Your is captcha integration is good piece of code, so I would like to make it available as optional extension. Anyway it will take me some time due to other works in progress I have just now, so please be patient.


Please send the script to contribution mailbox together with short COA description and optional author/maintainer info, then it will be available form FA package repository as well.


(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Looks like some temporary cacheing error.

I have ready to publish another simple fix, maybe better suitable for hosted FA accounts. The fix introduces configurable delay after some failed login attempts. Captcha activated on every login attempt seems to be more restrictive for real user than for automated  spam scripts using OCR tools. Thank you very much for the contribution.


(25 replies, posted in Installation)

The whole upgrade process is too complex to do it manually. You should just find the exact problem which block the upgrade, and fix it before you continue.
You should check the list above and fix the database scheme respectively. When it is done right, you should see upgrade option for version 2.3 in place of 'partially Installed (1/4)' info.


(11 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

The applicatioon remembers last customer used, and use it when you entry the page again. The same is implemented in many places in FA, e.g. in Direct Invoice , Supplier invoice etc.

There is no right place here to explain all the nuances  of the license, so in short words:
. FrontAccounting can be sold providing all GPL license requirements are fullfiled;
. The result product have to be distributed on GPL license too;
. If the result product is distributed, it should be done in source form, so no code obfuscation is allowed;
. We do not give permissions to remove any licensing info from application
files; Any changes done in sources should be clearly stated as made by modification author;
. We retain rights to make license changes in future;

We do not agree on shameless usurpation of FrontAccounting authors work anyway.
FrontAccounting LLC


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

Seems there is some problem with FA repository access. The problem has been reported on the forum some times and seems to be related to Windows FA installations. Unfortunatelly I can't  reproduce the situation on Linux, and  I have no Windows access, so I can't help.

No, nor it is planned in 2.4. The only changes in date support are planned in next minor release, and you can download them from stable mercurial branch. The changes hopefully make manual date field edition less painfull using defaults for month/year.
But if you would like to contribute complete implementation for the proposed new date format, we can integrate it even in 2.3.x.

Yes, why not. Just ignore unusefull parts wink.

While FA was based on webERP ideas, the code was completely rewritten on start (unmaintainable original code was primary reason for opening separated FA project). Currently probably the only common part of code is installer moved back to webERP, some similarities you can find also in database scheme, and that's all. Of course the comparision always can be done, but I preffer to leave this work for third party reviewers. Our opinion have to be naturally biased smile.

We prefer to have complete sql init files for every separate country/coa type. This make  major version upgrade easier. Next FA version will include switch to internal utf8 tables, and any selected  user encoding. Now this is handled improperly.


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

I'm not sure which setting you mean. AFAIK all settings have to be defined here, otherwise posting errors could appear in GL.

Some of the settings like Prompt Payment Discount Account are potentially optional, but currently is no code dealing with 'Not Assigned' option.

No, you will have to change the code to optionally hide some parts of user interface.

What about integration with calendar?

Thanks apmuthu, your patches has been integrated with current FA version.
I guess nightly build is not necessary to be in touch with newest FA version. Everybody interested can clone FA hg repo and have all the changes tracked online. There is also not so much fixes included daily, and we do make new minor release after every important or security fix.

There is no publcly available pro version (whatever you mean) now, payroll module is in really alpha stage, so unfortunatelly it is not usable yet.

There is no official comparision page for FA & webERP I know about.

Yes, we should provide instructions about COA extraction, or even implement some extraction utility in any next FA version.

Regarding OpenVZA, I have no openvz enabled box avaialble just now, so I cant check and publish the template. But this is interesting option for the near future.


(6 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

The id is created automatically by related link helper. I really don't know why this depends on them, it shouldn't. AFIR the id is necessary for arrows navigation between links on application page.

You can register additional costs in GL items section of purchase invoice.


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Prepayment invoicing is not available in current FA version, however it is implemented in version 2.4 whcih is planned to be released soon.


(1 replies, posted in Installation)

Really I don't know the reason. All the conditions are checked and status is displayed on initial installer screen. If all is displayed in green here you should have no problems with installing the application.


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

The Profit/Loss account have to be defined as it is used on year close.


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

I'm not sure what you are talking about, this is not official plugin. I guess you can find more info where you have read about it.


(25 replies, posted in Installation)

First, seems you have partially upgraded database, and this can block 2.2 to 2.3 upgrade process. Before the update is preformed following database structure elements are checked:
. type field is included in 0_comments table index;
. 0_sys_prefs table exists;
. 0_sales_orders.payment_terms field exists;
. 0_purch_orders.tax_included field exists;

If any of those preconditions are met, the database is considered as partially upgraded. You should fix the database structure manually (e.g. via phpmyadmin) before upgrade.

But those are not the only changes which could rise errors during upgrade: any database structure change done on elements involved in FA upgrade procedure  can rise errors and block the upgrade. To avoid any errors, generally your database should have structure exactly as it is defined in en_US-*.sql in 2.2 distribution tarball.



(29 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Probably the database user defined for your installation does not have enough rights to properly install the module. This is the only extension module which requires extended access rights on mysql database. You must have TRIGGER rights granted to properly install the module. Check the dbuser rights, then uninstall and install the module again.
Yes, you are right. There was a bug in install sql script which could fire this error. This has been fixed in new package version already available in repo. I guess you will have to uninstall/install module if you have not fixed the issue manually yet.


(3 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Thank you for pointing the problem out. The zen_import package has been updated. Please try update your application using Install/Activate Extensions page again.