Topic: Default Language not Propagating into Reports


I'm using FA version 2.3.21, on a hosted linux/apache based web host. I've successfully set up the application, however I've encountered a problem when attempting to change my language to en_US, from the coded default, in reference to how generated PDF reports appear.

Specifically, I've taken the following steps:

1. Used the Install/Update Languages tool under 'Setup' to install the latest en_US language pack, and then clicked the radio button on that page indicating my desire to use English (US) as my default language.

2. Have gone under "Display Setup" in 'Setup' and changed default language to English (US).

3. Have ensured that language under "User Accounts Setup" for all users shows "English (US)" as default language.

4. Have created a generic customer named "Sales Quotation" with default branch, and have ensured that under the contact section for both the customer and branch, that the reports language is listed as "English (US)".

However, after creating a sales quotation, and then using the "Print this Quotation" feature, the resulting PDF still shows the line "Total Order VAT Incl." as opposed to the U.S. English Equivalent of "Total Order Incl. Tax", or whatever derivative is generally associated with the U.S. English language typeset.

I have made some cursory looks through the rep007.php files, as well as the "", "", "", and "" flies based on previous threads, and have made some hard-coded changes to terms such as "Your VAT #" and "Our VAT#" etc... but I have not been able to find anything related to the line above.

Anyone have any advice?

ajd2598 (North Carolina, USA)

Re: Default Language not Propagating into Reports

For the sales quote report see reporting\rep111.php

see line 204:

        $rep->TextCol(3, 6, _("TOTAL ORDER VAT INCL."), - 2);

You can change this text or use a language file to change the text

Re: Default Language not Propagating into Reports

Outstanding! Thank you for your assistance! Is this line hardcoded into all the relevant reports then? I've never actually run an invoice (rpt007.php), does that include a similar line, or does it draw from the language pack? -ajd2598

4 (edited by apmuthu 06/16/2014 03:01:26 am)

Re: Default Language not Propagating into Reports

_("xxx") is the function for retrieving the gettext strings from a po/mo compiled file.
To hardcode it just make it "xxx" by removing the function syntax.

See that the en_US locale has been installed in the linux server as well for the locale issue.