First let's say that I like working with FA. It is easy to handle it, and it is getting better and better.
But my main goal when I made the choice of FA was to track my costs by activities (or projects). We have a small association regrouping IT managers and there is many activities going on: Administrators Board, Web support, regional sub-groups activities, 2010 Annual meeting, 2011 Annual meeting, Members training activities, Membership 2010, Membership 2011, etc. Therefore I setup Dimensions to do that. That helps to keep the GL account smaller.
For example people working on the organisation of the 2011 Annual meeting will charge the travel expenses at the specific GL account, but also the the 2011 Annual Meeting Dimension. All expenses and sales (registrations) would also be charged to that Dimension. Eventually I had in my mind that I could see either a detailed or a summary revenues/expenses report organized by Dimension, ideally for a specific period.
I have to say that I'm a little bit confused now that I am at the point where I want to get the information out of the system in order to meet with the official accountant on next Monday. For example I had sent Direct Invoices to all members for 2011 Membership. All invoices were done with Dimension "Membership 2011", and all payments completed. But I have no trace of "Membership 2011" in my reports, and it seems that there is no trace of that dimension in the GL_trans table. Obviously, some transactions get attached with Dimensions because there is data in the report (there are traces of the Dimension field in at least 3 tables; are they used ?).
By the way, I thought at first that the report was not working, but in fact it seems to depend on the first chosen and the last chosen Dimension. I'm not sure of what the program does in the background with these choices within an alphabetic order list. Sometimes it lists no Dimension, sometimes 4, sometimes 8..., with no direct relation with the number of dimension chosen.
Am I beside the track ?
Thanks for helping me to better understand.