrade, it displayed the actual invoice number. After the up[grade the above is displayed.