Topic: Sales orders, payments

Ok, this is minor I think but it has my curiosity.
If you enter a sales order, then process the invoice.
You can take a look at customer transaction inquiry and this invoice will be marked red for overdue. Which it should since there has been no payments.
However, if you enter a payment, and allocate it to the invoice and then go back to the customer transaction inquiry it will still show red. If you look at the GL there will be an equal debit/credit and the balance remaining or due will be 0 as well. Is this a quirk somewhere or am I doing something incorrectly?

Re: Sales orders, payments

Hi wkeull

You are right I'm afraid. This is a bug in FA v.1.16. If you want to patch your local  source tree below is attached fix which you should apply to sales/inquiry/customer_inquiry.php. Or you can wait for next FA 1.xx release. Thanks a lot for your testing effort.


<             AND ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.due_date < '" . date2sql(Today()) . "') AS OverDue
>             AND (".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.due_date < '" . date2sql(Today()) . "')
>             AND ((".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.ov_amount + "
>               .TB_PREF."debtor_trans.ov_gst + "
>               .TB_PREF."debtor_trans.ov_freight )>".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.alloc
>         )) AS OverDue

Re: Sales orders, payments

Thanks for your response. I applied the path, however it still doesn't produce the desired result, might there be another previous path that needs to be applied? On a side note, if you create a .pdf "customer balance report" you will notice that under the "allocated" column, both values (credit/debit) are additive. Is this the intended operation? I cannot understand the purpose of an additive allocated value. Again, I might be making a mistake.
Many thanks

Re: Sales orders, payments

I don't know what FA version you have. After reading your post I've uploaded current main branch from CVS which is actually ver. 1.16 with some fixes. After applying the patch all seems to work correct for me, although I haven't to much time to test it thoroughly.

Regarding report module Joe is more competent, so you should wait a while for his response.


Re: Sales orders, payments

Just a quick note. Your patch did fix the problem. I just switched hosts today and I uploaded to my old host, while using new host! After actually uploading, file is working properly. Always check the simple things first!

Re: Sales orders, payments

OK. I'm happy I've helped you.
BTW I want point out that our team is involved in next FA release development, so the old stable version can have slower support now. If you have some spare time and want to test new functionalities of FA v.2 you can do it on our demo site or simply upload new version from CVS (unstable branch). This is in alpha stage, however - beside smaller bugs we do not know about - all should work. All response is highly appreciated.


Re: Sales orders, payments

Hello again, found a similar problem with the coloring effects for outstanding/past due balances. Take a look at the sales/inquiry/sales_orders_view.php? page, it is showing all of the balances are red. Maybe I entered something wrong though? Thanks Again

8 (edited by lurdsammie 04/27/2008 07:13:03 pm)

Re: Sales orders, payments

Hello there,

I have just installed FA 2.0.  I appreciate the improved functionality in many areas of the application.

I am however having no luck raising invoices / sales orders.

When I select an item and hit the Tab Key the code updates automatically but the price doesnt change.  I was therefore forced to reinstall FA 1.16 to help troubleshoot.  The above problem does not occur in FA 1.16

Same problem occurs with the PO as well.

Pls advise.


Re: Sales orders, payments

A fix is coming on the CVS repository soon. We have this bug reported a week ago. Something went wrong while changing the JavaScript a bit.


Re: Sales orders, payments

Thanks for the prompt response.  Will be looking forward to it.  I hope it will be posted under news when done.

Re: Sales orders, payments

The item selector problem has now been fixed in 2.0. New files at the CVS repository. Look in the CHANGELOG.TXT file.


Re: Sales orders, payments

Thanks for the update.

I have reinstalled FA from a fresh download at the sourceforge link


But the problem persists.  I had a look at the changlog.txt file and it appears the last update is from 06 April 2008.

I am not sure what you meant by the CVS repository (Not an IT man).  Could you pls provide the link to download the updated file.



Re: Sales orders, payments

The FA 2.0 Beta is NOT updated. It will not be until we have a Release Candidate, but you can go to the CVS repository via Code section at SourceForge. There you can navigate to the CHANGELOG.txt and see the last updated files and you can download them one by one here. It is only a few.
I understand that you are not familiar with CVS so, for you,  this is the easiast way to pick up the files.


Re: Sales orders, payments

Thanks for the reply.

I have been to the repository and found a few CHANGELOG.txt files there.  Downloaded them. But uploading them to the installation did not resolve the problem so I guess it was not the right thing to do.

I really need some help with the updates.  Can anybody help?


Re: Sales orders, payments

Hello lursammie

Sorry for the delay, but we are busy with price system changes so the bugfix had to wait a little. Now when all is ready to check in the SF cvs server is dead. All the latest changes  will be comited in some hours I think.
Anyway the bug in sales order price entry is easy to fix, so you can do it yourself in mean time. To make sales order entry working properly please uncomment lines 258 (if ($change_prices != 0) {) and 265 in sales/includes/ui/ and all should work OK.


Re: Sales orders, payments

Thanks for the update.

Will check it out.


Re: Sales orders, payments

All changes just have been commited into CVS.


Re: Sales orders, payments

Thanks once again for the update.  I am not an IT person so all these issues about CVS and uncomment etc honestly do make my head go round.  I guess I am going to have to wait until such time I can download the zip file, unzip and install and have everything working ok.

Otherwise I will still be looking for help on getting it going.