I would like a stock location report,  I need help with the sql statement.  I just don't know enough to do it myself.

I have Repgen loaded and I can make simple reports, but...  I need a stock check report that shows the qty for that location, something like this:

stock_id | stock_master.description | qty. loc_code =10 | qty .loc_code =20 | qty. loc_code =30 |

five columns with each qty column to show data for that location.

if someone has a little time to help with an sql statement...

Thanks for your help!!!


I still have an issue here...

In receive some of the items on the PO, and now the PO is still outstanding... the items are not coming, the PO is not a PO anymore...  It needs to be removed from outstanding... I guess I can go to edit PO, change the qty ordered, to qty received, and remove the line items I did not receive any of?

Please let me know, Thanks


How do I remove a voided transaction from the Customer Balance report?

Or at least remove them from Print Statements...


rthor wrote:

a) Create new PO from Backorders (generates new PO#).
b) Partial PO-receipt which generates a backorder with same PO#.

I think both are good, some suppliers may keep the same PO #, and send your items when they come in...  The main company I deal with does not do back orders, I must generate a new PO...

To other users, please let us know what you think?


I would like to know what the community thinks is the best way to handle an outstanding PO when you receive some of the items on the PO, but the supplier does not do back orders.  You receive some of the items on that PO, and now the PO should be moved from outstanding, or archived or something. ??

It would be good, to be able to flag a PO as back order, or create a new PO from Items not received,  and maybe a report of Items not received...

Anyway please let me know?  I will get some more information added to the dev-wiki and help-wiki from response here...



(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I am no coder... but I think... SymmetricDS would do the update FA data base that you need?  SymmetricDS is web-enabled, database independent, data synchronization/replication software. It uses web and database technologies to replicate tables between relational databases in near real time. The software was designed to scale for a large number of databases, work across low-bandwidth connections, and withstand periods of network outage.

By using database triggers, SymmetricDS guarantees that data changes are captured and atomicity is preserved. Support for database vendors is provided through a Database Dialect layer, with implementations for MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, DB2, Firebird, HSQLDB, H2, and Apache Derby included.

For a POS I think this is the way to go...



(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I also would like this information for use in a POS module.  If someone takes the time to do this please post it...:)




(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Yes, I see, I must be getting a little mixed up...

It would be better if at the time you enter a new item in (Item and Inventory, Items) right after (Insert New Item) or you select an item for edit, you had a choice for a pop up window for entry of (Reorder Levels, Sales Pricing, and Purchasing Pricing) for that item, as this is when you have all this information in front of you...


I guess my business is unique, some customers buy from us at different locations, currencies, and countries.  I have a few currency issues with FA, maybe I will list them one day...


I don't know if this is a bug or not...  But when I receive a customer payment...  In Customer Payment Entry, From Customer: I pick the customer, Into Bank Account: I pick the account he pays to, Exchange Rate: is auto changed to the correct currency, Amount: I enter the payment in that currency.

But the system saves it as home currency, making the customers account way off...

In Customers, Customer's Currency: the customer's currency is listed as home currency...  but the customer is paying on his account in foreign currency...

Please let me know what you think?



(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

What is the chance of having reorder_qty added to the Items and Inventory, Reorder Levels, page?


(5 replies, posted in Reporting)

Thanks for the updates,  however I think stock check should have a check box for show Inactive or not...


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

I also email, sales orders, invoices, and account balance, to some customers...

How much trouble would it be to add a drop down to Direct Sales Invoice, Cash payment, Deliver from Location:, and Cash account: so that during a sale you could change these two (location and cash account)?



(10 replies, posted in Setup)

xampp, you can run it portable (protableapps.com)  then you can demo all the things you that can not try on the demo site...

AM smile


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

This would be a handy report for a non stocking items sales company.  I have a few custom reports I need myself, if anyone out there is a good report writer.  Maybe I will post in the help wanted one day...


(5 replies, posted in Reporting)

How can I get inactive items not to show in price lists, and stock check sheets?

The problem is that when an inside salesman is making sales, he will make sales in more then one sales location.  He can make the sale to the right customer branch, but not to the correct point of sale, he must log out and log back in as a user who is set for that that POS, etc.

If it were possible to change GL posting accounts at the time of sale... or add Default cash account: and POS location: to GL accounts set. in customer branch?  Or maybe be able to have a user change his POS at the time of a sale?


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

OK, got that working right, that wiki just keeps getting better and better....:)


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

I have a sales tax problem. If the item is marked (none) in (Item Tax Type) then the sale will not add the tax, if it is marked in a one of the tax types, then it will add the tax if you sell in a location that uses that tax type, but as soon as you change sale location to were there is a different tax type used, then the tax is not added to the sale unless you go back to items and change the tax type to what the sale location uses.

Is there a way to disable this feature?

All Items are sold in locations of different tax types, maybe have customer branches tax group default as the tax type? Or customer set for a tax type.

I use a system called groupoffice, it has email, address book, appointments, files, notes, etc.  I use all this in the tab next to FA, I have to do a little cut a paste now and then, but it works good... for FA is sure to do one day..

Vramak, I do not understand?  All these things are automated...  You can still enter some manually of you want..

Check the help wiki. Maybe we still need to add some help items there?  Let me know I will see what I can do to help with it.


When you buy and sell in multiple currencies you calculate your selling price in the currency that you bought it in.  But this is a problem if you enter the selling price in a foreign currency, and try to sell it in another foreign currency.  The system will give you a zero price.  If you sell in the same foreign currency as your price, no problem.  But if all your selling prices are in base currency, then it is no problem to sell in any of your foreign currencies.

If when you enter a selling price in a foreign currency, in the system,  then the system could make the calculation based on your currency exchange rate, and store the selling price in your base currency. Then you can sell or print price list in whatever currency you want.  It also would be good to show your selling price in the foreign currency in Selling Price maintenance for updates etc.

Or maybe there is another way?


(16 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

OK, I have a problem, but it is not a bug.  I will make a post over at FA Modifications... smile


(16 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

If you were to automate this price problem - Alvin

This is what we want to avoid by clear defaults: automatization of problems wink. - Janusz

I don't see the problem here.  If I need to store all sell prices in base currency, in order to make the system work right.  What is the problem with the system doing it for me?

Also what is the Base for auto price calculations: used for in Company Setup? - Alvin

This is price list selected as base for price calculations, when there is no explicit price set for some items. If you have 'No base price list' here you have all automatic calculations for prices off. Maybe this is your problem? Set it to most complete/often used pricelist. - Janusz

Just wondering, wiki not updated yet, however this is not the problem, it is set to retail price list...