Topic: Extra description for items on invoice

I'm selling domains and contracts and like to add the name of the domein to the item line. I would expect a free entry per line item. This will allow me to enter the domain name or serial number or other relevant information kept with the line item.

I noticed the description on invoice header level, however not on item level.

Is there any possibility within FA which I didn't thought of / couldn't find?

Re: Extra description for items on invoice

If you click the line down again after adding the line, you can freely change the line description. The line is broken into several lines on the invoice if needed.

Re: Extra description for items on invoice

OK clear. It's working, thanks.

Re: Extra description for items on invoice

How to do the same thing for purchase invoice?

Re: Extra description for items on invoice

You can do the same in the Direct Supp Invoice, or,
You can setup Purchase Pricing under Items and Inventory tab, for the items and supplier.
These text will then be printed on the PO to the supplier.


Re: Extra description for items on invoice

I'm using 2.3.3, and I cannot change the line description with the way you suggested.
Does this only work in 2.3.4?

I did some experiments and found that I can edit the line description when I'm in "Receive Purchase Order Items" form. I get this form from clicking the Receive link of "Search Outstanding Purchase Orders" page.