(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

you have selected the wrong "item type" in the "inventory/items" > "items" screen. Select "service" instead of purchased.

I see the following error in the webservers error log:

FastCGI: server "/var/run/php70-cgi/php-cgi" stderr: PHP message: ::language.inc:15: include_once(): Failed opening '../lang/installed_languages.inc' for inclusion (include_path='.:'), referer: https://***DOMAINNAME***.nl/admin/inst_lang.php?

any idea? many thanks.

I was running FA 2.3.25 before including the Zen Cart import module. For several reasons I had to move to a new hosting provider (one of the best rated in NL). I copied the entire FA folder and database to the new server, but was unable to run FA. I also tried with a clean install of 2.3.25 but also did not work (white screen, login paga did not show). I think this had something to do with the PHP version running on the new server.

I was able to install a clean version of 2.4.RC1. This worked well. Also I was able to migrate my data and (after the database conversion) and things worked well.

But I can't get the Zen Cart Import module working. I installed a new extention from the setup/extention screen and followed installation instructions (setup new security settings etc). Upon opening the module link a blanc screen appears. This has something to do with an error in the original code of the module (zencart.php, line 24 & 25 refers to folder "zen_orders" but this should be "zen_import". See several other posts about this error). I corrected this error and now the Zen Cart Import module opens after clicking the link.

But then I had to enter the database connection information. After submitting this information I receive a blank screen again and cannot get back to this database connection information screen. The database information entered is 100% correct. If I delete the Zen_Cart table from the FA database, then I will be able to open the Zen Cart Import module again within FA, but then after entering the database connection information again, I continue receiving a blank screen on opening the Zen Cart Import module.

Can help someone with this problem? I really need this module for my webshop bookkeeping. Willing to pay if additional developing/coding is needed.


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

get a look in your database. See table 0_users. It shows your users for your default company and its encrypted password. You can copy the encrypted password to your 1_users table (or a different number, depents on where your data for your second company is stored). You can now logon the second company with the same password as your default company


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

For the sales quote report see reporting\rep111.php

see line 204:

        $rep->TextCol(3, 6, _("TOTAL ORDER VAT INCL."), - 2);

You can change this text or use a language file to change the text


(15 replies, posted in Announcements)



(15 replies, posted in Announcements)


2 translation findings regarding this release, if i'm right these items are not gettexted:

- "Entry customer payment for this invoice" (sales\sales_order_entry.php)
- "or request new password" (access\login.php)

hi joe,

OK. Sounds reasonable to leave it as it is to avoid confusions. It was just an idea smile

thnx, yes indeed a bank payment.

yes would also nice to have it after entering a supplier credit note.

Joe, is is possible/idea to include the "enter payment" link also in the screen which appears after entering a credit note?


Maybe this post is interesting for you:

https://frontaccounting.com/punbb/viewt … 102#p18102

OK, i see now. Thnx!

Is is possible to sort the document types in "Void a Transaction" and "View or Print Transactions" in alphabetic order?


(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

I like the separate "master data" tab


(18 replies, posted in Announcements)

thnx Joe, works for me!


Maybe an idea to implement the full billing reversal option for credit sales invoices, the same way like we can select "Delivery Item Selected For Adding To A Supplier Credit Note" when creating a suppliers credit note.

Now all customer credit notes needs to be created manually which can result in making errors or fraud transactions. Implementing the option that we are able to select a delivered order and/or created sales invoice for full billing reversel will reduce manual entries and prevent making errors.


(18 replies, posted in Announcements)

Ok, but i don't see an upload attachment button ?



(18 replies, posted in Announcements)

Hi Joe, how can I attach files to topics? I don't see an upload button/function when creating a post.


(4 replies, posted in Translations)

Ok, i am convinced smile

I have changed the two lines in the translation file and I will submit this file for including in the repo after the next release. If you would like to receive the changed files earlier, please send me your e-mailadres by PM.


(4 replies, posted in Translations)

Hi jlinkels

Ok, maybe we can change the "betreft" translation in. But is "relatie" really a good translation? The "betreft" translation is only displayed when the "diversen" payment is selected. When "klant" or "leverancier" is selected (which are really "relaties") the word "betreft" isn't displayed. I think the "diversen" entry isn't concerned to a known "relatie" as listed in the debtors or creditors list. But it is concerned a general bankpayment. So maybe we can change the text "betreft" to something like "inzake" ?

I think the suggested change of the translation "Banksaldo" isn't correct because the amount displayed is the current bank balance (Banksaldo) isn't it?

Thanks Joe, just took some tests. Works perfect!

Maybe we can include a link on the "Invoice # xxx has been entered screen" after creating an invoice against sales delivery (/sales/customer_invoice.php) to the invoiced customer in customer payment entry screen? Like it also appears after entering a supplier invoice, so after creating the invoice it is possible to directly record the payment.

I use FA for importing weborders (with the Zen Cart module) in FA. So all these orders are allready paid and after importing the orders I follow the steps: Delivery against sales orders > Invoice against sales delivery > Debtor payment. It would be very handy to include a link in de screen that appear after entering the invoice against sales delivery.

Now this screens options are:

- View This Invoice
- Print This Invoice
- Email This Invoice
- View the GL Journal Entries for this Invoice
- Select Another Delivery For Invoicing
- Add an Attachment

So the option "Enter Debtor payment for this invoice" would be very nice (link to /sales/customer_payments.php?AddedDI=XXXX  where XXXX is the sales invoice number).

This could be initiated by adding some code like this after line 66 in the file /sales/customer_payments.php

hyperlink_params("$path_to_root/sales/customer_payments.php", _("Enter debtor payment for this invoice"), "AddedID=$invoice_no");  ????

Maybe good idea to include in the core?


(11 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

I'm sorry, forget to use the extention PNG. Make sure you replace the following file by tyour own file:


Remember your image must have the same heigth and width. If FA still is displaying the regular logo, this logo is maybe still in the cache of your browser. Empty your browser's cache (delete history) and then try again.


(11 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)


1. see /themes/default/renderer.php   starting from line 129. There this text is coded.

2. see /access/logout.php starting from line 29

3. change the file logo_frontaccounting in the folder  /themes/default/images/


(11 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Make sure you didn't remove any of the following characters    =     "     ;


$power_by         = "FrontAccounting";

Will be:

$power_by         = "YOURCOMPANY NAME ";

or for make it empty:

$power_by         = " ";