Topic: Rep704 Total Debit and Total Credit


As a contribution for this forum included the customisation file to show the total debit and total credit when you check the movement of an account

For those who are interested this is the rep704 with the customization.

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Re: Rep704 Total Debit and Total Credit

Looks like you maybe using a dated version of your report file for your customisation where you adjust and add some column widths and insert in those values in the new columns.

Re: Rep704 Total Debit and Total Credit


Although this customization is in version 2.4.16 the idea to contribute

Re: Rep704 Total Debit and Total Credit

Why don't you fork the FA in GitHub and make a folder with changed files after a commit to import the original into the changes folder. That way it will be able to track changes whenever a changed file is updated in the core. Have a look at my fork.