Topic: How we can have (or define ) customers and suppliers with same unique

Hello All,

I'm new in FA, Actually I'm testing it and i have to confess i found it so effective with strong performance.
but the problem is here that we have kind of suppliers that they are our customer's too in same time .. it mean we buy some kind of thing of them also we sale a kind of items to them too. so with this point in FA now we should create an account to them in customers page and one in suppliers pages.
and now we will have a separated account  where The account is credited in supplier page and where account is debited in customer page.

is it true? i mean the way FA works now
or just i'm missing some thing here smile

Re: How we can have (or define ) customers and suppliers with same unique

No, you are not missing anything. This is the way FA works


Re: How we can have (or define ) customers and suppliers with same unique

ohhhh ... but this happen in most of the business to having double face transactions with their partners and in this way this is not good.
coz when accounts are splitted we need to check both to realize the costumer and supplier balance

no way to fix this?

Re: How we can have (or define ) customers and suppliers with same unique

The Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payables ledgers are close related to the General Ledger and therefore should mirror what is happening. This is the reason that most Accounting Systems are split up this way.


Re: How we can have (or define ) customers and suppliers with same unique

It is possible to create a Balance Sheet Bank Account which will be the parent of the Common Supplier cum Customer Accounts - Possibly a Merged Ledger Folio Report ight also satisfy such a need where a group of sundry debtors / sundry creditors can belong to a relationship group - possibly extending across companies!

Re: How we can have (or define ) customers and suppliers with same unique

thanks dear Joe

thanks dear apmuthu .. and sorry In my late reply . I was looking to finding a way to fix this thing and i found an Accounting software that was used to do this in GL Accounts .. they just define a Person/Company in GL Accounts and use it for both Supplier and Customers too.
but unfortunately I Could'nt find out how it work .. coz it was'nt open source . some how when i realized how it work i will share it here to all who interested about integrating customers and suppliers in one account.

Apmuthu ,
can you please explain some more about that way you suggested .. i couldnt understand what you mean

Re: How we can have (or define ) customers and suppliers with same unique

GL Account Groups have a parent child relationship that can be used optionally.
Read the Wiki on Account Classes and Groups and Parent Ledgers.

Re: How we can have (or define ) customers and suppliers with same unique

a script that work with the way i meant,
to defining a Person/Company/etc you need to do it in Address book tab .. then for entry a sale order you can define that Customer there as client and .. also you can define same Person/Company/etc in Accounts Payable tab as Supplier to use it for entry purchase order
and this is not the all, even in General Ledger tab you can entry a Journal Entry for that Person/Company/etc too
i got the source code and took a look on it but it has Complex system so it need to a long time to realize how it work sad

Re: How we can have (or define ) customers and suppliers with same unique

the template of projecterp looks also very nice, much more graphics and modern look

Re: How we can have (or define ) customers and suppliers with same unique

yes, it seems it's formed of 2 script .. or optimization of an old one