Dear Sir

After a bank payment dimension is tracked with only one account debit side account that is “account payable” not both “account payable” and “checking account”. Therefore when I filter a dimension for PDF balance sheet it shows incorrect balance sheet. Same problem in purchase invoice: dimension id goes to only account. For project management I need to insert dimension id in every account: debit side and credit side accounts according to selected dimension in every GL transaction: Bank payment, Purchase Invoice Bank Deposit etc. Sir can you give me code snippet for inserting or updating gl_trans table with dimension id.

Thank you sir

Dear sir

In my case i have several projects and i want to filter out the supplier payments in project basis that i can see individual project costing afterward. This is because i created some dimension as my projects. And so i asked you about the proper solution. Please let me know how to manage. Can I make payment to suppler with bank payment and then allocate. Or any other solution do u have for me?

Thank you

Dear Sir

When I pay to supplier from purchase module I can not select dimension that needs for filtering dimension in the report afterwords. I thought as I assigned him (supplier) in a dimension during the creation of him, so all transitions will goes to his/her dimension. But I was wrong. It does not go to any dimension according to his/her dimension as I assigned. Then why you keep field "dimension 1" there (Purchase->Maintenance->Suppliers)? Or why I should pay to supplier without selecting any dimension if I planed for using dimension. Therefore I must use bank payment only. So “payment to supplier” option from supplier module can not be used in my case. It would be better for me if there (Purchase->Transaction-> Payments to Suppliers) have dimension option or if all transaction goes to according to supplier dimension (As I assign during creation of new supplier). Please clear me.

Thank you.

Dear Sir

When I pay to supplier from purchase module I can not select dimension that needs for filtering dimension in the report afterworlds. I thought as I assigned him (supplier) in a dimension during the creation of him, so all transitions will goes to his/her dimension. But I was wrong. It does not go to any dimension according to his/her dimension as I assigned. Then why you keep field "dimension 1" there (Purchase->Maintenance->Suppliers)? Or why I should pay to supplier without selecting any dimension if I planed for using dimension. Therefore I must use bank payment only. So “payment to supplier” option from supplier module can not be used in my case. It would be better for me if there (Purchase->Transaction-> Payments to Suppliers) have dimension option or if all transaction goes to according to supplier dimension (As I assign during creation of new supplier). Please clear me.

Thank you.


(8 replies, posted in Installation)

Dear Sir

I'm using Apache2triad 1.5.4 in my localhost.
During installation frontaccount-2.3RC1 it prompts me "OpenSSL PHP extension have to be enabled to use extension repository system" message at Extensions system  in Step 1: System Diagnostics

How can i fix it with my server?

Thank you

Dear Sir

Can you explain me why "Calculated returned" labeled in Balance Sheet? It would be helpful for me if you clear me.

Thank you in adv.

Dear sir,

In the new project it shows correct figure but not in default demo project that FA provided with. I received all the outstanding orders in all fiscal years but it still shows 1 instead of 0 in "On Order" column.

Thank you in adv.

Dear sir,

My Currency Abbreviation is BDT. I can not get my current currency rate when i press get button. But it works for other currency.

Thank you.

Dear sir,

In inventory item status, item always shows at  "On Order" column  1 in demo project after receiving all purchase orders. Could you explain.

Thank you

Dear sir

Could you explain the following:
  (a) Tax periods ______ Months
  (b)  Tax Last Period _____ Months Back.

Thank you

Dear sir,

Thank you for you quick answer and I learned a lot from you. I learned not only about FA but the features of ERP system too. Sir, in profit and loss statement, could you clear me the following issues:

1) Calculated Return
2) (a) Accumulated (b) Period Y-1 (c) Budget and
3) How to calculated Achieved% by formula.

Thank you sir.

Dear Sir,

1. In the Sales persons what are Break pt, Provision, Provision fields? can you clear me please.
2. Why do i need Sales Group in FA.

Thank you in adv.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Dear sir,

I create three dimension: Project 1 , Project 2, Project 3. And I have six salesperson.Now I want to assign two salesman for each project so that no sales can make any transaction other than i assigned for him/her. I saw the access setup to making a role. There i can only make role of whether user will use all dimension or not. But i need to specify individually. I thank in the "User Accounts Setup", a user should have a field attribute to assign his/her dimension like user's POS.

Thank you in adv.

Dear sir,

In the above you answered "the standard costing is the average purchase price over time". But when I change standard cost with FA then what will reflect. Is it remain correct average purchase cost. Please clear me.

Thank you in adv.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Dear sir,

It would be helpful for my company if users are restricted by dimension.
We need to filter project1 user trans or project2 user trans And one project user cannot make any translation if he/she is assign to other project. Is it possible for FA

Thank you.

Dear sir,

When I add a currency exchange rate, it does not add to the cart but after browser refresh it shows.

Thank you in adv.

Dear sir,

What do u mean by "origin" at answer A(5,6) ?. Is it qty stock on hand or something else?   

Thank you in adv.

Dear sir,

I like your ERP very much and  I'm studying FA thoroughly before i start. There are some issues i did not get. Could you explain the following please:

In Setup->System and general GL setups

1. Dimension required by after ___ days.
2. Work order Requried by after___ days.
3. Delivery Required by ___ days.
4. Accumulate batch shipping.
5. Delivery Over-Receive allowance.
6. Invoice Over-Charge allowance.

1. What is account Tag / Dimension Tag?

Thank you

Dear sir,
When i make a sales quotation it shows in "Demand" qty increase by double and decrease same qty in "Available" not same qty as i put in quotation . Could you explain sir.

Thanx in adv.

Dear sir,
Could you tell me what is GP% in Price Listing report?

Dear Sir,

I'm novice in accounting.  Could you briefly explain the following: 

1. In PL statement how is "Achieved %" column calculated.
2. In Dimension report what is YTD stands for

Thank you


(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

Hi. Sir

I solved it by myself. Thank you.


(3 replies, posted in Reporting)

Sir, thank you for your fast reply. another problem is when i want view my report, there is no problem to load PDF on my browser if database sql file is less than 15 kb but now my database sql file gets 800 kb.This time the ajax loader gets red and PDF does not show on my web browser but PDF is being created in company/1/pdf_files location. How can i solve this problem sir.

Thank you.


(3 replies, posted in Reporting)


First of all i'm greatful for you all who are contributing for FA development.It is a nice, simple and easier to grasp .Now I'm using this ERP for my company but when is want to view the reports it shows a ERROR:Cannot open connection to printer as well as shows time out problem.

Please any one could help me for solving these problem.

Thank you