Topic: Direct Purchase Invoice 2.3RC3 / GL items & Quick Entry

Is it correct that the mechanism of Direct Purchase Invoice creation does not allow the addition of individual GL item lines either direct or as Quick Entries? This possibility does exist for the Suplier invoices option (requiring PO/GRN).

Will this functionality be added for the official 2.3 Release?

Thank you...

Re: Direct Purchase Invoice 2.3RC3 / GL items & Quick Entry

This is intentional design decision. To enter right GL items you have to have some accounting knowledge. Average guy responsible for purchase invoice entry knows nothing about it. Therefore having GL interface here is more asking for troubles than advantage. Nevertheless old purchase invoice interface still have GL items, so this one can be used in special cases.

All what can be achieved with GL items you can also achieve by setting special items for freight costs etc to be entered as additional invoice line.


Re: Direct Purchase Invoice 2.3RC3 / GL items & Quick Entry

Thanks for providing this info.
I shall indeed create Service Items for the extra charges, makes sense this way...

Re: Direct Purchase Invoice 2.3RC3 / GL items & Quick Entry

Would it be possible please to have a switch to turn on or turn off this functionality rather than assuming that everyone cannot understand entry into GL?

Many thanks.

Re: Direct Purchase Invoice 2.3RC3 / GL items & Quick Entry

Is there a quick way to enter little expenses like buying gasoline for the vehicles or something. From what I've seen so far, the only solution is to create a Supplier Invoice, put the correct GL account in, save it, then go to a second screen and enter the payments.

In my old accounting package (and note, I traded it for FrontAccounting so I am NOT praising it), I had a screen where I could take my receipts for the day and quickly enter the purchases/payments without worrying about an inventory item for, say, gasoline or lunch or anything.



Re: Direct Purchase Invoice 2.3RC3 / GL items & Quick Entry

You can use journal entry  for it, but anyway direct purchase invoice is the best for this kind of expenses. If you create some generic service type item with editable description in Items catalogue, you can use it for ad hoc costs registration which does not require quantity stock control. This way you will have tax/net values properly calculated and posted, also payment will be processed during single step invoice entry.