Please try to address your questions here in English, please . There is an Arabic forum over at
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
Please try to address your questions here in English, please . There is an Arabic forum over at
Look into the report, rep707.pjp. This is the Profit and Loss statement.
It uses 2/3 sql statements, depending on which comparing column is used.
The first and overall is the routine get_gl_accounts_all(0), where the digit 0 indicates non balance accounts. This function resides inside /gl/includes/db/
The second and third are: get_gl_trans_from_to() and get_gl_budget_from_to(). These functions get the balance from to for accounts and dimensions (if any). These both functions reside inside /gl/includes/db/
Instead of voiding the Journal Voucher you could have edited it and kept the reference number. This could have been done in Journal Inquiry.
When you void a transaction, the transaction is still there with zero amounts and occupies a reference number.
Unfortunately it is not possible to edit Bank Deposits/Payments at the moment due to heavy complexity with customer/supplier transactions/currency etc. Voiding them will only zero out the amounts and occupy a reference number.
A Wiki for documentation, context sensitive help and developer sections have been established at:
Please read the instructions in Wiki GuideLines carefully to follow the structure for working with this Wiki.
For editing you will have to use the same username and password as from the Website Forum. If you are a Member you will have access to editing the Main and Help groups.
Please have a look at how the initial pages are set up.
There are several group of pages defined. Site (setup pages e.g. left side bar), Main (the initial documentation), Help (this is also direct accessable from a FrontAccounting Installation where the $help_base_url in config.php is set to ""). This is some kind of a Global Help Wiki. There is also a group for Devel (developers section for discussion and news about development).
We have changed status of some forum Members on the Forum to Senior Memeber. The selection is only our guess (based on forum activity) about who is more interested in development and/or other form of contributions like FA technical documentation. The list of Senior Members is in no way closed, and if you was not included in the group but you feel you should please send us a note via forum mailer, then we fix this situation asap. The only benefit for being Senior Member for now are edition rights granted in Devel section. Today we have a total of 10 Senior Members and 2 Administrators, Janusz and me.
Primarily we are interested in setting up the English content first, but we have established flags for selecting German, French, Spanish, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Dutch and Arabic languages. More to come later. There are page templates for most of these languages. Currently page templates are maintained by administrators. If you want to take care of any language specific page template ask administrators, and they will set edition rights to it for you.
We are also addressing this to all the Translators to kindly contribute to the wiki.
Hopefully we can get this wiki up in good shape and as soon as possible. It is strongly needed by the community.
Joe Hunt
The #### indicates an overflowed column. Try to enlarge the cells a bit by dragging in the header or doubleclick on the border between cells in the header.
You can use both physical products and/or services in your assembly/manufacturing. You can also put labour and overhead costs on the workorder. I am sure yu can use our manufacturing for your need. Just make some trials on the Training Co. before starting up.
Yes, I see we are talking release 2.1. The PARAM_5 sets the value of $print_as_quote. It is there only as a declaration.
In release 2.2 you can create quotations just like sales orders as well.
In the Display Setup (Preferences) there is a checkbox saying 'Use popup window to display reports'. Unmark this and the report will go to the same browser, but with another tab.
No the pdf view does it well for a preview and it is fast too. If you want the rows to be available in a spreadsheet, consider the destination Excel.
Yes, I know. The space is rather sparsely if you have a lot of text. The layout can be changed in /reporting/includes/ and the two text files, and
To print the legal text over several lines you can replace line 322 in /reporting/includes/
$this->TextWrap($ccol, $this->row, $right - $ccol, $this->company['legal_text'], 'C');
$this->TextWrapLines($ccol, $right - $ccol, $this->company['legal_text'], 'C');
This extension has now been uploaded to the Website, Download - Modules section.
Hello GRF,
I think you should ask a technical guy to help you with this first time upload and chmod'ing. This is always the tricky part for non-technichians.
If this is done correctly, it is almost like a snap to install FrontAccounting. I hope you will get many happy hours with FrontAccounting.
The Sales Kit definition is only for your own pleasure. In some kind it is a mix of items and assembled items, without the assembling procedure.
If you have some items that belongs together when you sell them, then to not forget the items you could name such a set as a Sales Kit.
When you enter this Kit Number on the item lines in Sales Order/Delivery/Invoice it will expand into the belonging items. This way you don't forget any, right?
If you used the Bank Deposit entry, Entry # 2 would no longer be possible after the latest CVS fix. The problem will not arise if you use the Journal Entry. It will do exactly as you enter, but when using Bank Account Inquiry there is no Bank Deposit line for the entry, but a Journal Entry number and clicking on this number will show you the Journal Entry, not a Bank Deposit.
The duplicate error was only thrown when you used the Bank Deposit (as it was before the CVS fix), and made a transaction line with the same GL account as the main account or another Bank Account/Cash Account. In these cases you got a duplicate error line. A bank deposit/payment could only contain ONE bank/cash transaction line, the main one.
But luckily this is no longer possible with the latest CVS fix.
Ah, I guess you misunderstood. The item adjustment should create GL transactions, but only if the values of the adjustment is non-zero.
You can make a report, List of Journal Entries, in Banking and General Ledger. See if you find the Item Adjustment here for the date done.
Yes, allowing more that the main bank transactions will create dublicate bank transactions if there are bank and /or cash accounts on the transaction lines here.
The main account is the one you choose up/left. I hope you understand what I mean.
If you want to transfer bank to cash, then use bank transfer for that.
I know what you mean. It is not possible to exclude anyone to not select various customers in customer transactions. It would also require a lot of restrictions for the customer in the access roles. Technical it could be done, but I am not sure if this is a good idea. It is scary to let the fox into the poultry-farm, if you understand what I mean
Fixed by disallowing bank accounts in account list on transaction rows. CVS 2.2 unstable updated. Affected files /fl/includes/ui/ and /gl/manage/gl_quick_entries.php
Even if you cannot see the voided transactions, they are zeroed out. So you should be safe to continue with the corrected files (or avoid bank accounts on the transaction rows).
I guess we must disallow bank transactions in the rows. This will always cause more than one bank account transactions and give double records.
I will have a look at this.
Strange, I have no problems doing that. Are you looking at the correct location? Service items don't show up, as you know.
If you priced the items, there should be a GL journal created. Did it do that?
The calculation is correct. Remember that the Pricelist has Tax Included. Try f.i. to change the pricelist to wholesale, and you will see it presented with tax exclude. Back to Tax Included again. It is base on a Tax 5%. Example: (10 - 0.48) = 9.52 before tax. 9.52 * 0.05 = 0,48. 9.52 + 0.48 = 10.
I have tested this a lot and the routines are taken from the order to delivery routines where rigorious testing have been done.
It requires a correct tax setup.. Remember the 'Update' Button to the right, if you change the Shipping Charge.
BTW. The layout problem that dano1967 points out has been fixed and committed to CVS 2.2 unstable.
Thanks for pointing this out. It has been fixed in CVS 2.2 unstable repository a while ago. Affected file /inventory/manage/items.php. It will be included in final.
I am sorry, we do not allow entering dimensions into the bank account itself in the bank Payment/Despsits forms.
You will have to use the Journal Entry form for doing that. FA is not build to do that, and it would need a heavy rewrite to make it so.
Consider using Quick Entries for doing that in Journal Entry. This will save you a lot of job.
Do you mean, that you can't put a dimension on the bank account transaction itself?
This has been fixed and committed to CVS 2.2 unstable. Affected files /sales/includes/ui/ and /sales/sales_order_entry.php
Sales Quotation/Order Inquiry now includes the shipping cost (but not taxes). Affected file /sales/inquiry/sales_orders_view.php
FrontAccounting forum → Posts by joe
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