I may figure out how to do it directly, but what harm would there be in adding that additional link after invoicing?
Is it a bit ironic, all my customers have payment terms set to Cash Only, no delayed payments
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by tom
I may figure out how to do it directly, but what harm would there be in adding that additional link after invoicing?
Is it a bit ironic, all my customers have payment terms set to Cash Only, no delayed payments
Do you mean Direct Invoice (aka Direct Sales Invoice)?
When I import the orders from osCommerce I create Sales Orders.
I do this for four reasons:
1) They have the greatest flexibility for being modified
2) I have not verified payment (credit card or paypal)
3) They do not cause any Inventory/Stock changes
4) They do not cause any GL changes
Maybe what I need is *Direct Invoice Against Sales Order*
But then again I can get two forms of payment...
(3 if you include cash or check in person)
All three still end up in two different bank accounts... Bank and Paypal
Am I wrong using the Sales Order as the Initial order documentation?
On the page sales/customer_invoice.php?AddedID=#
It would be nice if there was another link: Receive/Process Payment for Invoice
and have it take you to sales/customer_payments.php? with the correct customer
If it could be real smart (if this makes sense) to maybe show Allocate Payment
if the payment had already been received... of if any unallocated payments were
It might be possible through mysql.
Since we use innodb type we do everything in transactions and I believe there are mysql tools that can be used to sync.
If you do not have access to a mysql expert, let me know I may be able to find one (or figure it out myself)
I am not sure what you would gain, but you could do a nightly backup (mysqldump) and then restore that backup to the offline server.
Of course you would not be able to perform any updates to the offline db that would be retained.
I was thinking of using phpAdmin UPDATE 0_cust_branch SET receivables_account = '1500' where receivables_account = '1700'
If I edit the branches and set receivables_account to 1500 directly is that sufficient to change the A/R account for all customer?
I think so, but before manually modifying the db thought I better ask...
I did not expect to find it under śetup... it worked fine
I entered a payment twice...
now I need to remove the extra one...
Should I just issue a payment to the customer?
I saw in the code a comment like this:
If the Customer's A/R Account is a Bank Account then automatically allocate the payment
(Which looks nice since I only ship on paid invoices)
But when I look at Customer Allocations (sales/allocations/customer_allocation_main.php)
it shows the whole payment is left to allocate...
Maybe the comment is not accurate...
It would help a lot if manufacturing/work_order_entry.php had an Item Code input.
Right now the only way to select an item to manufacture is the pull-down
Also why does line 328 have $dec = 0; thereby forcing the quantities to be whole numbers?
Why not use the decimal places of the UOM of the item we're manufacturing?
It does not need a new MYSQL database, it just adds a new set of tables with a unique prefix (0_, 1_, 2_ etc)
Why do you say it is not multi-user?
You can create additional companies when logged in as admin under setup.
Maybe we need to look at WHY the manufacturing process did not work.
In my site I buy in 20kg buckets and repackage into 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 1 and 5 lb packages.
I do two processes, first I manufacture my 1 x 20kg into 44 x 1lb and then
build the other products from the 1lb units.
in inventory/prices.php
The first SQL is:
SELECT i.item_code, i.description, c.description, count(*)>1 as kit
0_item_codes i
0_stock_category c
ON i.category_id=c.category_id GROUP BY i.item_code ORDER BY c.description,i.item_code
And it ends up including foreign item codes in the list as well, which can't have prices
as a check I tried to enter a Sales Order and noticed the Foreign item codes were replaced with the proper stock_id
Dumb Question time...
Since all printing is performed at a user's request, what is the advantage of using a network printer over the browser's printer settings?
(Yikes I said ALL, maybe I am making a wrong assumption!)
You can use anything (without spaces is best)
is good.
I think that field is in there so you can install more than one version of a given module
Why you'd need to do that I am not sure, but the flexibility is there.
You then go to the Menu Tab you selected (Items and Inventory) and click on the Name you have it (Items Import)
Select the GL Accounts you want to use for the items, etc.
Make sure you use the right Field separator. The default is ;
I personally use ,
The browse to the CVS file on your local system that you prepared
click Import
Warnings and errors will be noted and a summary of the number of updates made.
ps. I prefer to answer things here, so others can use the information too
Maybe we need to add a parameter when adding an attachment (for each part) or maybe derive it from the file extension.
My mail reader looks at the content type to decide what program to use to open it...
winzip does not know how to handle PDF files...
Why does class.mail.inc use Content-Type: application/x-zip-compressed;
We are attaching a PDF document.
Why not use Content-Type: application/pdf;
How do Quick Entries work?
I created one and I see it on the Enter Supplier Invoice page and I add items to the invoice and enter a number in the Quick Entry and click GO and nothing appears to happen.
What am I missing?
I am still not comfortable with this... there is a big difference between a cash incentive I give ("Prompt Payment Discount") vs a Hard expense I have to pay no matter what... Bank Processing fee... be it Paypal fee, or wire transfer fee.
It looks like it will work ok for me.
For Paypal Payments:
Enter the NET payment in the Amount: field
Enter the Paypal Fee in the Amount of Discount: field
That may work, I will look closer at that.
Not really.
The customer has an invoice for $68.50 he pays $68.50, so I will expect to allocate that entire payment to his account.
The very act of receiving the $68.50 will incur a processing fee of $2.36 (let's say that is 3% discount rate + $0.30/transaction)
That is a expense that has nothing to do with the customer.
I added a Quick Entry for Supplier Invoice/Credit and I do not see how that will generate the desired effect.
It should add to the total I owe that supplier.
It should also add to the Freight Inwards (4300)
I am hoping to not worry about GL Account codes for day to day normal operations...
FrontAccounting forum → Posts by tom
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