I looked at the MySQl database and found table 3_chart_master which looks like the table of the GL codes.
The table fields seem to be:
15 character account_code
15 character account_code2
60 character account_name
10 character account_type
1 character inactive
Could I get a comma separated file from Excel into the five columns. If so, what would I use for account_type and inactive fields?
If I then put the csv file (called 'mychart.csv') into, say the root directory of c:\ could I use the following syntax from within phpmyadmin to import the data:
load data local infile 'c:\\mychart.csv' into table 3_chart_master
fields terminated by ','
enclosed by '"'
lines terminated by '\r\n'
(account_code, account_code2, account_name, account_type, inactive)
Would this work without damaging FA?
Many thanks.