No sir.  Trust me when I tell you everything in FA pointed to 2021 as the active year.  Not my first rodeo.  Weird, I know.  I have screen shots to back this up, but again I can't share them here.

I did a work around for this and this issue is now in my rear view mirror.  Not exactly sure why it happened, but since it DID happen (perhaps an anomaly) I needed a quick fix.

Anybody can do this, but I would NOT recommend it unless you know what you're doing.

Before you do anything LOG OUT of FA and then copy the gl_journal.php to to a safe place in another directory!

1.  Create a status.txt file in the gl directory.

2. Edit the status.txt file so it reads "Super Super Admin is turned off". (no quotes in the file).

3. copy file gl_journal.php to reg_gl_journal.php

4. copy file gl_journal.php to ssa_gl_journal.php

5. edit ssa_gl_journal.php and comment out (not delete) 6 lines:

        //elseif (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['date_'])) 
        //      display_error(_("The entered date is out of fiscal year or is closed for further data entry."));
        //      set_focus('date_');
        //      $input_error = 1;

5. Save the edited file as ssa_gl_journal.php (ssa = super super admin)

6.  Create a bash script named "" (or whatever you want)  as follows:

read -p "Do you wish to be in Super Admin Mode? " USER_INPUT

if [[ $USER_INPUT = "yes" ]]; then
        cp ssa_gl_journal.php gl_journal.php
        sed -i 's/off/on/' status.txt
        echo "status.txt file will reflect super admin status."

elif [[ $USER_INPUT = "no" ]]; then
        cp reg_gl_journal.php gl_journal.php
        sed -i 's/on/off/' status.txt
        echo "status.txt file will reflect regular admin status."
        echo "Make up your mind please."


7.  Save the bash script.

8.  Change rights to your bash file as:

9.  sudo chmod +x

10.  Just use FA as needed with your regular rights.  If you MUST have access to multi-year and can not do this through the UI, and it's an emergency then invoke the bash script.  In linux this is done as follows:

10: sudo bash

11. Answer the question as "yes" or "no" (no quotes, lower case response).  Anything else just ends it.   If you answer "yes" then status will be : "Super Admin is turned On."  Opposite if you answer "no".


13.  When you are finished with your multi-year general journal entry, LOG OUT OF FA and immediately run the bash script again, and this time answer "no" to the question.  This will put everything back as it was, and you can then LOG BACK INTO FA.

If you ever forget what admin status you are in [keyboard] type:  cat status.txt and it will report on your terminal.  Note, all of the above requires you to be in command line in the /frontaccount/gl directory.




No joy.

poncho1234 wrote:

Ref. screenshots: Once you have written your post go back and edit it, there should now be an option to upload an image. Not an image an attachment, but this is the end result.

Longer Subject:  The entered date is out of fiscal year (oh, no sir, it's not!) so you're Journal Entry ain't gonna happen (wanna bet?)
supportingDocs: (Images probably too small to be useful to anyone).

I hit another anomaly and  It's a bit of an issue.  An accountant needs to be unfettered when setting up a new company.  That person might be working on 2021 in 2023 - trying to enter a T/B to carry forward, etc.  Lots of reasons.  I can't apparently provide attachments to this post, but I have a 2021 fiscal year selected, and set up in the Company as active.  Under fiscal years it is also set up, and it should be good to go.  Now mind you, I'm doing this work in 2023, but FOR 2021.  This is real world stuff.  So I wanted to establish in 2021 accounts the "activity" - - profit and loss, with an entry to would encapsulate all activity for 2021.  Then the plan was to close this out, and roll into 2022 and basically do the same thing.  Even though 2021 was the ONLY active year set up, FA would not let me make the entry.    The offending code is found in gl_journal.php as follows:

// Would not let me post a journal entry in 2021, even though it was all set up for that.
        elseif (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['date_']))
              display_error(_("The entered date is out of fiscal year or is closed for further data entry."));
              $input_error = 1;
This, as I'm sure you know, calls the and keys off of this code:

function is_date_in_fiscalyear($date, $convert=false)
        global $path_to_root;
        include_once($path_to_root . "/admin/db/");

        if ($convert)
                $date2 = sql2date($date);
                $date2 = $date;

        if (is_date_closed($date2))
                return 0;

        if (user_check_access('SA_MULTIFISCALYEARS')) // allow all open years for this one
                return is_date_in_fiscalyears($date2, false);

        $myrow = get_current_fiscalyear();
        $begin = sql2date($myrow['begin']);
        $end = sql2date($myrow['end']);
        if (date1_greater_date2($begin, $date2) || date1_greater_date2($date2, $end))
                return 0;
        return 1;

Not being able to post a 2021 entry to basically mimic the activity, albeit in summary, would render FA useless to me.  To get around this I simply commented out the function (last one I presented above) and ran the journal entry, and of course it worked fine once the digital hand-cuffs were removed.

My question is WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?  Trust me when I tell you everything in FA pointed to 2021 as the active year.  I have screen shots to back this up, but again I can't share them here.

Anyway, I just copy the original file (e.g., gl_journal.php -> gl_journal_original.php) and then make modifications to the gl_journal.php file.  Like I said, to comment out the handcuffs.  Once completed I just copy the original php code back into the directory.  This is a PITA so I'm hoping there is a reason for this.  If not, then it's definitely a bug.



(57 replies, posted in Installation)



(23 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks Joe,  I reviewed the posts.  [scratching my head now].  I guess I'm not understanding what the close_period.php app is supposed to accomplish. I will continue to look at this.  I'm thinking it would be pretty easy to write an sql script that closes the books, or at least provides an easy calc page for someone to just post an adjusting journal entry.  I will continue to look at this. 

I appreciate your response.

In English this is asking:

Good morning!
Is there a Polish programmer on this forum who can make a plugin for KSeF for FA?

ksiegowosc.internetowa wrote:

Dzień dobry!
Czy jest na tym forum Polski programista który potrafi zrobić wtyczkę do KSeF dla FA ?


(23 replies, posted in Setup)

OK, I played around with the entire closing_gl module and I could not get it to work.   I reviewed the code, and frankly I'm not seeing HOW this could possibly close out the accounts.  Maybe I'm missing something. But we are talking about a traditional accounting closing exercise here right?  This essentially empties out the Revenue and Expense accounts and dumps the difference in a RE or SE account.  I do not see this calculation occuring anywhere in this code.  Again, maybe I'm missing something -> maybe it's calling it up somewhere else and I just missed it, but I am not now seeing how this code could possibly close out the books for a period (e.g., year).  Luckly it is an easy thing to do manually with a JE, and luckily one only has to do it once a year (in theory) per company.  Thanks


(7 replies, posted in Setup)

Deleting records in an accounting system is always A BAD IDEA.  You void them, so they are available for audit.

b.popoola wrote:

how do i delete customers with voided transactions. Each time i try to delete it says a cannot delete customer because it has transactions, but all the transactions has been voided

Just a note on 'fresh installations' using Educational data.  I installed it, and ran a Trial Balance (for 2017 of course ;-), and first thing I noticed was it was out of balance  -->  (the Opening Balance is not in balance, probably due to a non closed Previous Fiscalyear.) <--  by exactly $36.89.  ALL I did was install, and run the TB.  So there's a bug in this.


(57 replies, posted in Installation)

Well, you can change the default fiscal year, but it won't allow you to just set up a new year in 2022 I think. Seems you have to delete the intervening years first (open and then close).   Also, just a note on 'fresh installations' using Educational data.  I installed it, and ran a Trial Balance (for 2017 of course ;-), and first thing I noticed was it was out of balance (he Opening Balance is not in balance, probably due to a non closed Previous Fiscalyear.) by exactly $36.89.  ALL I did was install, and run the TB.  So there's a bug in this.  I'm going to post in the "bugs" section of the forum as well.  You guys are probably getting sick of seeing MacKenzie on all the posts, but I'm trying to get this all set up properly and identify any obvious failures up front.  Thx.

And how ridiculous is that?  I'm constantly putting screen shots up on with a link. Such as:

*****(Still no place to upload an image - but thx for trying).*****

seahawk wrote:

Thanks for the feedback.

Do not have the option to attach screenshots.

Go to Accounting and General Ledger/Deposit/ - The entry will open. You have the following three header columns from left to right:

Account Code / Account Description  /Amount / Memo(Fist Memo Entry Field) / Add Item

At the bottom, you have Memo (Second Memo Field).

The same happens on the Bank Payments entry screen.

Rafat, hope it helps.


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Perhaps there is a user error.  Perhaps.  But after working with FA for some time, it does not apparently know how to close G/L entries.  This is rather easy to do manually with an adjusting journal entry, but I'm wondering what the trick is to get it to work.  Again, new users would be baffled by this.  Can anyone explain?  I left an example [picture] here --->


(57 replies, posted in Installation)

How can we set up a new company and have it default to 2022 or 2023?  FA defaults to 2017.


(10 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

This is what I'm seeing for setting up a new company.  I basically do not want to start at 2017 or 2018 or 2019, etc.  But it defaults to earlier years.  Where can I tell it I want a 2023 fiscal year??

Please see this screenshot.


(10 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I'm going to try that right now. Thanks.


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Thank you my friend.  True story by the way.

PatJr wrote:
MacKenzie wrote:

"What is that CM account for?"

who says accounts don't have a sense of humor ...


(3 replies, posted in Wish List)

Fine.  Let's [archive] these ancient forum messages.  I suggest you look at this from a 'new user's' perspective.  That person is poking around our form and seeing messages from literally 13 years ago.  Not a good look. 

And speaking of new users, why are we still defaulting new years to 2017???  This program is better than that.  Can we PLEASE get some of this updated?  Thanks.


(10 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Upon setting up a new company, one is defaulted to 2017.  This should be updated to at least 2021.  Can I get an Amen?  Thank you.


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Thank you kindly for the response.

If you HAVE received the goods, you just owe the guy money and you just book the entry using existing accounts.   

dr Purchases Received (inventory or Supplies)
   cr Accounts Payable
-to recognize goods received but not yet paid for.

If you HAVE received the goods but haven't credited your supplier yet (I suppose to examine the receipt first) then you could

dr Purchases Received (inventory or Supplies)
   cr Clearing Account
-to recognize goods received but not yet paid for.

and then...

dr Clearing Account
   cr A/C Payable
to reflect a liability for goods received.

One could certainly do this, but this isn't really "standard" for most business' that I'm aware of and making this a Standard COA account is not recommended.  Simplicity is always better.  I would argue that ERP (like FA) systems especially don't need this, as Purchase Orders Outstanding are tracked.  If they aren't using a PO to place their order, then they aren't using the tools they have properly.  Right? 

Perhaps I'm not understanding your argument fully.  If so, I apologize.

This kind of reminds me of a Story my old accounting professor told us.  He went into a company and the bookkeeper had a "CM" account.  He inquired, "What is that CM account for?  The bookkeeper replied, "Well, we have a cat."   My professor said, "so?".  The bookkeeper said, "Well, we debit that for the cat meat we purchased. Cat Meat, CM."  His lesson to us.  Don't ever set up a Cat Meat account.  Use miscellaneous.


(57 replies, posted in Installation)

OK, went through the install again.  I'm doing this on a local host running POP OS, a linux distro I really like.  After the install I got something that said you must change to say secure = to false, so I figured what the heck, I'm only running this locally so I did it.  I'm not sure this affected the outcome, but I'm very happy to say that the HRM module worked!  I'm able to add employees and update them as well.  I may try this again in a different environment, but at least it's working fine now.  Thank you J. for your input.  I'm a local (read one man shop) CPA here in the States, and I hope to continue to use this product and offer any suggestions that I think might be helpful.  THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

itronics wrote:

. Regarding problems with FrontHrm module, I have updated repo content to the last version available on Nostrinos github page.
Please install module via 'Install/activate Extensions' page, set access to the module on 'Access setup' page, then log out and log in again.
The module works as expected. Please send any bugfixes or feature request related to this module stright to Nostrinos via his github bugtracker. We do not maintain the module (beyond FA repo integration), so all thanks and/or claims please send to the author.



(6 replies, posted in Setup)

I'm not certain what we mean by a "Clearing Account".  I suppose it's some kind of a suspense account.  It's not a common COA account.
I would say if someone needs it, let them add it in.  A lot of accounting software takes the approach that less is more.  If ONE person needs that account, that means that the other NINE people won't use it.  Default accounts should, in my opinion, be accounts every business will use.  A clearning account sounds like it's business specific, or a suspense account like I said.  In any event, I personally would not encourage you to change anything about the FA COA.  I really like them as they are.  My 2 cents.

boxygen wrote:

In this function gl_account_in_company_defaults
please add one more line

OR name='grn_clearing_act'


I am delighted to get your response.  OK, I will try it again.  If it can "add employees" I will be totally surprised, and I will let you know that it worked.  If it doesn't work then - - given that it works for you -- I would have to say it's some kind of configuration setting that is "setting" many of us off.  I've had it throw php errors before but the error messages are not really helpful.   

Insofar as the size of the fonts, I'm happy to hear you're doing a minor face lift.  But it's not the fonts I was referring to.  I agree also that it should not necessarily be designed with the "mobile phone" in mind.  (After all, who would actually do accounting on their phone?  Perhaps looks at a customer inquiry, but that's about it.)   It's more about the way it lives on screen real estate.  Seems it could be spread out more, or made bigger in general.  Not sure.  Perhaps some css improvements?  In any event, I'm not hung up on the looks of it.  I'm more about the functionality. FA is a very impressive application.  Which is one of the reasons I keep coming back to it. 

Thanks again for your response. I will try it 'again' - even though I said I was done with it ;-| and report back what I find.




(3 replies, posted in Wish List)

Please, let's try to keep the discussions somewhat relevant.  Seeing posts up there from 2012, 2016, etc., is, hmm, what's a polite way to say this, it's let's just say it makes us all look like we're not candidates for mensa by any stretch of the imagination.  Any posts older than 24 months needs to be deleted, or at least archived with notice that users can search the HISTORIC posts of the days of yesteryear.


(57 replies, posted in Installation)

Thanks for the reply.


(57 replies, posted in Installation)

The HRM module still does not work properly.  It still can not even "add" an employee.  Without the ability to "add" an employee, the module has no utility whatsoever.  I've seen complaints concerning this for months.  Many many "would be" users have voiced similar criticisms.   Thanks.

notrinos wrote:

I have created a minor repository at
Someone who facing the same problem can temporary switch to
Do the following:

- Open version.php then at line 23 replace with
- Replace FA.pem with the attached herewith or Open FA.pem then replace it's content with the below:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Remember backup the two above files for later use when you want to go back with the original repo.