Topic: Payment to a Supplier in a specific Dimension at Purchase Module

Dear Sir

When I pay to supplier from purchase module I can not select dimension that needs for filtering dimension in the report afterworlds. I thought as I assigned him (supplier) in a dimension during the creation of him, so all transitions will goes to his/her dimension. But I was wrong. It does not go to any dimension according to his/her dimension as I assigned. Then why you keep field "dimension 1" there (Purchase->Maintenance->Suppliers)? Or why I should pay to supplier without selecting any dimension if I planed for using dimension. Therefore I must use bank payment only. So “payment to supplier” option from supplier module can not be used in my case. It would be better for me if there (Purchase->Transaction-> Payments to Suppliers) have dimension option or if all transaction goes to according to supplier dimension (As I assign during creation of new supplier). Please clear me.

Thank you.

Re: Payment to a Supplier in a specific Dimension at Purchase Module

Dimensions on Suppliers only goes to COGS account and only on non stock items. So if this transaction contains stock items you will not see any GL entries here. You first see these transactions during delivery. This is the first GL booking if you are using stock maintenance. Credit inventory and debit COGS. For these types of transactions you should put your dimension on the customer instead.


Re: Payment to a Supplier in a specific Dimension at Purchase Module

Dear sir

In my case i have several projects and i want to filter out the supplier payments in project basis that i can see individual project costing afterward. This is because i created some dimension as my projects. And so i asked you about the proper solution. Please let me know how to manage. Can I make payment to suppler with bank payment and then allocate. Or any other solution do u have for me?

Thank you

Re: Payment to a Supplier in a specific Dimension at Purchase Module

As I explained before the dimensions on suppliers/customers only go to sales/purchase accounts so you could see the contributions for each dimension.

You will have to do some research about how to solve your problem.
Of course you have more freedom in the bank payments so you can probably do something here. Please try it out on the Training Co. first.


5 (edited by Towhid 10/07/2010 02:49:27 am)

Re: Payment to a Supplier in a specific Dimension at Purchase Module

Dear Sir

After a bank payment dimension is tracked with only one account debit side account that is “account payable” not both “account payable” and “checking account”. Therefore when I filter a dimension for PDF balance sheet it shows incorrect balance sheet. Same problem in purchase invoice: dimension id goes to only account. For project management I need to insert dimension id in every account: debit side and credit side accounts according to selected dimension in every GL transaction: Bank payment, Purchase Invoice Bank Deposit etc. Sir can you give me code snippet for inserting or updating gl_trans table with dimension id.

Thank you sir

Re: Payment to a Supplier in a specific Dimension at Purchase Module

If you want to put the dimension on all transaction rows, then you will have to find the 'add_gl_trans_supplier' lines in /purchasing/includes/db/, and fill in the dimensions in all lines. The function 'add_gl_trans_supplier' is defined in /purchasing/includes/
You will have to do the same thing in sales:
/sales/includes/db/ you will have to fill in the dimensions in all calls to 'add_gl_trans_customer'.
The same thing in /sales/includes/db/
I hope this will do it.
