Topic: Can I use FA without accounting funtionality

I'm new to FA. I have downloded FA and I have done some manipulation.
I want to know if it is possible to use FA only for invoice, Inventory, Delivery...Without any accounting stuff?
Thank you.

Re: Can I use FA without accounting funtionality

This may look strange question!, but I do not need accounting functionality and if there is a way to disable them, that will be great!. In fact people that will use the software, do not have very good computer skills and they want something simple.

Re: Can I use FA without accounting funtionality

No, you will have to change the code to optionally hide some parts of user interface.

Re: Can I use FA without accounting funtionality

Thank you. My question was put because small busines in Morocco do not require complex accounting stuff like COA and so I want to know if I can use Fronctaccounting for such business.
Anyway Thank you

Re: Can I use FA without accounting funtionality

Yes, why not. Just ignore unusefull parts wink.

Re: Can I use FA without accounting funtionality

Thank you for your advice smile

Re: Can I use FA without accounting funtionality

Would what was done Here:

Get you where you want?

Otherwise, maybe you can see what was changed to help you implement what you want?