to make it clear, this is for the self-hosted version so my data is 100% still mine and my business's.

Ive hunted and hunted.....and it appears no-one has been able to mke a definite reply here, or in any google searches, if FrontAccounting has been integrated with vTiger.

Id pay for the software! ah well, back to the drawing board I guess.


(38 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Any update to this?
Id happily pay a one off fee (and maybe a small yearly support fee) to stop using MYOB

Thanks for the replies, lol.
nvm Ive sorted it thanks to the forsight of using a virtual machine and making snapshots of it.

For everyone else who might have done this, you need to install the Chart of Accounts (COA) DURING THE INITIAL WEBPAGE SETUP, you cant do it Ive found out alone.

Not sure I understand the question, but you can configure the network so that the only PC online is one "local server" and the other 2 can only see the internal network and not see the internet.

Im new to FrontAccounting so I cant help with that yet....but networking is no worries.

joe wrote:

As long as you haven't restored any company with this COA, nothing happens. But you can select it, when creating a new company.


is this still the same?
Ive created a company, but obviously didn't have a choice of COA until id, you know, created the company. How does one activate a newly installed COA?
Ive just done mine for Australia too.