Looks like you are using an older version of sales/includes/db/cust_trans_db.inc. You have added a function at nearly the end of the said file as:
function get_sql_for_customer_inquiry_with_bank($from, $to, $cust_id = ALL_TEXT, $filter = ALL_TEXT, $show_voided = 0, $bank="")
$date_after = date2sql($from);
$date_to = date2sql($to);
$sql = "SELECT
IF(prep_amount, prep_amount, trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_freight
+ trans.ov_freight_tax + trans.ov_discount) AS TotalAmount,"
// if ($filter != ALL_TEXT)
// $sql .= "@bal := @bal+IF(prep_amount, prep_amount, trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_freight + trans.ov_freight_tax + trans.ov_discount), ";
// else
// $sql .= "IF(trans.type=".ST_CUSTDELIVERY.",'', IF(trans.type=".ST_SALESINVOICE." OR trans.type=".ST_BANKPAYMENT.",@bal := @bal+
// (trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_freight + trans.ov_freight_tax + trans.ov_discount), @bal := @bal-
// (trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_freight + trans.ov_freight_tax + trans.ov_discount))) , ";
. "IF(trans.type IN(".implode(',', array(ST_CUSTCREDIT,ST_CUSTPAYMENT,ST_BANKDEPOSIT))."), -1, 1)
*(IF(prep_amount, prep_amount, trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_freight
+ trans.ov_freight_tax + trans.ov_discount)-trans.alloc) Balance,
$sql .= "trans.alloc AS Allocated,
((trans.type = ".ST_SALESINVOICE." || trans.type = ".ST_JOURNAL.")
AND trans.due_date < '" . date2sql(Today()) . "') AS OverDue ,
Sum(line.quantity-line.qty_done) AS Outstanding,
Sum(line.qty_done) AS HasChild,
// it's a payment so also get the bank account
$sql .= ", bank_act,".TB_PREF."bank_accounts.account_type AS BankTransType,
".TB_PREF."bank_trans.amount as bank_amount";
$sql .= " FROM "
.TB_PREF."debtor_trans as trans
LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_details as line
ON trans.trans_no=line.debtor_trans_no AND trans.type=line.debtor_trans_type
LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."voided as v
ON trans.trans_no=v.id AND trans.type=v.type
LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."audit_trail as audit ON (trans.type=audit.type AND trans.trans_no=audit.trans_no)
LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."users as user ON (audit.user=user.id)
LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."cust_branch as branch ON trans.branch_code=branch.branch_code,"
.TB_PREF."debtors_master as debtor";
$sql .= ", ".TB_PREF."bank_trans, ".TB_PREF."bank_accounts";
$sql .= " WHERE debtor.debtor_no = trans.debtor_no"; // exclude voided transactions and self-balancing (journal) transactions:
if (!$show_voided)
$sql .= " AND ISNULL(v.date_) AND (trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_freight + trans.ov_freight_tax + trans.ov_discount) != 0";
if ($filter == '2')
$sql .= " AND ABS(IF(prep_amount, prep_amount, ABS(trans.ov_amount) + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_freight + trans.ov_freight_tax + trans.ov_discount)-trans.alloc)>"
else {
$sql .= " AND trans.tran_date >= '$date_after'
AND trans.tran_date <= '$date_to'";
if ($cust_id != ALL_TEXT)
$sql .= " AND trans.debtor_no = ".db_escape($cust_id);
if ($filter != ALL_TEXT)
if ($filter == '1')
$sql .= " AND (trans.type = ".ST_SALESINVOICE.") ";
elseif ($filter == '2')
$sql .= " AND (trans.type <> ".ST_CUSTDELIVERY.") ";
elseif ($filter == '3')
$sql .= " AND (trans.type = " . ST_CUSTPAYMENT
." OR trans.type = ".ST_BANKDEPOSIT." OR trans.type = ".ST_BANKPAYMENT.") ";
elseif ($filter == '4')
$sql .= " AND trans.type = ".ST_CUSTCREDIT." ";
elseif ($filter == '5')
$sql .= " AND trans.type = ".ST_CUSTDELIVERY." ";
if ($filter == '2')
$today = date2sql(Today());
$sql .= " AND trans.due_date < '$today'
AND (ABS(trans.ov_amount) + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_freight_tax +
trans.ov_freight + trans.ov_discount - trans.alloc > 0) ";
// it's a payment so also get the bank account
$sql .= " AND ".TB_PREF."bank_trans.trans_no = trans.trans_no
AND ".TB_PREF."bank_trans.type = trans.type
AND ".TB_PREF."bank_trans.amount != 0
AND ".TB_PREF."bank_accounts.id=".TB_PREF."bank_trans.bank_act";
$sql .= " AND ".TB_PREF."bank_accounts.id=".db_escape($bank);
$sql .= " GROUP BY trans.trans_no, trans.type, trans.debtor_no";
return $sql;
What did you mean by "insert the files at this address" ? Should some function calls in the said files be replaced with the above function?