Hi...in database change the bank account code.............
2 11/18/2023 08:59:44 pm
Re: Print the payment, deposit and transfer transactions directly (2 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Sorry it is in spanish...but it mean:
//Para imprimir deposito.........To print deposit.........and
//Para imprimir Transferencia.............To print payment.
Although this customization is in version 2.4.16 the idea to contribute
3 11/18/2023 08:57:34 pm
Re: Rep704 Total Debit and Total Credit (3 replies, posted in Reporting)
Although this customization is in version 2.4.16 the idea to contribute
4 11/18/2023 08:53:46 pm
Re: Improvements to FA (3 replies, posted in Wish List)
5 11/18/2023 08:52:43 pm
Re: Show bank account in Customer Transactions type:payment (2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
Mr Apmuthu, Thank you for your observations, but it is not to replace any other code. With your vast experience, I appreciate improving this functionality, which is important for any accountant.
6 11/11/2023 05:36:35 pm
Topic: Improvements to FA (3 replies, posted in Wish List)
As a contribution to this forum I am sharing the following improvements to FA:
1-Show total debit and total credito in rep704
2-Print the payment, deposit and transfer transactions directly when register the operation: https://frontaccounting.com/punbb/viewtopic.php?id=10406
3-Show a drop down with bank account when consulting Customer Transactions, type: payment,
4-Show a drop down with bank account when consulting Supplier Transactions, type: payment
7 11/09/2023 08:18:00 pm
Topic: Print the payment, deposit and transfer transactions directly (2 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
As a contribution for this forum included the customization files to print the transaction directly when you register the payment, deposit and transfer operations.
For those who are interested insert the files into this path:
8 11/09/2023 08:08:57 pm
Topic: Rep704 Total Debit and Total Credit (3 replies, posted in Reporting)
As a contribution for this forum included the customisation file to show the total debit and total credit when you check the movement of an account
For those who are interested this is the rep704 with the customization.
9 11/09/2023 06:23:19 pm
Topic: Show bank account in Customer Transactions type:payment (2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
As a contribution for this forum included the customisation files to show the bank account then user consult customer transactions, type: Payment.
For those who are interested, insert the files at this address
10 09/16/2023 10:17:50 am
Re: Direct Purchase Invoice Entry - Change the default payment Delayed (11 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)
Excellent improvement..!!. Will save time registering PO.
And how to do if I need to display besides cash account, all bank accounts??
So user could select from what account pay the PO.
11 12/26/2022 02:29:10 pm
Re: Bank Reconciliation and Reports Header (10 replies, posted in FA Modifications)
Thanks...That's great Joe. It will solve a problem when FA users has more than one company, so reports could be identified to which company belong with the company logo.
I apreciate you consider this improvement. Hope it help another users.
12 12/24/2022 03:43:45 pm
Re: Bank Reconciliation and Reports Header (10 replies, posted in FA Modifications)
13 12/23/2022 09:32:00 pm
Topic: Bank Reconciliation and Reports Header (10 replies, posted in FA Modifications)
As a contribution for user of this forum:
1-For Bank Reconciliation at specific date insert this code in line 286
AND amount != 0 AND trans_date <= '". date2sql($date) ."'
in this file gl/includes/db/gl_db_bank_accounts.inc
2-To show the header of each company, so reports will be asociated to the company info, insert this code:
//Display Header
start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width='90%'");
$company = get_company_prefs();
echo '<td colspan = "6" > <center> <img src="'.company_path().'/images/'.$company['coy_logo'].'" > </center></td> ';
//Display Header
At the beginning of
a)-GL reports:
b)-Sales reports:
c)-Purchase reports:
/includes/ui/ ui_view.inc
It would be great if the FA team include this improvements in next upgrade.
14 09/29/2020 05:33:53 pm
Re: FrontHRM (15 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)
Write to...
He is the creator of the module..
15 11/09/2019 02:34:54 pm
Re: Reconciliation Bank Account (3 replies, posted in Wish List)
What's the solution for that mistake???
16 10/27/2019 11:50:14 am
Topic: Reconciliation Bank Account (3 replies, posted in Wish List)
When you intent to reconcilie a bank account it can't appear transations greater than the selected reconciliation date.
For example: If you are making the reconciliation of September 30, 2019.....it can't appear october operations.....
Somebody can help about this?
17 10/12/2019 12:36:21 pm
Topic: Direct Supplier Invoice Templates (1 replies, posted in Wish List)
@ apmuthu
Does FA has the option to make Direct Supplier Invoice as a template??
So in the future you can make a Direct Supplier Invoice with one click!
18 10/12/2019 09:43:39 am
Re: Attachment for Customers and Suppliers (27 replies, posted in Wish List)
It's working as expected now.
19 10/10/2019 03:30:30 pm
Re: Attachment for Customers and Suppliers (27 replies, posted in Wish List)
Sorry....I refer to supplier.....doesn't save new supplier!!!!
Customer is ok...as Apmuthu say.
20 10/10/2019 01:44:01 pm
Re: Attachment for Customers and Suppliers (27 replies, posted in Wish List)
@itronics and @apmuthu
Thanks for the excellent job to make possible this funcionality.
Trying to add a new customer it's not possible with the files downloaded. Please fix it........
21 10/08/2019 09:18:35 am
Re: Attachment for Customers and Suppliers (27 replies, posted in Wish List)
Theres are some errore when editing attachments. Say this.....
Undefined index: type_no
Undefined index: trans_no
Undefined index: title
Undefined index: filename
Undefined index: date
In this files...................../includes/ui/simple_crud_class.inc .......En la línea 258
and this error .......
Undefined index: date........in this file........../includes/ui/attachment.inc ..........En la línea 118
Undefined index: title.........in this file........./includes/ui/attachment.inc ...........En la línea 119
22 10/07/2019 07:53:35 pm
Re: Attachment for Customers and Suppliers (27 replies, posted in Wish List)
Other isue.............. is that its no possible to add a new customer or suplier when you upload the files of this option.
23 10/06/2019 07:09:01 pm
Re: Attachment for Customers and Suppliers (27 replies, posted in Wish List)
Thanks Apmuthu. When testing it give this error.......
Unhandled exception [0]: Call to undefined function GetRow()
In this file.....................includes/ui/attachment.inc En la línea 303...
What is the solution??
24 10/02/2019 02:25:22 am
Re: Attachment for Customers and Suppliers (27 replies, posted in Wish List)
@Joe ....Please,.... can you inform if this option has been added to the next core update..???
25 07/30/2019 03:30:56 pm
Re: Attachment for Customers and Suppliers (27 replies, posted in Wish List)
Thanks rafat. It will be a very useful option....