Hi Denise,

denise wrote:

1) I noticed already I could add the GR/IR account back in manually but was wondering why it was removed from the default settings in the Dutch COA as it is setup by default in the English version. Probably because you personally don't use it indeed wink

Ok, I will set GR/IR account to 1605 by default in the update COA ? By mistake i didn't know this setting is default in the English COA.

denise wrote:

2) Preferably I still have all possible VAT scenario's setup like Social Bookkeeping have done in their VAT preconfig. Joost Oosterhoff also described them here http://www.oosterhoff.org/cms/nl/alle-artikelen/21-information-control/foutloos-boekhouden-met-frontaccounting/46-nederlandse-btw-in-frontaccounting.html
Looks like right now only 1a, 1b and 5 are preconfigured. Personally I also need 3b and 4b. The value reported here in the standard VAT report to the Dutch IRS has to be included in the ICF report as well. I can imagine other potential Dutch customers require one of the other tax groupings as well though hence my suggestion to include them all in the default COA to make it easy for new adopters to just pick what they need rather than having to set the VAT groupings up from scratch themselves.

Alternately we could still go the route of having me upload a second COA into FA repository with a description similar to "Dutch COA suitable for import/export to/from Netherlands and companies having the need to reconcile stock receipts".

What about changing the VAT-scenario's to the following:

BTW Hoog covers 1a on the Ducth IRS Tax form (sales, also 5b purchases)
BTW Laag covers 1b (sales, also 5b purchases)
BTW Vrij (EU) covers 3b and 4b
BTW verlegd covers 1e and 2a
BTW Vrij (non EU) covers 3a and 4a

Not covered is:
- 1c --> non routine transactions, to be crecorded by manual journal entry?
- 1d --> idem
- 3c --> no idea how to set this up?? Non routine/branch specific?
- 5d --> non routine, to be recorded by manual entry
- 5e idem
- 5f idem

Almost all GL accounts are allready present, just needed one account to be added.

I prefer one Dutch COA, so i prefer to update the existing COA with above changes? After receiving you comments I will generate an updated COA and will send it to you for testing purposes. After testing i will ask Janusz to update it in the repository.

denise wrote:

May I ask what type of company you've implemented FA in? Service companies only or also trade companies? Already when you ship product to/from Belgium to Netherlands (quite common I guess) you need 3b/4b if you plan to invoice with 0% VAT.

I use FA in a few service companies and a few non-profit companies. So no trading company indeed, that's why I don't use the GR/IR account.

denise wrote:

Also in case someone is planning to build an interface between FA and Dutch IRS to be able to automatically submit the tax return it would be easier I guess to just map all preconfigured tax groupings from FA to the Dutch IRS (I haven't found an API on the site of the Dutch IRS yet though so not sure yet how other packages obtained the required info to build their interfaces).

I don't know if such interface exists. If it exists i'm also interested. But i think it would be really hard to build an interface like this. If i'm right all electronic communications like this must be going through Dutch "Digipoort" and you will need an "PKI Overheid Services" certificate for this.

denise wrote:

Do you also know if there's a standard VAT/ICF report preconfigured in FA already or whether we need to build this from scratch? I'm playing around with Rapidminer now to see if I can easily build the required tax report from this 3rd party tool for the time being.

No i don't think this is available yet. But if you're planning to configure one, i'm also interested.

denise wrote:

I'm playing around with FA and ran into a couple of questions when reviewing the Dutch chart of accounts (COA) and default GL settings.
1) A GR/IR account (Rekening nog te ontvangen inkoopfacturen) doesn't seem to be available. Is there a special reason for not doing so or did I overlook something? In the default English version account 1550 is in the chart of accounts and linked to GRN Clearing Account in general GL settings. When reviewing commercial packages like e.g. Exact they do seem to advice on using such an account to address discrepancies between receiving goods/invoices.
2) Is there a special reason for configuring 3 VAT percentages in the tax code setup only? If we would identify all possible tax groupings as dictated by Dutch IRS like e.g. social bookkeeping package has preconfigured we would be more flexible in my opinion.

Right now it would e.g. be hard to distinguish between 0% invoices for e.g. bank costs (NL-NL invoice) as opposed to an invoice from/to another EU country invoicing without vat according to intracommunutaire law which should be reported separately on the VAT (BTW) and intracommunautair (ICF) report.

I'm not in favour of uploading various "flavours" of the Dutch COA into the FA repository hence would appreciate if we could come to consensus on a COA which would work for all of us.

1) you can select your own GR/IR account after installing the COA (goto the "Instellingen" menu and select "Instellingen Systeem en Grootboek". I don't use such account, but you can enable it if you prefer to.

2) I think the current tax-types/percentages as included in the Dutch COA are suitable for the most users by including only the main Dutch VAT Tax groups/types. What kind of tax type/percentages would you suggest to include? Including all kind of taxes could be too confusing.


(1 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

The general ledger is the central repository of all accounting data. It is not a particular view or list, but it's the collective noun for all the accounting data.

The trial balance contains an overview of the beginning balance, period activity (Debit, credit amounts) and ending balance. The trial balance contains both balance sheet accounts and profit & loss accounts.

The balance sheet shows only the balance sheet accounts (assets, liabilities and equity) as per a given period.

The P&L statement shows the income and expenses for a given period.


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

I think the easiest way is to use a redirect from your subdomain to the main domain and not to make separate installations. Create a .htaccess file with the following text and upload it to de mainfolder of your subdomain:

Redirect /directorynameofthesubdomain http://www.yourdomain.nl/maindirectoryofmaindomain

Please read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Share_capital

Issued share capital is the total of the share capital issued (allocated) to shareholders. This may be less or equal to the authorised capital. Previously, issued capital comprised common equity shares as well as all preferred shares. But now only irredeemable preferred shares can be shown as part of issued share capital. The shared capital of a company is constantly changing. They company can give out more shares to their shareholders or buy them back, increasing or reducing the issued share capital, respectively. Issued share capital is not affected by the market price of shares. The value of issued capital presented in the financial statements is simply the number of issued shares multiplied by the face value of each share. For example, if a company issues 50,000 shares for $1 and the market price is at $2 per share, the issued share capital would still only be $50,000, and not $100,000.

Called up share capital is the total amount of issued capital for which the shareholders are required to pay. This may be less than the subscribed capital as the company may ask shareholders to pay by installments.

Paid up share capital is the amount of share capital paid by the shareholders. This may be less than the called up capital as payments may be in instalments ("calls-in-arrears") .

Reserve capital in your question is the difference between the amount paid and the nominal amount of the issued share. In the example the reserve (premium reserve) is $ 100,000 minus $ 50,000 = $ 50,000.

You can also do the following to keep better track of your aged receivables:

1. Create the following G/L accounts (only the first time, if not already created)
    * Bad debtors (Balance)
    * Provision bad debtors (Balance)
    * Write-off bad debts (P&L)
    Make sure both balance accounts are in the same G/L Accounts Group
2. Create an article "write-off bad debt" with the "bad debtors" account as default COGS account and default Revenue account
3. Issue a new credit note to the bad debtor with the article  "write-off bad debt" and the full outstanding amount as credit amount.
4. Allocate the issued credit note to the customer/outstanding receivable. The receivable is now moved from your A/R account/list and recorded as receivable on the created "Bad debtors" account (receivable).
5. Make a manual journal entry:
    Write-off bad debts (P&L) costs
    A/ Provision bad debtors (Balance)
6. In "old-school accounting" it is common to not write off the whole amount, but the amount minus 0,01. For example if your outstanding aged amount for a customer is € 100, write of € 99,99 in step 5 (so after issuing the credit note for the whole amount and only when the recaivable is "replaced" outsite the regular A/R account/list). Now you still have an outstanding amount of € 0,01 (€ 100 om the bad debtors balance account, minus € 99,99 on the provision bad debtors balance account. Togehter € 0,01). This € 0,01 will cause the debtor will remain visible in your administration and will not disappear/forgotten.

if i select multiple invoices for printing (like invoice no 1 to 1000, all single page invoices) the PDF which is generated also includes pagenumbering. By example invoice no 2 gets pagenumber 2. I think this is incorrect and the numbering as discussed in this thread should restart on each invoice again and not on the pages when bulk printing invoices.


(2 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

kensoftwares wrote:

Dear Users/Support,

I want to pass a journal entry for the year 2013.

I have closed the previous financial years and opened 2013.

But when i post a entry for 2013 , get the error;

"The entered date is not in fiscal year."

How do i sort this error?



Goto Setup > Company Setup > Select 2013 as active fiscal year.


(21 replies, posted in Announcements)

Janusz, Apmuthu,
thanks for paying attation to this problem. I really appreciate everybody's continuous work on making FA better and better!


(21 replies, posted in Announcements)

Hi Apmuthu,

Thanks for your response. I have followed your steps and now know which file will trigger the following error:

Databasefout : query for bank transaction
error code : 1305
error message : FUNCTION frontaccounting.IFNULL does not exist
sql that failed was : SELECT bt.*, act.*, IFNULL(abs(dt.ov_amount), IFNULL (abs(st.ov_amount), bt.amount)) settled_amount, IFNULL(abs(dt.ov_amount/bt.amount), IFNULL (abs(st.ov_amount/bt.amount), 1)) settle_rate, IFNULL(debtor.curr_code, IFNULL (supplier.curr_code, act.bank_curr_code)) settle_curr FROM 12_bank_trans bt LEFT JOIN 12_debtor_trans dt ON dt.type=bt.type AND dt.trans_no=bt.trans_no LEFT JOIN 12_debtors_master debtor ON debtor.debtor_no = dt.debtor_no LEFT JOIN 12_supp_trans st ON st.type=bt.type AND st.trans_no=bt.trans_no LEFT JOIN 12_suppliers supplier ON supplier.supplier_id = st.supplier_id, 12_bank_accounts act WHERE act.id=bt.bank_act AND bt.type='2' AND bt.trans_no = '1' ORDER BY trans_date, bt.id

The 1305 error is triggered by the changed file /gl/includes/db/gl_db_bank_trans.inc

I have googled a bit on the error code and found this post: http://blog.152.org/2009/12/mysql-error … s-not.html

According to this instruction I have removed several spaces between IFNULL and the ( character in the file /gl/includes/db/gl_db_bank_trans.inc (1 space on each line in 69-71, so 3 in total).

Original code (extract)

        IFNULL(abs(dt.ov_amount), IFNULL (abs(st.ov_amount), bt.amount)) settled_amount,
        IFNULL(abs(dt.ov_amount/bt.amount), IFNULL (abs(st.ov_amount/bt.amount), 1)) settle_rate,
        IFNULL(debtor.curr_code, IFNULL (supplier.curr_code, act.bank_curr_code)) settle_curr

Changed code (extract)

        IFNULL(abs(dt.ov_amount), IFNULL(abs(st.ov_amount), bt.amount)) settled_amount,
        IFNULL(abs(dt.ov_amount/bt.amount), IFNULL(abs(st.ov_amount/bt.amount), 1)) settle_rate,
        IFNULL(debtor.curr_code, IFNULL(supplier.curr_code, act.bank_curr_code)) settle_curr

I understand this error doesn't occur on all MySQL versions. But I think other user might have this issue to. So can this fix sent to the repo?


(21 replies, posted in Announcements)


After updating to 2.3.19 I receive a database error in Banking and General Ledger > Journal Inquiry when pressing on the link in column "Trans #" to view the transaction details. The error doesn't occurs in all transaction type views. The error occurs for example with bank deposit, bank payment and fund transfer. But with "Sales Invoice" I don't receive the error.

Tested on my live environment and on a clean install.

Given the nature of the Aged Customer Analysis report: is it an idea to set the following questions by default to "yes":

- Show Also Allocated
- Summary Only


(4 replies, posted in Announcements)

Thnx Joe, Janusz and other core developers. I really appreciate your work. However FA is free, it is becoming better and better and more and more stable and powerful ERP system.


(5 replies, posted in Translations)

See your e-mail....

santosh050277 wrote:

can you please send me the MO and PO file for dutch NL on my email id santosh050277@gmail.com

Thnx Janusz for fixing this bug, updated file can be downloaded here:


At the customer payment entry screen there is a handy "amount of discount" input box. Maybe it's an idea to add also a "payment differences" input box.

If EUR 100 is received from a customer, and there is only EUR 99 of invoices to allocate, then it is wishful to add the EUR 1 as payment differences in the P&L. It would be easy if this can be done in the same customer payment entry screen where the total amount is recorded.

if you google on "An appropriate representation of the requested resource" you'll find a lot of forums where users of several online tools & websites discuss the same issue...

After update to 2.3.17 FA gives an error (The entered amount is invalid or less than zero) if I try to make a bank account transfer. The amount entered is valid and there are sufficient funds to transfer.

Does anybody experience the same issue?


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

Maybe you should try logging in FA on another computer/browser to exclude the possibility this is related to your current browser/computer.

itronics wrote:

What do you think about the planned change?

Sounds ok Janusz!


(5 replies, posted in Translations)

Updated Dutch translation version 2.3.16 is available for install.


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Goto the setup tab and select "Create/Update Companies"

try to delete and reïnstall the dutch language by the setup-install/update language menu? Hereinafter goto setup-preferences screen and select the dutch language.

If it is still not working, logout frontaccounting and clear your internet browser cache. Login again and see if the language is now displaying correctly.

All screen items, menu items, etc are translated, so it should work.


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

See the extentions settings in the setup/settings screen. Select the company which you would like to activate the extention for. Check the activate checkbox for the dashboard extention.

the template of projecterp looks also very nice, much more graphics and modern look