Hi all,

My setup for testing at was fine, and I didn't touch FA for months until today.
I found that I only got white blank space when I tried to access it today.

I tried to track at which line the execution stops. I found that it stops when it reaches:


It is on includes/session.inc line 245. I use FA 2.3.3.
It's weird for me because it was okay months ago, and I didn't change anything on the code.

Did any body have similar experience about this problem?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.



(5 replies, posted in Reporting)

How about using PHP printer functions (http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.printer.php)?
They can send direct commands to printer. The extension is for Windows only, but somebody can make it work for Linux also via CUPS.


Finally I can create a report without any quote marks smile
Btw, I was creating a pdf report for stock movements, because I don't see a pdf report available for it.


Oh, I just read in the readme.txt file that the author is Joe Hunt. And I thought that was you.
Hmmm... So, to whom can I send my questions?


Hi all,

I'm trying to create a report using report generator module. In SQL query, I need to filter and modify some fields' values, using 'where field_name = "blablabla"' and 'date_format(date_field, "blablabla")'. But the SQL was said having SQL error, and I got error code : 1064.

The problem was gone if I remove every filter and modifying function which use quote mark (" or ').

Does this mean we should not use quote mark in the query?


Thanks Janusz.

With my current settings:
- $sql_trail set to 0
- "tout = tout | 600000;" in utils.js
- no change in inserts.js
I restored my backup file of size 3.948MB (unzipped) or 355KB (gzipped) in about 3 minutes and 20 seconds.

This is of course beyond the 60s limit in inserts.js like you just explained. Everything was normal, no timeout, no triangle icon, the proper "Restore backup completed." message was shown.

I haven't traced the whole js code, but from this experience I think the timeout limit is in utils.js. I haven't checked what effect I will get if I edit the timeout value in inserts.js.


Hi Janusz,

Just like what you said, after some experiments, this afternoon I found that the triangle is shown when the ajax call got its timeout, even the background restore process is still running actually (neglecting the ajax timeout). And I can fix this by adding more time for ajax execution.
I edit this line of code from js/utils.js (line 38)

tout = tout | 6000;    // default timeout value


tout = tout | 600000;    // default timeout value

I'm not sure what 6000 means (whether it means seconds or microseconds and why it is bit wise OR operatored). I just make the "6000" bigger by adding two zeroes there. And it works. The success message will be shown right after the restore process finished.


Hi Janusz,

Thanks for your reply. I tried to import via phpmyadmin, and the data was imported successfully. I traced the code, and found that the restore execution stopped when processing sql_trails table. Since the execution found an error, then the code tried to rollback any changes done (dropping and creating tables), but somehow the rollback process was failed. So, what's left was table from stock_category until wo_requirements (they were untouched by restore process).

My guess is that since the sql_trails table related to $sql_trail variable, $sql_trail set to 1 could be the cause of this problem. So I set $sql_trail to 0, and the problem is gone. So when we restore the backup, we have to set $sql_trail to 0.

Now I found another problem. The restore process is successfully done, but the warning icon still shows, and the icon shows even when the restore process isn't finished. I suspect the setting of tout variable in utils.js is related to this problem. Can you help to explain how the tout variable works?


After a month using FA 2.3.3 without any serious problems, one day database restore failed without any notice or error messages, just a yellow triangle icon with exclamation mark showed.

When I checked the database, only tables starting from stock_category until wo_requirements exist. Table from areas until sql_trails didn't exist.

At first I suspected that it was because the backup file was too big (actually it was only 355KB in gzip). So I tested to restore smaller backup file (10 KB in gzip). But I got similar problem.

Is there any idea how I can trace what cause this problem?

Hi all,

I successfully installed the module. I got the problem when I tried to create new report. In the 'Definition of a new Item of the report' page, inserting some values and clicking 'Store Item' button didn't give me any feedback. Even setting $go_debug = 1 or 2 also didn't give me any clues.

So I tried to trace the code. I found that the problem was on this line of repgen_strings.php file:

while (is_array($_POST) && list($key, $val) = each($_POST))

The list() only works on numerical arrays (I just check the PHP manual), and $_POST doesn't have numerical indices.

So I replaced that line of code with this:

  foreach($_POST as $key => $value)

Of course with additional closing '}' on the right place.

Now I can store items on the new report.
Hope this helps somebody here.


I'm using 2.3.3, and I cannot change the line description with the way you suggested.
Does this only work in 2.3.4?

I did some experiments and found that I can edit the line description when I'm in "Receive Purchase Order Items" form. I get this form from clicking the Receive link of "Search Outstanding Purchase Orders" page.

How to do the same thing for purchase invoice?

This is interesting!
I would like to know when this module will be released. Is there any prediction?


(21 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks Joe.



(21 replies, posted in Setup)

joe wrote:

Type_id is a special kind of type, like Sales Order, Sales Invoice, Sales Credit, PO, GRN, Supp Invoice, etc. etc.
There is a type_id for every kind of operation.

For example: type_id 17 is for inventory adjustments?
I'm interested to know about this further. Is there a complete list of type_ids?

I went to https://frontaccounting.com/fawiki, TechInfo Resources to be exact, but cannot find such info. The ER diagram only shows which tables relate to sys_types.



(21 replies, posted in Setup)

joe wrote:

The type_no is a link to the underlying GL entries. A Journal Entry consist of 2 or more rows that belongs to the same voucher (Journal Entry). These rows belongs to the same type_no.

Can you explain how does the sys_types table work in general?
What is field type_id used for?


Hi Jujuk,

I just tried to redownload the Indonesian language set from here https://frontaccounting.com/wbt/pages/d … guages.php (just to know whether it is named id_ID now), but it is still in_ID.
I will let you know when my translation is finished.
And I think it is better to write in English here smile


After some search, I found the answer. I will put it here, so it can be useful for anybody else here.

I got it from here: http://www.gnu.org/s/hello/manual/gette … Entry.html
Here is the important part:
‘ll_CC’, where ‘ll’ is an ISO 639 two-letter language code (lowercase) and ‘CC’ is an ISO 3166 two-letter country code (uppercase). The country code specification is not redundant: Some languages have dialects in different countries. For example, ‘de_AT’ is used for Austria, and ‘pt_BR’ for Brazil. The country code serves to distinguish the dialects.

Hi Joe,

Thanks for keep giving responses for my problem.
I have tried to logout and login again before. And I kept getting same old translation, instead of new one.

But then I tried to use another browser, and voila! the new translation is shown now smile

So, the problem may be caused by old cache.

Thanks again Joe.

Joe, if you don't have any idea yet about what might cause my problem, at least please tell me what to check. Which file should do what.
Btw, is FrontAccount language system using cache? How can we refresh the cache if needed?


Hi all,

Sorry for asking a kind of simple question here.
I'm just a bit confused with po file naming convention.

The Indonesian language pack downloaded from FrontAccount website contains files named in_ID.po and in_ID.mo.
But the code used in the list inside the page of Install/Update Language suggests code: id_ID.

For Indonesian language, which one is the correct format: in_ID or id_ID?

Thanks in advance for any info about this.


Hi Joe,

Thanks for the quick response smile

Actually, I didn't copy po and mo files manually to the language folder. In the installation process, I didn't install Indonesian language. So when the installation process finished, I just had en_US and new_language_template folders inside lang folder.

I installed Indonesian translation later when I have merged the existing translation with empty.po. Using Install/Update Language menu, the frontaccount code created id_ID folder inside lang folder.

After the language installation process was finished, I have checked the po and mo files inside id_ID folder, and I confirmed that they were the latest translation version (the merged one).

So, back to my original problem: why do I still get the old translation strings on my application screens?

Do you have any idea Joe?

And about sharing the translation: of course!
I plan to share it after I finish the project.


Hi all,

I merged an old Indonesian translation with empty.po from lang\new_language_template\LC_MESSAGES folder, then edit some existing translated strings.
I manually added this new po and mo files to FrontAccount via Install/Update Languages menu. When I activated Indonesian, the newly edited strings were not shown. The old translations were shown instead.

For example:
original string: "Quantities:"
- old translation:"Kuantitas:"
- new translation (my edit): "Jumlah:"

The FrontAccount still uses "Kuantitas:", instead of "Jumlah:".

Why did this happen? I have checked System Diagnostic, and everything is okay.

Thanks in advance.


(9 replies, posted in Setup)


But still, we have another discovered issue (SQL trail issue that you found) to be solved.