(14 replies, posted in Translations)

I just want to upload the revised zh_cn.po + zh_cn.mo and zh_tw.po,+zh_tw.mo.
How can I find the exact link to upload the files?

Windows 7 user with xampp running can check with phpinfo.php to see what locale is still available for you.
In my case, I can use zh_TW, zh, en-US
without changing the setting by
Win7 start>control panel >clock language and region>
change display language.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes. The default encoding of the field is not utf-8.
Pls change it yourself.

Or could joe make a script to change the db table structure easily?


(10 replies, posted in Setup)

It seems that FA lack of support of  muti-company setup.
You can simply create branches one by one like separate unrelated companies.

FA favors dimension instead.


(13 replies, posted in Setup)

FA should have options to allow users or admin to
delete or erase all entered demo transactions data beforehand so that
it will not mess with the beginning date of the first fiscal year.


(18 replies, posted in Setup)

Current situation is that we cannot but change the selected fiscal year in order to have the transaction entered in open-but-not-select period.

If it is one-user mode, it is all right.
But with multiple-users, it is annoying and frustrated.
It is just like you have to reboot every time you change setting in your linux system in order to have its installation complete.
You know what I mean. You must wait!!!!

For ubuntu,
To change to root installation
sudo -

chmod 777 -R /var/www/frontaccounting

When setup complete,
chmod 775 -R /var/www/frontaccounting
with modifcation of some special directory and file.

I have similar experience that IE may have errors not suitable for frontaccounting.

Firefox seems to be OK as I test in Windows System.
I may try this in Ubuntu later for my testing in vmware guest.

Windows system Frontaccounting may behave differently to Linux system like locale problem and utf8 issues.

The logic behind seems to be:-

1)Firstly, copying all those transactions to be edited to a temporay database tables for editing purpose.

2)Allowing the user to change just like the one when we enter transactions before (using the above temporary database table) but not yet completed by hitting the final processing button.

3)Reversiing all those transactions involved by deletiion  (Just like Voding but without using zero by deleting all those zero amount voided transactions)

4)Processing the above temporary database tables edition entries just like new addition of record.

This is my suggestion for editing records routine.

It seems to be an encoding problem in the utf8 language conversion.

Is your system environment not in windows but in linux?

Voiding transactions are secure and easy to maintain.
However, its reference number should be retained for the user.

Either, the report should have nothing in relation to voided transactions just for security.

Or would it be simpler to have a choice not to display the voided transactions altogether in any report - just for beauty, simplicity and clarity.

Try to edit the config_db.php file in the root directory of frontaccounting

Change the company order in the array (at the bottom of the file) as you wish.

And change the default company etc.


(22 replies, posted in Setup)

If you have data in any fiscal year before, you cannot delete any fiscal years after
in spiite of having no data in that fiscal year.

So, in order you can delete any fiscal year, you must have no data before it and
no fiscal year before it.


(22 replies, posted in Setup)

Demo Data means having data.

You must have a fresh start without any data already included.
Only the fresh Chart of Account.
Install the Company without any data or using the backup restore to
restore any backup without any data on it.

You could edit the backup file to make it without data (This is indeed the trick!!!).


(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

There's no updated user guide but wiki

You can view some model answers in the forum either.

Dear FA Development Team,

Could we have an option not to include voided transactions in the GL Report
rep704.php? (both in excel and pdf format)

As it is annoying to see many zero transactions in the report only to find out that it was caused by voiding trasaction.

Voiding transactions are common in FA accounting because of lacking in editing features in Bank payment, Bank receipts, Bank transfer, Suppliers and Debtors processing. Accordingly, many reports may consist of many voiding transactions. Having too many voiding zero amount transacions in reporting are ugly and misleading.

To have an option not to display zero voiding transactions are indispenable for reporting.

Thanks in advance for your help!!!


(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

It is really a timeout issue for Ajax-Javascript.

Just copy the required font file to the font directory when the error message disclose what you are missing. That's all!

There are some useful font files already available to download in the frontaccounting website.


(19 replies, posted in Reporting)

You must use uft8 encoding for other language other than US-iso.
The language support locale must also exist at your hosting website and
proper font must be installed into the font directory other than dejavu.php


(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

This is because your hosting website does not allow temporary file to be opened just like mine at awardspace.biz.

Try to enable javascript and this will not use prn_redirect.php or
change your hosting website to someone who allow temporary file to be opened.


(26 replies, posted in Setup)

Test your smtp server Mail funcion firstly.

upload this test_email.php to your server site and open it

$to = "someone@example.com";   //change to your own email address to test whether you can receive mail from your php.ini setting
$subject = "Test mail";
$message = "Hello! This is a simple email message.";
$from = "someonelse@example.com";
$headers = "From: $from";
echo "Mail Sent.";

and then see whether you can receive email or not.

This is really a test for proper email function in your php hosting setting.


(26 replies, posted in Setup)

If you are using windows XAMPP, the php Mail function might not allow you to send mail by SMTP.
It depends on what your ISP setting on SMTP is.

If it use SMTP Authentication, php Mail might not work.


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Smtp authentication is very common for isp smtp setting for windows systems.

In fact smtp.gmail.com also use this setting with SSL.

Perhaps, it is more secure than pure smtp setting.

If PEAR library is not used,
then phpmailer is another good alternative to use.

It supports both ssl and smtp authentication and also port change features.

Pls consider it instead!


(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

When I print out the GL Listing Report rep704.php and choose the destination to excel, I found the following bug.

While the pdf report is correctly displayed,
the excel report nevertheless shows "&" as "&amp;" which means that the unescape function is not properly processed.

You can test it in the demo accounts and see the 1825 account code has its name
"Accum. Amort -Furn. & Equip." and see the excel report generated giving
"1825 Accum. Amort. -Furn. &amp; Equip."

Pls check and debug!
Thanks in advance!


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Many reports and statements could be sent out just by email.
However, FA only uses PHP internal mail function.
This mail function, though simple, has deficiencies.

For example:-
1)Shortage of  authenticated SMTP options which are common nowadays.
2)Cannot change Port number when needed.

It seems that Windows system users are more likely to get these restrictions.

Would FA-Development Team help this?