Topic: Reset second company password


Is there anyone can help me.........

I can grant access to my major company by using "admin" as user. But for the second company, I forget the password to login. I'm pretty sure that the user name is "admin" as well. Is there anyway to get back the password for the second company, or reset the password to default?

Please help..............!! Thank you so much!!


Re: Reset second company password

See my answer in the Announcement forum.


Re: Reset second company password

get a look in your database. See table 0_users. It shows your users for your default company and its encrypted password. You can copy the encrypted password to your 1_users table (or a different number, depents on where your data for your second company is stored). You can now logon the second company with the same password as your default company

Re: Reset second company password

Thanks Erwin, it's work. Thanks so much. Now I can login to the second company and change the password.

Thanks so much.
