We do not use Items/Inventory, nor Purchase Orders and GRNs. Sometimes this is because to do so would be an administrative burden, often because our suppliers are not providing us with something we are likely to re-order.
We just want to be able to enter supplier invoices and allocate them to the GL directly. We do need to track VAT correctly on these purchases, though. I need to be able to override the tax values assigned by the system to what I am entering. This seems to always has a zero value. Even if the system calculated the VAT, it would not always do it correctly nor as I want it to. There are for example often rounding differences.
I do need to be able to get at net amounts and VAT amounts for the returns I submit, so as I understand it, entering the VAT amount into the GL directly as an extra line may not work for me.
Is the above possible, please?
Many thanks.