
(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

Yes, Tom, this is a good idea. Is now implemented in 2.3 CVS. However a global variable in file config.php needs to be set, f.i. $save_report_selections = 0.
A positive value X will save the report selections from report center in X days. 0 = no saving.

This way we are backwards compatible. So remember to set this value when you download 2.3 next time.


I think we are not talking about the same thing here. Can you please be more specific.


As I explained before the dimensions on suppliers/customers only go to sales/purchase accounts so you could see the contributions for each dimension.

You will have to do some research about how to solve your problem.
Of course you have more freedom in the bank payments so you can probably do something here. Please try it out on the Training Co. first.


Certain operations require you to be logged in as Superadmin (admin on the first created company).


Check that your dimensions are not closed.
If you have 2 dimensions on the transaction line, check to see that the type is correct (1 or 2).
These are the only restrictions on the dimensions.


Please see answer to this topic under Accounts Receivables Forum.


Dimensions on Suppliers only goes to COGS account and only on non stock items. So if this transaction contains stock items you will not see any GL entries here. You first see these transactions during delivery. This is the first GL booking if you are using stock maintenance. Credit inventory and debit COGS. For these types of transactions you should put your dimension on the customer instead.



(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

Look into the existing reports to see how to go ahead designing reports.



(27 replies, posted in Dimensions)

The easiest way is to change the language file, xx_YY.po (if you use none en_GB). Simply search all occurrence of Dimension(s) and change it into what you like instead. You can use poEdit for this. Which word would you have preferred?


You don't have to bother. The invoice will not show up in the payment/allocation routines.
And if you run the customer balances, you will see the invoices as allocated.



(1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I guess you have encountered a bug. A credit limit of 10000 would mean a block when the balance + current invoice exceeds 10000.

This is fixed in release 2.3 by given the current credit information for the customer on the form. You see when the limit is below 0.

For release 2.2.X you could set the customer on hold. We do not maintain bugfixes on 2.2.x any more.


Please have a look in our Wiki .



(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

No, you can only take reports for a selected company.



(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

No, but we are working on that. If you have some suggestions to how we should build it (we know the basic rules) then please contribute on the developers mailinglist.


Hi Gaston,

The function for populating the listbox is
function gl_all_accounts_list about line 1506 in file /includes/ui/ui_lists.inc. And the parameters to the function is called from inside:
/gl/includes/ui/gl_bank_ui.inc line 182 in function gl_edit_item_controls.


When you get a note from the bank that you have got the 100 euro, you enter the Customer Payment and process the Payment, and at the same time the allocations. Thats it. Everyting is taken care of inside FA.



(3 replies, posted in Setup)

There are no more Database changes before final 2.3 release. Only bug-fixes and other minor things.



(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

I guess you mean release 2.3 and you are right. Will be fixed.



(5 replies, posted in Installation)

Please have a look at  regarding this topic.


Strange, it should be visible when using Bank Payments/Deposits. Only the bank accounts are removed here. Are you sure it has not been marked inactive in GL accounts?
I cannot reproduce this so I don't know what to suggest.
Maybe someone can help us among the community.


If you use FA, you normally only have bank accounts for paying a supplier. So you would have to select the bank account, that are going to refund Doris. And that should be done the same day. After the booking Doris get her refund from the Bank Account directly without further booking in FA. Remember to save the paper work.


Only Bank Accounts are not available. If you need some bank transfer, please use the Bank Transfer.


FrontAccounting uses the average price of the items when delivering. Not FIFO or LIFO. The average price is recalculated everytime new items are received into stock.



(1 replies, posted in Announcements)

When we feel that the testing is complete smile



(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

It seems that you have set a logo in Setup, Company Setup, that is called Copy of 4x3_top copy.jpg. TCPDF can't find this. Maybe because of the spaces inside the name.
If you create a new logo in Company Setup, please remove the existing one first and then upload the correct one.
