No, you are not. However if you feel you can contribute some features/improvements back to core FA you are very welcome.



(6 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I guess this depends on how long you entry the document. The only reason for displaying login page should be input timeout. This can be adjusted at Setup|Company Setup page.


(29 replies, posted in Wish List)

If you have anything to share you can send it also to FA contributions mailbox. Thanks in advance.


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

FrontAccounting use standard php sessions based on session files. You will have to implement database based session handler, and save session data in mysql table..



(29 replies, posted in Wish List)

Is anybody interested here in writing full specification of the requested extension?
Serial number tracking is too complex functionality to just sit and implement it in a minute. I personally have no special experience in business requiring serial number nor batch tracking, so I cannot specify the needed features myself.

When you are registered to FrontAccounting forum, you have write access to FA Wiki as well. If you are really interested in the feature, please open new page on wiki and describe all the functionality needed in basic yet functional serial number tracking. Alternatively you can write specification as OpenOffice document and attach it to new feature request you will create on FrontAccounting Mantis.

This is the first and anyway necessary step to have this feature implemented in FrontAccounting, regardless is it done as free extension or paid customization.


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

Well, I'm not sure what you mean by horizontal scaling?
'company' folder is used for any company specific content like per company images or other file storage.



(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I don't know why the warning is displayed, maybe you should switch go_debug to 0 in config.php. Anyway you can safely remove 5th parameter in session_set_cookie_params() call in mentioned line.

Set encoding for English locale to iso-8859-2 in lang/ file. This should be enough to see and edit polish chars correctly.


(12 replies, posted in Translations)

Firstly danish locale code is  da_DK, and not no_NO, so the language files should be named respectively.
Application cannot install the language files bacause apache have no permittions to delete already existing  *.po/*.mo files. Just delete them manually before you install new version again via 'Install/Update Languages' option.


(10 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Seems there is sparse '\n' just after 'mulitpart/mixed;' in line 134 of
Could you check the functionality again on your setup, after fixing this line?


(17 replies, posted in Reporting)

I'm not sure where is the problem. Once you have selected default settings in GL Setup, they are used for new customers.

If the items entered have 'Service' type set they will not appear in inventory.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Seems  simple scripts are not so simple. I guess your site support should help you.

Translation prepared by Thornbjorn is already available from FA repository as es_NI language package. Thank you very much for your support .


(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Well, what you mean by 'professional' directory structure?


(20 replies, posted in Translations)

You have to install proper locales on your ubuntu server. See here for more info.

Also you have to install proper locales on your ubuntu server. See here for more info.

What error?

'Point of sale' is just set of parameters which define environment in which user can perform sales. This is not sales terminal.



(2 replies, posted in Setup)

No, there is no special setting to disable hotkeys, but they should work only in FA working window. Look into  setHotKeys() fuction in js/inserts.js to know how the hotkeys works.


(2 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

No, not really. Regarding purchase pricing it will be reorganized in next FA edition to help in mass entry of supplier's pricelist (current layout is not especially handy for this), maybe item codes could be moved (or duplicated) as additional tab in items page.


Well, item is anything what you can sell or buy.


(8 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

No, there is no need for pure technical id here. Item code is changed rarely (if at all), and allowing multiply records with the same item code would provide more problems than advantages. For example changing the item code in database would change the cinvoice content retrospectively.



(1 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

No, standard FA version does not provide entry field for VAT effective date. You will need to customize FA sources for your needs. NB polish tax regulations provide more problems you will have to solve (WTF is faktura korygująca? smile). If you have no resources to customize FA  yourself, you can try polish version offered on SaaS basis by one of our partners (contact info you will find on FA partners page).

For me all works right here. When you select 'New' in Bank Statements selector, and select any day as Reconcile Date, the beginning  balance is properly displayed.