Topic: Allocate Customer Payment module

Hello All,

I am confused about this allocate customer Payment option. There is a customer that is supposed to have a nil balance, but on checking it, it is showing -3500.00 which was allocated. how do I revert this and what is the function of allocate Customer Payment.
Secondly how do I make the forms update automatically. I am using ver. 2.3.11 and when I void a payment and try to post again, it will be telling me "the reference has been used before". how do I change this?



2 (edited by apmuthu 03/27/2013 05:46:11 pm)

Re: Allocate Customer Payment module

That version is quite old - do not know if any pertinent code for this issue has changed much.

Reverse Journal entry is one way.

Try to upgrade to the recent version with all patches till date.

If you wish to adjust the db manually (not recommended) then do so with care and refer similar issue in the wiki.