Topic: Journal Entry Number (#) Changes after Editing in 2.4 Version!
We had the old version of frontaccounting 2.3. We are using it for almost more than a year without any major problem.
For the new year, we installed the newer version 2.4.2 and we started using it. We are glad for the updates to increase control and also the added search option.
The only problem we are currently facing with the new version is the Journal Voucher Number, which is auto generated after the user post the journal. The issue is that is journal number will change each time you perform an edit on a voucher. which is not logical. Because after you post a new journal entry, company documents is filed according to this reference. Sometimes we need to edit this journal for some mistakes from the accountant. The problem is Frontaccounting will give that journal voucher a new number after it being edited! Which is messing our document filing.
Noting that this was not the case in the older version 2.3.
Please let us know if this issue can be solved in the new version! As we are glad from all the updates on 2.4, and not willing to go back to 2.3.
Thank you in advance!