Topic: How I installed "Frontaccount" on ubuntu 9.10

How I installed "Frontaccount" on ubuntu 9.10

1. Installed LAMP server
2. Downloaded "frontaccount"
3. Extracted to my home directory.
4. Set pemissions global read/write on "frontaccount" directory
5. Opened Terminal  "sudo nautilus"
6. Navigate to location of "frontaccount" right click "frontaccount" folder/directory choose create link
7. Copy link to webroot (/var/www/) renamed link "frontaccount"
8. Enter url "localslhost/frontaccount" completed install

NOTE: On the install screen there is a refferrence to config_db.php etjhier does not exist although this is RED ignore it the instalation script will create it as long as it has read write pemisions on the directory. hence the global read write required for instalation.

I know I will need to change permissions on some things later to properly secure the aplication.

Why I did it this way.

Ubuntu does not allow root login so permissions on the webroot were restrictive during setup I was gettin a lot of pemission denied errors.

Re: How I installed "Frontaccount" on ubuntu 9.10

Ubuntu seems to me a little weird not allowing root logins, but surely they have some idea beside this. Thank you for clear instructions how to make it right.


Re: How I installed "Frontaccount" on ubuntu 9.10

For ubuntu,
To change to root installation
sudo -

chmod 777 -R /var/www/frontaccounting

When setup complete,
chmod 775 -R /var/www/frontaccounting
with modifcation of some special directory and file.