The message appears once I have done a Direct GRN and then started to add a Direct Invoice.

As soon as I type the code and tab out of the field or select an item from the drop down for the Direct Invoice and it looks like it is starting to look up the price/stock but it suddenly jumps to a screen with the message.

So far it has done it every time I have done this process.

I am still getting this error when going Direct GRN to Direct Invoice and it seems to take about three attempts before I am able to add an invoice.

I am not doing anything differently from the previous version of the software and my computer set up is exactly the same as well.

This issue does not appear on the demo version (Version 2.3.0 Build 12.12.2010) on this site though.

After I have entered a Direct GRN and have moved to the Direct Invoice page when I try to add the item I sometimes get the following message:

'This edit session has been abandoned by opening sales document in another browser tab. You cannot edit more than one sales document at once.'

It does not show this message every time but it has happened at least four times since I upgraded to the latest version. I have to re-select the Direct Invoice option again and then it starts to work.

I am running Firefox 3.6.13 in Ubuntu.

I have just upgraded from 2.2.11 to 2.3 stable and seem to be missing the Import CSV Items from the Items and Inventory page.

After install the Install/Activate extensions page showed:

Installed: Unknown   
Available: Unknown

I clicked the install third part extensions icon and then got same as above.

The module now appeared on the activated dropdown menu.

If I activate the module by clicking the active checkbox and then save it still does not appear on the  Items and Inventory page.

Is this module still compatible with the latest version?

I am also getting the same error message on the following screens after an update from 2.2.11 to 2.3 stable version:

Purchase Order Entry
Direct GRN Entry
Direct Purchase Invoice Entry

(I have added this error to Mantis)

If you mean Inventory Adjustments -> Item Adjustments Note then this is the correct behaviour. Services are not physical products but things like shipping and labour, these will not have a quantity as they are not stock items.

I just paid another invoice and the same thing happened.

In order to avoid confusion as to what has been paid and what hasn't I have modified the SQL of the report so that the results are rounded to two decimal places:

ROUND(ABS(".TB_PREF."supp_trans.ov_amount),2) + ROUND(ABS(".TB_PREF."supp_trans.ov_gst),2) - ROUND(".TB_PREF."supp_trans.alloc,2) != 0

This has now fixed the problem for me and the paid invoice have now been removed from the report.

I have been using FrontAccounting for a while now for my business and everything is going great.

Yesterday I did a Supplier Payment Report and noticed an entry appearing when all my invoices were paid.

I had a bit of a look at the code and manually used the SQL code in phpMyAdmin to see what was happing:

SELECT 0_supp_trans.supp_reference, 0_supp_trans.tran_date, 0_supp_trans.due_date, 0_supp_trans.trans_no, 0_supp_trans.type, 0_supp_trans.rate, (ABS(0_supp_trans.ov_amount) + ABS(0_supp_trans.ov_gst) - 0_supp_trans.alloc) AS Balance, (ABS(0_supp_trans.ov_amount) + ABS(0_supp_trans.ov_gst) ) AS TranTotal FROM 0_supp_trans WHERE 0_supp_trans.supplier_id = '2' AND ABS(0_supp_trans.ov_amount) + ABS(0_supp_trans.ov_gst) - 0_supp_trans.alloc != 0 AND 0_supp_trans.tran_date <='2010-04-30' ORDER BY 0_supp_trans.type, 0_supp_trans.trans_no

This produces the single line containing a balance of -3.5527136788005e-15

This balance should be zero but for some reason it is not quite getting there when doing the balance calculation:

(ABS(0_supp_trans.ov_amount) + ABS(0_supp_trans.ov_gst) - 0_supp_trans.alloc) AS Balance

(ABS(13.7) + ABS(2.4) - 16.1) = -3.5527136788005e-15

I doubt this will happen very often for anyone else but thought I would mention it just in case there is an easy fix to prevent it happing.


(3 replies, posted in Wish List)

You can enable item codes to be shown in the drop down lists:

Select Setup from the top menu
Click Display Setup
Tick Show Item Codes
Click Update

All the items codes will now display just before the item names in the drop down boxes.


(6 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Yes, this is all definitely true.

On the odd occasion when I have found a small bug it has always been fixed within about 24 hours and I have always received a thank you from the developers for reporting it.

I really like this as it shows my reports are being read and are helpful in some way - this keeps me interested in the ongoing work on the code as I feel that my suggestions have been of use and that they have been appreciated.


(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

It is possible but you have to set it up correctly as follows:

Make sure you have set up taxes and tax groups
On the Customer Branches page set Tax Group to the tax group which has a tax applied to it
On Sales Types (on the sales page) set the Retail option to have tax included
On the Add and Manage Customers page set Sales Type/Price List to be the tax included option from above (retail)

When you now do an invoice you will see the total price for the items added is the total items cost and the taxed amount is shown in the left column but not added to the total.

(at the current time on the 2.2 demo if you do a direct invoice for customer Beefeater and add an item you will see this in action)


(13 replies, posted in Installation)

If you are setting this on the command line then type:

chmod 777 [directory name]

for example:

chmod 777 frontaccounting

For the company directory use:

chmod -R 777 company

The -R is for recursive so it sets the permissions on all the sub files and folders in the given directory.

If you have an FTP server running you can always use a client such a Filezilla and set the permissions on the directories using this - much easier and less chance of making an error.


(13 replies, posted in Installation)

It might be worth setting the permissions on the directories to 777 at the start as it sounds like it is still having problems writing the config files.

Were all the ticks at the top green when you started?


(13 replies, posted in Installation)

If the database is empty you can just leave it as it is.

The install process creates all the config files you just need to make sure the installation directory is writeable. If unsure just chmod it to 777 for the install and then change it back once everything is installed and working.

As long as all the tick boxes are green on the top of the setup page then the install will work fine.


(13 replies, posted in Installation)

To start over just delete all the files in the directory where you installed Front Accounting and then delete all the tables from the MySQL database you were using for the install.

Once this is done just re-upload the files to the directory and start the install again.

Make sure all the green ticks are lit up on the setup page and everything will install and be created as expected.


(1 replies, posted in Setup)

I have another question regarding accounts - I am using the English - Great Britain - General.

I have a quick entry set to allow me to add shipping on to a suppliers invoice and this works fine. I have this set to go in to 7500 (Postage and Carriage) which is of type General and Administrative Expenses which is of type costs.

I have just created a Profit and Loss Drilldown and seen the Cost Of Goods Sold (type costs) section includes Materials Purchased.

I am now thinking that as the shipping is also part of the cost of goods sold in that I have to pay it to receive my stock that this shipping should be under the 5202 (Carriage) account in the Cost Of Goods Sold section.

Does this sound correct? They are both costs so I don't think it makes much difference except it sounds/looks like the better place for the supplier invoiced shipping to be.


(6 replies, posted in Installation)

If you set the write permissions on the folder you are installing Front Accounting in to it will allow the creation of the config_db.php file and the installation screen will show the relevant green tick.

If you are not sure what permissions are needed just set it to 777 until the install is complete and then you can change it back to the original value when all the files have been created.


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

I have added this to the wiki on the following page:

Wishlist and future development directions for next major releases


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

I have been looking through the code and have changed line 689 in from:

'order' => array('c.description','stock_id')


'order' => array('c.description','s.description')

and line 754 from:

'order' => array('c.description','i.item_code')


'order' => array('c.description','s.description')

Where c = stock_category and s = stock_master

This seems to have worked as now my drop down item lists on the items and inventory, sales and purchase pages have been ordered by item name.

I think an option in the setup to do this would be a really useful addition.


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

Is there a way to make the drop down item list sort by item name rather than item code?

I have added many items now using the item import module but if I do not know the code it takes a while to find the item on the list as they tend to be mixed up.

I know you can enable the product search but I would prefer to just be able to scroll down the list to find what I am looking for.

Is there a place in the code I can make a change to adjust this sorting?


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

I was thinking that the demo site's databases should be re-set as they are now getting a bit full of random data and settings.

If the databases were cleared it would make it much easier for new users to really see how they work as at the minute it is getting a bit confusing.


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Select Add and Manage Customers then choose your customer from the dropdown and change Payment Terms to something other than Cash Only.

When you now select Direct Invoice the Payment drop down will be set to Delayed instead of Cash.

Ok, thanks for explaining it.

I will leave these accounts as they are I think as it sounds logical now you have explained it.

I have the English - Great Britain - General chart of accounts installed and by default it sets:

VAT (17.5%) to 2200 under Current Liabilities for both Sales GL Account and Purchasing GL Account.

On the Profit and Loss report there is no mention of VAT and I was thinking that this should really show up on this as it is a cost if I have paid it to my supplier or an income if I have received it from the customer.

Should these tax accounts be changed so that the sales ones goes in to an account under the sales revenue type and the Purchasing one is account is under the General and Administrative Expenses?

I hope you see what I mean?


(4 replies, posted in Setup)

This worked, thanks!