1 (edited by tom 06/29/2009 12:33:02 am)

Topic: after invoice added

On the page sales/customer_invoice.php?AddedID=#

It would be nice if there was another link: Receive/Process Payment for Invoice
and have it take you to sales/customer_payments.php? with the correct customer

If it could be real smart (if this makes sense) to maybe show Allocate Payment
if the payment had already been received... of if any unallocated payments were


Re: after invoice added

Isn't it rare to do a payment immediate after creating a delayed invoice. If you want to pay at once you should use the cash invoice option.


Re: after invoice added

Do you mean Direct Invoice (aka Direct Sales Invoice)?

When I import the orders from osCommerce I create Sales Orders.
I do this for four reasons:

1) They have the greatest flexibility for being modified
2) I have not verified payment (credit card or paypal)
3) They do not cause any Inventory/Stock changes
4) They do not cause any GL changes

Maybe what I need is *Direct Invoice Against Sales Order*

But then again I can get two forms of payment...
(3 if you include cash or check in person)

All three still end up in two different bank accounts... Bank and Paypal

Am I wrong using the Sales Order as the Initial order documentation?


Re: after invoice added

No you are doing it right. I forgot that you were importing from osCommerce.
But as this is quite ackwards to make a payment directly to delayed invoice, I think you should make a change for yourself to satisfy this.


Re: after invoice added

I may figure out how to do it directly, but what harm would there be in adding that additional link after invoicing?

Is it a bit ironic, all my customers have payment terms set to Cash Only, no delayed payments smile


Re: after invoice added

I know you Tom, after having had some mailing correspondance with you over some time. You want everything to be at your fingertips, right? smile
So please copy the link yourself from another script. cool
