Topic: Setting up my own GL Chart of Accounts

How would I go about setting up a completely new chart of accounts from scratch for a new company?  Presently, I am using 2.3RC3.  Ideally, I'd really like to import using a comma/tab separated export from an existing accounts package - is that possible, please?

Re: Setting up my own GL Chart of Accounts

Yes, it is technically possible. But you will have to separate the groups and classes in a suitable way. If this COA is of big interest to the community, I can help with creating a new COA for you. I only need to CSV file from you to do so.
Otherwise we do not have resources for this kind of help.


3 (edited by rtX 11/21/2010 06:30:22 pm)

Re: Setting up my own GL Chart of Accounts

Thanks for your offer, Joe.  I do not think the COAs I use would be of particular interest to anyone else.  The way I work is we set up a new company for each of our projects.  The budgets for the projects are done by different people who use their own budget coding system, and I would like to be able to convert their coding system to form detailed cost codings in the GL.  I can usually get to a tab delimited file from what they give me.

I cannot see any way of importing such items from within FA.  Am I missing something?

Perhaps there is a way of importing it into the MySQL database outside FA?  Is that relatively straightforward for a competent person (but inexperienced with the MySQL system) or would I end up screwing up the system?

Many thanks.

Re: Setting up my own GL Chart of Accounts

I looked at the MySQl database and found table 3_chart_master which looks like the table of the GL codes.

The table fields seem to be:
15 character account_code
15 character account_code2
60 character account_name
10 character account_type
1 character inactive

Could I get a comma separated file from Excel into the five columns.  If so, what would I use for account_type and inactive fields?

If I then put the csv file (called 'mychart.csv') into, say the root directory of c:\ could I use the following syntax from within phpmyadmin to import the data:

load data local infile 'c:\\mychart.csv' into table 3_chart_master
fields terminated by ','
enclosed by '"'
lines terminated by '\r\n'
(account_code, account_code2, account_name, account_type, inactive)

Would this work without damaging FA?

Many thanks.

Re: Setting up my own GL Chart of Accounts

I cannot tell if this will do exactly, but what I can tell is:
Before you start your operations, make a Backup of your company. If something goes wrong during your operations, you can always restore your company. This way you can experience the various scenarious.
